jfeurewettmgalmeonyourijithe presence of warm weather andxg for more information b8uo668ls07 this message brought to you as a community ser- jrice of the economist suntribune rfpntdp of aatthetsun is shmingarid every year there is news of someone watctisrelatavely calms belngsrruckbylighlxiing inmanycases ryouiddntaskfor abetter dayrhatit can result in death v is imtu4bmemuibuslooking clouds v thecanadasafetyccouhcusays r loonvonthe hgnzonandsomerum- lightning fatalities are the product of not blffigs begin erimaungfirom the sty correct precautionary mea- j i thpkmgfrommeheartrirstoughtp sures j t jv jfi tt vacate anureawhehypurehaving a lot talce shelter assoon as you see dark v mlre nayakawcl r offun j stormdoudsgathe tt vfisss ssrn the ground h stay sheltered storm is over h r o l among the donts r fz dont seek shelter under a tree or in a shed or other small or open buildings dont lie down on the ground it dont try to finish whatever activity you are doing delay it until thvstomv haspassed v 1 dont use the phone or electrical appliances unless absolutely necessary time common sense thoughrsuggestsjfs hearmunder in the distance thecounr x t- ughtning can travel through wires le to head to safe ground ciladvises ii1 r if you re outside istop whatever t hnnvtakp a shnwpr nr ath tf lsht foure doingmd head for a house any v ss t3 c ome uiscpver our u nique c assisted livinff services fi 6- tv j i s fgaumrsjgad xorpaulmitckeueneramanqferatr 1 4argebuildmgotyocarthenshutaii ningstes tiie plumbing system it can and doorsanh stay inside be conducted mto the tub or shower uriul youre absolutelysure thestorm walj iix k a v police to host boating session to estimate how far you are from the lightning the council says count the the york regional police wjl host af seconds betweenthe flash arid the boating information session saturday thunderclap v 3 at me north yacht club in crates if you count fewer than five seconds marina 290 the queensway south in take shelter s thetownofgeorginafromloam to2 when a thunderstorm makes its p 1 1 presence felt the council says there are m attendance will be representatives several dos and donts to follow from mad dcanada the canadian among the dos are coast guard the insurance bureau of h i avoid higli places mietal and water canada labatt water wise the lfyou are nding a bicycle motdrcy- canadian power squadron and local lawy cle or atviget off the rubber tires will enforcerhent agenaes to answer boat- not protect you c ing questions if you are caught on the water the public is invited to attend and crouch low in your vessel learnabout boating equipment reqiiire- ifyouareinaflat open field bend merits and boating safety laws downandputiyour hands on your madd canada is lputting on a knees mamtamjninimumcontact with ithanty barbecue for all in attendance lets make cancer history w lll rorinformationabout cancer j 1 8889393333 s g sssir services or to make a donation wwwcancerca f 1 a fi la 1 av- v v stouffville united church f3vaiureh stn i 6401 163 i ks worship minister rev robert nightingale i jsr education minister nancy montetth sumlay july15th 2001 1030 am rf r worship i service wejfrsrt r f j leveryonewelcomec k 1 1 11jv ilf 1 v v l sundayjulyj15th 2001 1000 am ybs grand finale i1kji f vis fr 600 pminb evening service parkviewvillage 12184 ninth line south sfouflvilie sunday july 15th 2001 blake tufford vivian baptist 700 pm auditorium anrw5afwsaaar i- i sfe s mennonite rtc church j 5m1 hrffnoruffjf majormskenai f3rihw48j0 vm r- bloomington gospel church a i south of 47 highway formerly hoomington rd c sundayjuly15th 2001 god isjehovah genesis24 f j everyone welcome ivian baptist church- pastor robert okunv jr ijon hwy48at holding forth the doctrines ofgrace z 945 amrijsundayjschool yj v ll00 r i bwwsa sfe if ii stourtlllcbaptistlchurch i- f celditatfiig 128 ywsf felthfil wrice to t jl aroul v i ss trjulyjl5th00l it m saaa v spring vale iji k- baptist church r vvfi stouffwilerdjat kennedy rd ftv t 88715651 9 isenlor pastor f bobflcmmlng jw t 3f associate pastor vv bill thornton t associate pastor v yi fsstudent ministries i- v brian gimcoe feworship if mi3c coordinator tichildrehs ministrfes ir c a welcome to presbyterian ichurch ob- kislv- a sunday july 15th 2001 1 worship church school j nursery also provided faith is nota thing one losesrwe merely cease toshapeourlives by it vv georges bernanosy if is r 7 sharing gdds love since i860 ji everyone welcotne 6432 main st 6403151 1 vxr t stjamesstouffvilesympaticocat