i j rserwjs entrance is now and wobut after town councillors rmfab6ur75 rf w centennial users this weerwhowere steadfasdy opposotto was ftimed down for safetyjeasons vgosotopdsal thewattervaspiit off i wotfeftpresent towncranmis- i until august28 jj v sionerresponsible for recreations smd- mn atowfi where free parking is seen staff and gos traffic consultant say the v- asa necessity daily lifers the residents new entrance will be safe but couldnt vlmowiccbuldffi reconciled around account far the difference t v l- eaermiawitotheltowns efforts to 1 plans ttradd another station on barnioreeffectivetensit system- iiirt i ti nll l t i n jareriaa fitness club a pool anda com- mancnam is irequenuy run saia ivicineii munityparkscr drivers caitreach a who ed me system has few chances- f to mcrease parking at existing stations s oplatformanci passenger dropioff t buv cindy corner f residentof the off nxm provincial support go varkhantsynckroclub s draws more than 90 percentpf rts bud- i00 swimming children andlheir farm- i8et from fares and is the most costeffi cient transit semcem north amenca jrbuuocksboimalanestaunng peat- ahat makes the centennial station a j if great for go parking there rvfmtgfeattime to catch tip kids who are focused and ready for school in septi ml 1 1 i learh and understand new material more quickly help your child maintain good grades all year witl t t j summer program just a few hours a week will 1 p i- i sharp in reading writing math study skills and thu r in give them a head start in september call todau ox ford beyond tutortty uni0nville kennedy 90x513886 wwwoxfordlearning com reading writing french spelling math study skills little readers v