2 svs ji0- fvj e companies win mane u v- byioanransberry fpush is on tto pjirchasedaquafit n the75nullionlibrarypooimt- v jstaff writer j stiuttheomniittevhas keen uhitestepsmalsandvratertoys nesscerltre complex is slafecf to p4fiewliifch openonaug14 l vr t needed items foy the sixlane mayor wayne emmerson have while- the pool committee jj coipiumtyk depgkea to indfior pool tobeenmailedtomembersofthecor- hopedto raise 200000 for aquatic neip wmi a snoruau jinkeqjo me ji a wheel chairs pdrate business community equipment the library fundraising rnew indoor pool nindraising cam- to jj y people with special emmerson is optimistic about committee has raised more than paign z needs as well the committee pur- the letterwritirig campaign i i 400000bf its 500000 goal j with the clock ticking towards c a defibrillator the livesav- expect the lettercampaighwillbe ifs a loteasier to raise money e midaugust opening of the new an device is ajaluable item if successful said emmerson the for a ubrarythan for things that pool me campaign has only gener someone is having a hart attack corporate community is always float said ward 6 councillor sue ated 45000 towardsits 200000 other first aid items were also responsive to the needs of this com sherban ajmemberofmefundrais- goalwim a 155000 shortfall the j purchased the money raised has v ihg committee notice of public information centre no 2 1 yorkdurham trunk sewersystem master plan update in 1997 the regional municipality of york completed the master plan study for the york durham trunk sewer system ydss the map below identifiesthemunicipatities in york region through which the ydss extendsor is plannedthemaster plan study identified and reviewed sewage servicing alternativesnecessary tcr rheet sanitary sewage servicing needs and future growth as identified in theregional official plan rop several priority and strategic projects to be irhplemehteddunng the planning period were described in the 1997 ydss master plan pjionty projects were those which were required to address pending problemsjn the 1 existing system and which werejdentified for implementation within 5 yearsfof the 1997 master plan strategic projects were those which were required within 16 years toservice predicted development and toprovide key components of the ultimate ydss servicing scheme approximately five years have passed since the master plan was initiated wastewater demands on theydss have continued to grow in proportion to the number of residents and employees serviced by the system york region continues to experience one of the highest growth rates in the greater toronto area local sewer systems in newmarket irichmondhjll aurora markhamand vaughan rely on the ydss to convey and treat sanitary wastewaterextensigns to the communities of king qty portion to remain on septic systems stouffville holland landing and queensvilleare wrell in the planning stages considering the recent assumption of specific trunk sewersby the region a jiew 203 planning forecast and implementation status of 1997 master planprojects the ydssmaster plan has been updated to ensure timely decisionmaking on this importantmnfrastructurerproposedjydss priority arid strategic projects including futu7e extensions to satellite communities are identified below its a lot easier to raise money for a library than for things that float sue sherban indoor pool com- ward 6 councillor sue sherban mittee has raised 45000 of a member of the fundraising committee 200000 fundraising goal tqsctthe best head to head metal to metal j v ff test drive the ford focus and three of its cornpetitors experience why the ford focus was ttheautomobile journalists association of canada 2000 car of the year i