3 rllpi ifll iir mp annual furiuraising kfo volunteers p vbyamy j staff writer- t v v lolo may bethe sport of kings buteven royalty needs a helping harid for the past 22 years an army of volunteers has given hundreds of hours to ensure the succefsfofpolo for heart- and according to rick gallop president and ceoof the heart and stroke foundation of ontario volunteers are the dri ving force behind the annual event held thegormley polo centre i f polo for heart is theoniy event put on by heart and stroke that is completely thirdparty dnvenv gallop inother tkel event appealed to me every year we pick up a few new s becauscfitii acause near and- faces idear to my- heart but also one of the nevvfaces oivthe because of the type of people polo for heart executive this year who are involved lawson said lsbethegan tneaurora resident they are veiydown to earth is in charge of securing sponsors and not afraidto roll up their myhusbandandlhavebeen sleeves and get dirty supporters for the past 10 years paulchaply agreed- vgan said wefreally believe in the aurora resident has pro- the cause t egan attributes the events success to the fact it is a family affair aside from the actual polo matches thereis a petting zoo for children skydiving and kite demonstrations performing dogs and a boutique section fea turing everydiing from tack to jewelry all activities have been donat ed or sponsors have covered costs its a great way for people duced the polo for heart maga zine for the past six years his wife karen is cochairpeison of the event these volunteers are all wonderful people who give pl01heart june 15 16 17 2001 enormous amounts of their time tomeevencchaplysaic land wouldnt nomiau attend they doat because theyhave a equestrian event to get out of w run by ggeforrt a strong e pack a vohinteerswithout the usual f me cause v s to the country for a day of fun staff component its a very black th money for y y anahitpicoifpnnvnliintpprs- heart disease and stroke 5 research has been another sue cess story tb date more than 3 and white issued no volunteers no polo for heart t some volunteers work year round on the planning t million has been raised by polo while others jusvcbme for the forjfeart events event itselfand they arent just m money goes to the polo for horsepeople- c heart chair which was estab- it is also a chance for people to see a live polo match which isnt exactly a common outing for most families teams frorn around the world will be competing against the hometown toronto polo club in when gjemembeb ohyear jg jl ofnoranda fcfiafge ogartiage where else avoiunteers to be able to run have to factor in teams corning wouldyousevso oyeiseaswithfour pomes per epeoplwhvoluhteef weu having an execu playeri don t know how they do 0e firamall w4lks- life batthteyrye committee and people solic- t but weareso gratefiil to the ahloiarifttsbminm volunteers for pulling thisrofel r ti t lift wimtolaforj formefieldaswell as corporate says scottfisher f admission n andmcludes tentsanb btfaahmov- admission is freefqr