i i -jj- ir mimy v2v -tj- c- s a saftiirisjs may 26 2001 economist sun stouffvilletribune i if u parents working togetherkeep young children happy york region families find by roy green- staff writer hougtr shefelt she s and hef husband cpaul weie good par tents their four ji children barbara- jahelabbrites kids some times got on hef nerves and tilings would get- out of cbh- troi t 4 i would find myself yelling atthem losing it says labontenowythat doesnthapperianymdremy husbandpaul and i now work as ateam the children seeiwereaunified force and j tfieyjre happier witti that situ ation a v i j the aurora woman cred- its the turnaround toaparv renting j course growing families international the groupie to6ktwo years ago in 1 fect they took it twice iftheheariisnot v yvorking the body fades awayin many homes children hdve -becomethecentre- os staff photomike barrett manage their children nathan the criildren see were a unified force front is critical to successful parenting husband was lenient was very strict the kids 1 on that they know j first says labohte parents among a dozen couples heart is not working die both families believe a united see let page 23 everyday parenting parenting for dummies by sandra hardin gookin lists 10 important things for parents to do every day give lots of hugs and kisses affectionate people live longer tell your family members you love them its important they hear those everimportant words tell your family theyre special send notes to your children in their lunches you make people feel special by special things you do feed your family nutritious food not only are you setting a good example by grabbing a banana for dessert instead of a piece of fudge youre also teaching your children about making good food decisions read to your kids it not only gives you a quiet time alone with them but it also starts them on a good habit and a love for books talk to your kids every day you should know what your kids are doing where theyve been and who theyve been with it also starts a habit of open communica tion between you and your family have a special time with your kidseach child should be made to feel special and important by spending time alone with each child he or she will not feel lost in a large group and will feel more a like a member of a family practise good manners at every opportunity if you make a habit of sayingplease and thank you your kids will pick up on good manners be patient even when you dont want to be your patience may not be tested every day so its good to store it up for those days when you really need it be approachable at all times if you act as a true fnend to your children you will naturally be approachable you want your chil dren to be able to talk to you about anything ask you questions about things that are bothenng them and never feel like youre too busy for them euueimhlsipjmibue pit success starts here oxford students develop skills for success in school and life gru through high school small cla little readers children who learn how to read early are more confident learners ses caring teachers enriched programs 36 years old learning centres 4261 hwy 7 east near kennedy reading writing spelling math study skills french homework support rt w3 1 3 l l 3 1 l 1