jt 1 t 1 x v r i lctf upcoming events 4 tmsh 2001fb legacy learn-to- 1unlimc february 19svk april 9 2001 af l v 600730 pmf x hospital ir v h- auditorium department of vt jfamily practice vcommunity4 events apnmo 1 vand october 9 si v directors q r inlotnvatiorf- whats new unfant hearing screening and development programa v december 2000rthe fiinistrybfheaithahd longterm careannounced new funding of 67 million fov1iriew infant-hearing- screening and communication development program vtheyork region preschoolspeech iiiiiuiination i nigmf marcifstv s 2001t8t730 pm r ho v auditoriums the screening process will betwostaged stage lwiluscreerialphealtky babies those who spend lessthan 48 the neonateliintensivejare f unit nicuj and babies who areatnslthose whospndvers hoursin l nicu high risk babies will be monitored every 6 monthsruntipthey reach 3 years of age as jheysareiat riskforja progressive hearing lossvstage2 a community screen for all infantswho failed stage 1 ror missed stage 1 screening c an audiology assessment will follow a failure on the stage screen theaudiology will use prescribed equipment jand follow a specific procedure protocoland as yequired anearndse and throat ent assessmehtfollowj up support services will include counselhngassistive tprhnnlnrfp rf fvpannrf aih hariri nrnmiiniraiinn v w ft s3 gorhmuhih fundraising events gjmanycommunity jjrpupshaveheld fundraisers over the past year these fundrisershovthaoromunity members have a strong belief in the rvicand progrsjqfferedby the hospital this is most encouraging for cthmamsvoluntemsairisstaff at markham stouffville hospital who are 1 dedicated to serving our patients f j9 mndecember peter marfklejddlshelda- tafflefor a gardeivlarnp this- raffleaised 25u foflf kthe rtmarkham stduffvillevh6spjtal foundationrjpicturedws f theiiicky wmnerjdoreen subcommitte will beworkiriiclosevwithaospitals pelopmentprograinm i s fkntgrlgrt gjrwbftmwmpbhaatofti hg v vwiarftaattibfe hospital facts and figures 23 peter f idds r heretarei some details about i upcoming fundraisers mi felansjarej underway for the 4th annual biilihood eornfieldfvshindig the rckrthmiifrv an gears vv shindig raised towards the purchase of afetai timnntfcirm va t- 1 idimmk r t sfe r i tournament york lf s yowns v sft jcountryclub it fy a-rt- volunteers required volunteersjaretrequired tojhelprfromfopmlam thereare various shifts available these positions would besuitable forsenior highschool students ci w- v f tf v i wf itbx jtvrt k 4 leisacv 5 km walkrun tjjrtm j i ihs- un murul mm wm lillllllil 3 r the friendship garden rsm sardejaanmarkhamlstouffvillehospitelhonours etogrdramwhifitacontm imvtfani7arioncariimiicinccfyc hpnonirinnic auiarnpntnrrpvrpnrinnnl cprnp 1 lorloommatlonipackag