lfr f- tiiiiiii mil nr inmt rnirirmrni nrritrmm iummnini w jiumiitimtiintaiiiii- im lotiiiutfmiii awbowttsatfwl -o- i k 7 economist sunmibtnk whitghurghsouffville saturday rbk 2001 jf 2 n- j elementary school einsteins r ummitviewi public school stu- vdentsishoweaottr4 tkeif scientific biairitpowmthisf- sweek at the tmainv street schools tl ju convention- left photqrjis bbbby hughes left and kevin rainbow with theuinven- tionthe can xchefrigkr rphoto knox rigkt and julie hayward invent- edsolar heating- for swimming spools a j2 r t- vlii a 5 r 1 staff photosrob alary i 5 v s sisters consider court appeal a while still tryingtb heal from page 1 ofcareless driving 1 v 4aswell jacksons father paul jackson of schombergwas charged with jetting someone ioperate- an unsafe- vehicle that charge was 7dropped a year ago the young women continue to live together in thftfemily home now 24 25 and 28years old life is supposedto be moving along for the taja sis- ters v i cant describe the emotion we lost both today the only option available to the troja our parents at once my dads birthday was iswso thrnok recent court deci- wedndayjjustel i fottforhlm 1fthe sisters have not jas yetdecided wednesday j continue challenging the courts jheyll still deal- lngtwth the outcome of tuesdays court ruling said marisa v but before progress can jake place healing must occur marisa pointedout before theres linked tothe accident have to be know what i wanted out of ery difficult to ileal when its left like tlont know what i wanted said marisa a big brother if you like climbing trees eating pizza brlaiighing till your head fallsffr then i thinkypud make a reallygood big brother 4