v s- rs iiitihvii1i amn ivjssisijswj a5cjtv llts jife a- i 4tt esp beef up recyetofmmeopponentstell yorjferepionabronto 3 a2 frontpaged v belanger says adams mine is located 10kuometresputside of a the municipal election never wasa referendum for kurkland lake and polls conducted in neighbouring commu- adanis mine he said the only core of support is in kirkland can jr this project also involves federal lands owned by the nities show an 80perceht opposition rate to the project lake yet they have no jurisdiction over the deal algonauin first nation bur i honesuy cant see this moving forwanibecause it has become a messy political issue- ggs3aasssseshh during jhe thecoalition has twicebanded fej jogetherdfougriiaplan tfdump wastefiom the gta into xdanis minerrailcycre north ltd suu hold a certificate of approval from the province to operate alandfill ohthe site last week york region chairperson bill fisch said the- g regionsjwastewill beaboafd trains headednorth if toronto vsra renews its commitment with rcn 7 dgi however belaniger vrarned proponents of triedealtfiat i area resideritswill take whatever steps are necessary tqstop trains from arriving at the mine i y- 4t have absolutelyno doubt civil disobedience will occur if thistiighly questionable project happensmiesaid its very disappoihting to hear mr fischscomments we are fighting is dnven by profit gs our individualized learning program will help your child learn to think focus and rediscover motivation at school learning centres i umonville wwwoxfordlearningcom highway 7 near kennedy ask aboutoursummercamps 5138 186 i5 every ssia quebec is hour side fight down to the girl guides and the jjreoijewhfc scoutsttie first nations were on standby last fell and they af sff on standby now we have farmers prepared tetpark their traci f vp torsandngs on the tracks ready block the trains j i r f will turn into a grudge match belanger said noting m 2800 people stood on thetrail tracks during a weekend unflsjj demonstranori late last year l y f slss t york region should be diverting the majonty of its trashy away from landfills by beefing up its recycling andjcompostv lngeffortsradded belanger n v- but fischsaid thafplan is already in the works with a new recycling transfev station planned for richmond hill or east gwillimbury next year m u jty y v odojthe best we can with our recycling but 2 therewill always be garbage fiscn said ithas to go some- where y t j i there is no getting around that v meiwliderforrner kirkland lalce mayor richard denton ariaiamsimmeppoheri wasdefeatedmnovembersr l municipal election and repiacebybienouywho said his- communityisopen for busmsmclilding trash disposal but leach keiy nainalsj k uqualitygasiials imoweeated madeinfstouffyille 86ringwood drive r905r642 505v w a 48 atom sr stouffville wh 4 annual wmtcrsvfev itt 3 f r vj r v silw34 fleece fi 0llfil markham4physiotn damehwflintsabmcpa orthopedigphysiotherapyir ij 4acaccidenti arktiamphysidtherapyeiinic rstouffvllle hearth jcer urilonvll healthcehtrej 905i79lbql s kmiwmsis