js i interviewing vacant post by kathleen griffin where were these people last october when they had to hed hes also concerned mat its been three months and y j stofftyriter v take a public risk and a financial risk ofrunning in an election wwtchurchstouffville and east gwillimbury residents have jaffaodaimeaschob nothadrepresentation leriged mcourtitoutraged the public board is already inter- t- p who expressed interest in doing this job he said the case goes ahead in newmarket in two weeks- viewing people forjtuspreihon xbob burrowsf trustee fonwhitchurchstounville and east gmlmburyjvwllrfight fprhis 500of year jobfeb726in isupnolqjurrafterthe board claimedhvwasnbt a york- region resident and ousted him iisgu vliv rzzji ameanwhileitheboard 0 i hogarth saiawewahcto make sure somebody isinthatl position as soon as possible but nothing will take place unnl that court decision has been made vi 1 5 v vjkz vybutburrows said that may be mviolationof aruling by justice jack jenkins who in january ordered the board to stop a f shis parents or onadurham region farm die thautsv lncohsiderateto mepeoplemeyaremlefviewingpits aposi- hon thatmaynot exist t s accordingtd ah affidavit board chair bill cfotheis became suspicious afterurrows submitted a clrivers licence with piirhana region address jyrien registering wsmtentiphtoruh ztjx as trustee at the stouffyiuetown offices yentpldhemustbe 7 a resident burrowsthen handed oyer a ucerice bearing a york region address crothers alsoclaims a letter senfto burrowsv a jacksons point address was returned n s v hired privateinvestigators iri early november to deter- v mine whether burrows livedin the jacksons point home with as for the potential candidates vying for the job burrows mil wonders where they were at election time i wwwtotallyonecom 1 r t cuv bell mobility 6308 main street across from dock tower stoufivnlle 9056401422 bell mobility 2328 major mackenzie dr by keele st mape 9053035743 bell mobility f upper canada mall byzellers newmarket 9058537370 bell world upper canada mall by seats newmarket 9054369693 3 t bell worlds 114 broadway ave- unit 102 orangeville 5199401114 v mobility msft sl0 i k v whitghurchstguffville wishes to congratulate l n v v 0 d v