farmsiinensisjmp from page 1 animmeciiatccash infusion v v- c t to helpthem plant crops this commodity prices and a lack spring a national policy and of government support have parity with us producers taken memeeper- into a t the us has increased financial crisis i r financial support to its farin xtheie is a crisis onjhe ersby283percentinthepast family fermj i ve discussed two- years according- to- thiswith the greater toronto canadian federation v 3 area mpsand with rural mps thefarxnershee3 help beyond crisis management smd vwhose- con stituency includes richmond hu1 vvhitchufchstouffville and nordiern markharh jdoneisaid his mission is to tell the federal government ithat the agricultural operat- ingcosts are out of control agriculture president- bob friesen v we need programs in canada that will respond to the farm need hesaid a policy will do more for us in the long run than an injection of cash said doner our longterm prob- lems arenot going to be cured by casiirwe have to- we donrhave a plan arici look further ahead wee losihgoiir- shirts he certain problems are pre- said j dictable doner pointed out i another message v is- expected to be delivered to progressive conservative leader joe clark today well tell joe that canadas future- food supply is threatened hesaid h x y well tell joe clark that canadas future food supply is threatened we know were going to get rain haif and grasshoppers but nobody saw this crisis coming it caught us by sur- pnse because we dont havea business plan another critical t issue in the agricultural industry is age theaverage farmer- in alberta is 60 whilethe aver age ontario fanner is 57 this should be a real worry c forthepublictheirfoodpro- vrv 7 ducers aregettingtold said jfthe federal government doner doesnt come forward with an meanwhile western farm- aidtpackagejorthe agricul rers are in terrible shape said tural industry many farmers holtrop they havent expe r fc riencesuchfinancialhard- x thus jeopardizing the domes- ships since the dirty 30s he i unavailability of foodvthe said bankruptcies in western vfdp provinces are common and veyery canadian said doner hope of recovery is ifarmers are attractingthe idling big farming blocks of 1 1 ikisupportomps members of saskatchewan areifailing the senate andof course now its sad said doiier u ipfovincial and federal agri- back in york region farrri s ctufefederatipns ft uersarealso taking their mes ijckvlkinsonpresidenti sage beyond wilfert arid 2 j oftjhejdntario federatipnof ft- speakingwith liberal mps- eleanor caplan thornhill timing is critical as many and karen kraftsloan york ik lending instituti6ns con- fnorth f deemed with farmers ability wt itorepaytheir loans were reminding them thatfarmsrare operating m vri nomrn wehave gramarjd veg- need 1 etable operations anld thevau