it f iwimmwunnfili ly iiwmuntribuhe environment satufdajatcqdbi s i 3 moraine secondomb decision limitsiievelopmmtdh environmentally sensitive oak ridges moraine bysfefaniamzzi staff writer frjp w he oak ridgesmoraine is i ybcipgiognizecias fpivanimp1orttandpre- 7 cious resource aurora res- ideritssaid last week i the comments came on the heels of yet another ontario municipal board decision that severelylimits development on the moraine r the decision is sending another message as well developers will have to abide by town planning policies- j j the message from the omb i feel isthat the towns plans are good theprocess is good and if ypu want to develop use the offi s cial planjsaid the chairperson of v- ratepa9eijurprayongesoutht 1 susan walmer oh the decision last month to uphold a limit of two homes an acreas outlined in agras official plan v appealed decision t swe have no problems with developmentjutybuhavetofol- y lowthe rules and poliaesshe said iymaymes6uthaurqray idowners group jmeqvanappli- cation t6 1 build 538 cluster town- j houses of upto1four homes ah v onl38 acres of land north of v ridge road west west ofyonge streetsouth of thecn tracks this plot of land lies in part on the environmentally sensitive moraine v j- 1 f s when the developers asked the yawn to amend its official plan lim- firing development to two homes 2 an acretp allow moredensedevel x jbpnient the townfaenied the request posed official plan is appropriate represents good planning and is in theioverall public interest he wrote town planner sue seibert said salojg could wait 90 days and appeal grangers decision they can wait the 90 daysto appeal but the decision was quite aearand quite strong skeaid im quite hopeful this gives clo isure it seems like die board gives credence to the process the town fouowed therulihg could influence two other development proposals for between 200 and 300 homes in a c similar area t we have to hear them but one would hope the outcomewouldl5e the same said seibert adding developers could appeal the towns twohqmesperacre policy to the omb our hope is that once approved the secondary plan thar covers that area will prevail and withstand any other challenges grangevsjiecisiqn marks the second time the omb has upheld 1 cthetownls policy -vj- 7after several omb hearingvinto developer james elders proposal to build 296 apartmentstownhouses on 20 acres of land at the nordjst corner of elderberry tiailandtttige i street elder wthdrew his profeal and last monthsubmitted acpinf proposal withthe town rayandj other groupsof two homes peracre peter euiswho lives acrosstjv from the salog site and was cprii cerriedabout the density of the js proposal believes developers worft be so quick to appeal thetqvwis v decisions nqwthat a clear prece- dent has been set i given the existing community and the estate lots and elder going ahead and conforming to the poli- cy i think the message is starting to get through he said thats not to say there wont be proposals exceeding the two units per acre but its going to cost i money and time to go to the i omb odds are theyll realize that if they want to develop then they s should stick to the plan he added moraine proponents cautio by sarah parker staff writer aybrs and enykonmen- tal groups across york region let put a chorus r cautiouscheers after ovtess meoakdgm6rainei l criticizing the piece- 6plnihgonthe iurgihgthe i provihce ib step in with a blanket protection policy r im glad to see jtrie omb fill- irig is adding tbeprbtectidnist houses per acre on 141 acres 57- hectares of land on the moraine salog had wanted to build as many as seven houses per acre meanwhile the town of v richmond hill is in fecess jari16 from artomb hearing regarding development on thej moraine richmond huljdutnght rejected fiveapplications for devel oprhent- l s cates are looking on the bright side vl dorothy izzardcochairpersoh of save the oak ridges moraine jstorm attended the month- long hearing in aurora shejcalled the decision admirable because it pays tribute to everyissue cohv- cerning the moraine particularly housingdensity iyt i have so often been critical r-t- i claiming victory i jsxs rtect the moraine id still see it as a tremendous debbe crandall executive loss to the puolic and aversipnof director of storm also called the the provincial government tpjpro- t- ruling a step in the right direction tect the environment l howevershe is still concerned there is no provincial policy for about thpieceineal method of development of the ecqlogicsly r deciding the moraine future sensitive region openmgtheiioorivii the process fetlawecl we cant for developers to appealmunicipar continue to plan at this the munici planning decisions z k 7 pal level shesaid we cant lose but some environmental advo- environmental disaster and while hogg lauded auroras toughstance iti limiting develop- rrient ori the moraiheshe cau- even scaleddown growth v could mean an environmental dis- of the bigger picture crandall is not alone in her wish to see the queens park enact a j provincial policy the moraine which holds the headwaters for rivers flowing into both lake simcoe and lake ontario the source of drinking water for toronto and york region is richmond hills biggest issue according to hogg r pbutimoughtthej storm plans to havevolun- r cnairmaharidleu it very profes teers monitoririg the omb hearing m r thnilinaiimihlii n tiyelandsm richmond hiu sysionauy and in an effective way iri richmond hill and crandall ahd tosgssyssss in fact ifa ruling similar to ij5zardwasalso izzard said that hearing is a larger v4treat this area differently vtoiimit the smith aiirnra auroras were tdbe decided for ombs written decision applauded jssue because more sensitive lanb theboardfmdsthatthepro- landowners group to building two richmond hiu hogg would not be the town of auroras efforts topro- is at staker wiote granger in his decision si theboafd finds no reason r- t m ti