rs u ametrolaid community newspaper v heritage rdtmarkham onli3p lm3f 2mfcfai vu a telephone- lt v- 90529422004167987624 905 2942260 416 7987624 fax 905 2941538 email newsroomeconsuncom publishen ian proudfoot generalmariiigeralvinbrouwer editovin chief brenda larson director of advertising debra welter deputy editor i dehorn kelly r 1 editor jim mason production manager pam nichols v distribution director- barry goodyear online publishing vvmanager -j- imargaret fleming- classified manager ann campbell retail sales manager stephen mathieu inside sales manager stacy allen business manager roblazurko office manager jviwari oneil 1 rt v editorial ontario has approved legislation allowing for the creation of private universities in the- provincet iit iit york region the decision j should be causeor celebration it means apian to build v a private universityat the heart of a proposed community of 30000 residents in queensvilie cafinalty proceed t aurora residentjdr mer education jninisteriri the bill davis govemmentfhas been the driving force behind thei uriivefsityprpject t an j institution that would offertlegreesirihurnanitiesrengineer- ing scienceand computer science stephenson says she doesnt anticipatecut- ting theribjjori inshort order fs more real-v- istic shesays to look 10 years downtihe road l the private university will not receive aidimeinpubliclrdgfioni the province andrightlyso it posesa threafto the public instituhons on acouple of fronts j f 3first ofall- theres thequestion of money the key quesraomlf the pnvate universits foun- v danon team is successfulin drawing key sup porters who beueye in its mission there is a neg- ative impact on existing public institutioris i second theresthe question of competition v 1 pntarios 17 publicsuniyerities7 competing- i amohgmemselvesfor financial support of the fi vv pnvatesector beyond jtheir- public funding i v wulfind the race for dollars raster and more vigv orous than before the race just got larger vlnsejjingtfieir virtues ontarios public rlhkih ih bhhlhn wp s3ssjab a fhlap fipsrsflr ihug fsespsn v b eydnvs 5 ifj jv aks s88w3vivlt dave teetzel despite legislation parents may not have the input they want 1 f k- 1 j- m letters to the editor unionvilie residents take on how 4heriattbnaldebtlbenan i r 7over the past eight or nine decades thou- s sandsof our fellow citizens have worn many of our uniforms in many countries in an effort topstablish peace or to help maintain v ywedorfrlmowifthelqueensville proiecrs key players can build thefounyation they need t- 1 iv r v- wacomesyourlettersauulc f f-js- v5wv submissions must be less than jsfjj3 i soo words and must include a 3 daytime telephone number ii misname and address thejs iz newspaper reserves the nghttofer vm vtrjsi publish or not publish and toik 5 5 vedit for clarify and spacer tofs tmvtettersfuieeditor 1 matured bond into the new bond j a government that does not need to bor- row can pay off a matured bond this would put millions of dollars in the hands of ordi nary citizens most of whom would be look ing for a safe investment what an opportuni- tyfor avaricious types to con unwary people u j and garner a big harvest these citizens have created a good name s sev years of paying off matured tor canada rt bonds the pubuc could be saturated with overthese same years diousands of cih- l cash which could result in zens at home have supported those overseas j bond market could be severd required the govern 2 inflation could increase to dou- mentjfimnced these- efforts by putting in r figures 3 the publics savings for p pft 58 fop retirement could be devastated 4 the finan- mefinanraaeseinfrasto fcoud b higher 5 iqpi l elderly voters wiu be pestered in many many eypurchasedsavingsbondswr bonds ays to partwiththeh- money c f- fflsx5llbo vth previous scenaridsete updditional 4fe thisis our nationd jjv vaficems r- srel and the gov- -t- chequefor thefece value j v ww thecheque be issued witti a percent deduction fir income tax if sot r p il i nato jbtb the bond holder will be paid 83 for each 100 paidmostly to canadians and provides a bohd v5- c l5ppsfi e2wiumevohdyderberewdtocssh zen pjvh inrdrwni a secdnf depository be designed to j lr uv- s absorb au the rabess cashand vrilfitbeguar 5islnpast mnovemberqur govern teedseciire by me government wiu the- mentwould float a new bond issue and set an k 11 nii jjii wesrate ur lvi eaprmc concern r tknock bark barkf ring f ito set an mterestrate as low as it feltthe mar- ir is intended asa wakeup caut of the metraland pnnting publishing and i news advertiser ajliston heraldcourier burlington shopping newsburiingtoh advocatecountry routes etoblcoke j guartianhamborough post freepress kingston jhls weeklindsay this vfeek rt i mldlahdpenetangulshene mirror milton canadian champion milton shopping newsmi5sissauga news newmalkek j tj auroraiigeorgina era banner northumberland newsnorth yorkmirror oakwilebeaver oakville shopping newsoa jsf6riillaodayoshawa7whltbvciangtonportjpenvswee t appears as though parents will have ameaningful say in the run ning of ontario schools after the provincial government passed leg islation requiring principals to consult with school councils the key word in that sentence is appears make no mistake the law passed just before queens park took its christmas break requires principals to discuss such significant issues as kow to implement the new code of conduct the recom mendations of the education quality and accountability office the standard ized test guys and even the criteria to be used in hiring principals and viceprin cipals the council makes its recommenda tions then the principal must explain how that advice was used to make the final decision from 1996 when school councils were introduced until now principals were under no legal obligation to dis cuss serious issues with the community but in most cases they have been doing so because thats the smart way to run a school these days they dont need a law to force them as for the few who want to run the school as their own pnvate kingdom theyll probably do the bare minimum the law requires and the parents wont feel any more empowered and although the areas of responsi bility outlined in the legislation are sig nificant are they really the priorities of most parent councils remember for example york region schools have had a zerotolerance policy 6n school violence for years we have a strict discipline program for problem kidsthe code of conduct issue isnt real- uyacnsishere so what are parents real concerns parents wound like their childrens class size1rto reflect those discussed by the provincer j c vi but thats a matter of provincial fund- s ing and school board decisions they want their children to have exteacurriciflar activities but sorry theresriotliing a parent council can do about it the only people wno can force jlie issue are at queens park vparentewant their childrento have adequate classroom supplies cpmput- ers wd recreation equipment atlastheresanarea wherethe par- cent f can makea difference they 1 can ensure schools have lots of equips ftnt hv raismcr funds i i u walkathons all sorts o