s7gl mf raa 3j at 3 ii mi p p mvvrrvvm eei3 gereialhej f4 g enomistsumduj vrs w ujhz- monday to friday 800 am to 600 prh 18007433353 vlvwaiocvtil a m1rirti2j g iiafaf c- i s longmans imarkham dodge i chrysler is seeking mature fulltime lot person v v required immediately please apply in person to r carol 5526 hwy 7 markham on 9054711500 or c fax to 9054717682 -diningroom- 14pce cherrywood 92 double pedestal 8 chippen dale chairs buffet hutch server dovetail construction still in boxes cost 14000 sacnfice 5000 416- 746-0995- i firewood aj a r ece a licensed agency home visitor markham area two years daycare experience part tirrieposition xar required pleasefax resume to annett at 9054799047 office cleaners mcnicoll avenue markkam rd parf time6 eve nings per week prefer couple ex perience anasset 9054280360 4167251593 houses for rent markham firewood 100 face cord deliv ered and stacked in ga rage orside of house no fuss no mess 9052946655 mccowan firewood 12 and 16 hardwood delivered pickedup call for pncing 905- 4723724 1the wood guys- seasoned dry hard- wood 12 16 bush facejdehvered 9054733333 r clllucarsforsate industrial commercial space j- newmarket north 25000 50000 spftindustnal 19 ceilings office available loading dockscispacious yard ideal jor warehousing etc acaili c9054766222 9058368611 mccowan dehison- brand new 3 bedroom 1400 sq ft bright apt separate entrance laundry available irri mediately 905940- 6109 shared accommodation markham village near go 3 professio nal females 3055 seeking 4th nonsmokj mg no pets 500 9054711498 unionville- 4 bed- room home to share private bedroom den bath nonsmoker available immediately 9054778579 89 chrysler new yorker v6 air 193k as is best offer jim 9052948118 after 4pm 21 cars wanted buyerssellers beware is your auto recycle licenced vacation properties- domestic help wanted- filipino housekeeper wanted- t mon fn cooking cleaning bnm- ley and highglenarea references 416-409- 1301 volunteers eurocleaners service- residential commercial industrial bonded insured pro- sessional trustworthy 4167562108 volunteers i apartments j birchmount deni- son large 2 bedroom rental- hollywood flonda one week feb 24thmarclk3rd 2001 beautifulvbeachfropt apartment in low rise building 2 bedrooms 2 lesarale esce bathrooms fully equip- v entrance d kitchen call i parking cable air-con- sjootimom ditioned laundry 750 805 v inclusive immediate 9054706166 v s ci ja i room basement j apt r v 94 skidoo macfi i z daylightwalkout suits 1- owkrns 3500 for available now v 705437- 9056491290 eve- 4728 nings 9056864888 days v hwy snowmobiles ski the season its that time of year again where the craigleith ski club in collingwood is looking for 1 race crew volunteers if you love to ski or snowboard youll love this deal at this pnvate ski club and all for just vol unteering for crew duty on alternating weekends call 7057349844 for all the details garagedoors winter tuneup special 49 expires march 212001 we also clo repairs install door openers 4163360073 the glen family twould jike to thank fathers jbteakhouse v mustarcts pub and sgt pep pers and allfriends vvhcsupport- ed the family with their kindness a special thanks to john sullivan jeff myles mike zedner gary mcriener jim miller bill joe glen mario and john stewart moving truck2men care required- for 2 houses- apartments kids in my home 2 30- condos smalla large 6 30pm monday to fn- local v longdistance day 9056404940 1 short notice negotiable rates ken 416658 5307 caregiver tt carpets flowing v- t garage door repairs broken springs ca bles rollers openers installed 4163360073 -3- articles for sale wet offer care com- i paniorishipp shopping carpet hardware dnving and emergency ceramics installation needs for seniors and repairs sales serv- children professional ice reasonable rates experienced excellent work guaranteed- call references cprt first khushru 4166777555 announce ments aide 24hrs- 9054724607 j road- 1 bedroom base antique 50s coca- mentj like new ac colacoolerf- framed separate sv entrance era movie smshsb stars best offer call f t f peter 9054749930 i 0875 v z 1 c s bedroom set 8pce stouffville mam- cherrywood bed chest- floor bachelor separate tndresser mirror night- 4 entrance parking ca- jstandsv dovetail con- ble suit one no smok- struction never jing pets first h last opened in boxes cost inclusive 9000 sacnfice 905640-2480- y 4167483993 stouffville- 1 -bed- beds- new king 298 room7 1 58 double beautifullyj renovated a 138- single108 fu- must see no pets tons 89 bunkbeds j imme- 199 headboards- di- diate 9052944350 yt nette sets discounted j vvyi fe- fpncestax delivery in- unionville- 1 bed jroom abasement newn- carpet- i have sev- bnghtfi spacious must- eral thousand yards of j be seenj noi pets stalnmaster and r i4ails 9fc4743318 wl carpet your living stm a room hall for 349 price includes carpet- tender tob44 -t- closing date jan 16 2001 100pm t houses for rent v5stv 48 16th3 bedroom pad installation 30 square yards steve 9055089423 t f 2 minutes to go non- gyitaryamahajpa smokingno hendnx able to immediately wahwahpedel metal 1500mnclusivo 905- zo pedal cords i 294w16 v admtora toier 400- v v yjiv v 9054 1 3 j description supply delivery removal of printer toner cartridgesand i tax machine toner cartridges v i bid documents are subject to a 1000 nonrefundable fee payable by cheque of cash r rijvs f all bid documents may be obtained from the supplies and services branchrjst floor at the address noted below on or after thursday december 21 2000 at 1100 am is v lowest or any tender or any part of any tender not necessarily j acceptedthe region reserves the right to award toother than the 1jb lowest bidder s- sealed bids clearly marked as to contents for the tender listed abbve will be received at v markham east york agricultural society annual meeting wednesday january 10 2001 8pm i general exhibits bldg markham fair grounds 10801 mccowan road mm nannies v- liveinliveout experienced j caref giver january hwy 7 wootten way s 3 chil4 dren ages 7 5 and 2 3 days week references nonsmoker car help- ful 905472-1472- v f need a nanny house- keeper free sponsor- ship of filipina nannies available millenium caregivers v 905727- 3884- i personals personals the regional municipality of york c office of the clerk j- 0017250 yonge street- r newmarket ohtariol3y 6z1 y k l bill fisch regional chair rtt m yvs4 vjv twff jsi- personal prayer to the holy spirit holy spirit thou make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal you who give the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me i in this short dialogue want to thank you for everything and confirm once more that i never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desire may be i want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory amen person must pray this 3 con secutive days without stating ones wish af ter the 3rd day your wish will be granted no matter how difficult it may be promise to publish this as soon as your favor has been granted our mother of c perpetualhelp thank youfor checking please look over your ap the firsfdayjt appears making sure it reads as you requested as i- fhe economist sun tribune cannot be t responsiblefor morethanpne insertion- tti muinji