i j c j- r v y p n jfiaw r 5 w fdnsun w s t- 31 i 1 hope you aif get jdiamtoplomhave ls 1 power -monster- truck 5 p5 i c- t iia and please leave a big treat for metsse bos sesf my- godparents ahli nanny 1 hope you like the muffins y l a f and poppy who live in toronto r- z ear santa new pencil case and a new hot wheels computer game love nick ps i will leave mik and cookies 1 would like rollercoaster pens rear santa hi how are you santa i would like for christmas remote control car and pinch the binnie gum balls and rollercoaster pens ps i will leave cookies and milk id like a puppy i ear santa have a safe trip frtx 7j7eaf sahtavl hope you like z for christmas i would ke cdebrasoi lovealeds zxmvmuffinsand cookies barbilkavejnago6dglyeaf can you get my dad a snswblore love marina dekker age 7 thats my story ofwhati want l dont wont to be rood but thats way f should im doing great get it- alissa engelhardt age 8 rvear santa- 2ear dit canvou c less something really specialjhis ask too many questions getmydadashbsbl6rei v v emirytaynorage6 good lucla santas r igotsomettogformethisyearso r s jackson much i hopeyoucqme and visit us g year if you comelp6ur isst- 4jrfik on pagetof thesnoppere ltrlig mart flyer- lrr effect fim sunday is iw jf jjerember17tkcunmtsatoiay- december 2000 the starburst on uie advertisement for 24 expkodak g6ld film shoiild t 3ckr off kodak hctiuepnxsing coupon on pack v we qpfflogizeforgny incdwenienicethat this may cause how are youjhowis mrs everythinaf house could isee riidolfple claus how are the elves and the 5u- rr a vnnrminhwr htr tnffsriiv reindeer what i would like for 4 christmas is high shoes a ar santa are your reindeerreadytotpull oursleigh f- av-f- fromlanjaiqtariarmengr5 puppy apencucase abarbie j nam vbranhdeh and iy aurora height pubkc school k amrthinklhavebeengoddv t j how red is rudolphs inose aurora heights public school grade 5 i only want a scooter tear santa z ear santa this yearf i would really like motocrbssniania road race set my mom read me something in the paper it said that the salva tion army didnt have any food hi how are you this year for people to come arid get it if how red is is rudolphs nose they heed some so could you how big are the fastest reindeer leave some food dor them v i where does prancer stand in line asked my mom if they have a with the other reindeer how how are vou and your rein- chimney for you to go in and she many elves do you have i was deer how is mrs claus this said that you would figure it out wondering what the tempera- 1 christmas i would just like one because santa knows everything y the north pole is it thing i only want a scooter brannden yeomanson -colder- than 25 please may i thanks ps my momanddad have been have lego soccer my mommy your friend itelyn huetl good to v thinks its at zeuers or walmart i s t would also like to have a pack of how are your elves business depot sears i j biway jzeuers j i i toys r us canadian tire markham spotlight todays homes iga markham iga unionville holee chow canadiantire steeles double double pizza newchiriese seafood buffet r towndfstoufievffle- garbage and recycling canadian tire- stouffvule canadian tire r hill canadian tire aurora stouffvule sun town of aurora rf 2 ear santa its keith hannah gr 5 aurora heights ps how are yoiu elves hows rudolf what would you like me to leave foryou chocolate cookies and milk or pizza v and some carrot- for rodalf i will hearyou christmas night v keith hohoho earsanta tlmy name is mathew tyndall v would like atpy black dog i would ukean orange cati a big one one witli stripes a house cat hohohox thankyoti s s lovemathewy i want a magic alley- y transportation works department ndf ification of temporary roadway closure rodickroad between highway no7jand applecreek boulevard will becldsedto throughjtrafficfrom january if 2601 to april- 30 2001 for sewer cdnstructionrpurposes contract no too07 i locah trafficwhl be requested to access applecreek boulevard from the north and whitehall drive or cox boulevard from the east k 1 earsanta clause l my name is casey searle live on strawberry road on georgiria island i want a magic alley and pokembii ball for christmas because i was good jthis year how is rudoff the reel nqsein- deelb himi hope v fjmy name- v kyle at the j regidhbfyork657fe4 extension 3036 v rfs 1 ti i itx i j ky r r w jejuni 4 i vjartct 1 catholic schools across -abrb- region r embraced thespirit ofghristrrias helping to makethe season brighter for those in need we are proud of our students teachers and staff wnohave so gelierously shared thein4jme and talents to benefit others- to v drh funds for ves food baskets v children v v s6 v a fc r we thank alhof the members of our school cqmmunitiesfor iyourcaring andgenerpsity thischristmas younkindoess will help to makethe holiday seas6n4rulywonderful for tv so many may god s- blessings shine upon each otfijv yoirand the nriembers of your- families v 7 growing together with faith york catholic district school board 1 elizabeth crowe chair of the board susan larosa director of education t-