jv 4 i i ckr fc i b 2fcy i -rt-2- jr specialevents sunmr dec 3lf 3av t fjijoyacasualandenjoyableevenlnginthe dubroornof the royal canadian legion ninth unestoufrville with music by larry gogueri andjim hewie starting 9 pm hot cold buf fet costing 1250person will be served after midnight all welcome v l- f dec 27 28 r- f come and be dazzled by the ballet jorgens exquisite production of the nutcracker at the markham theatre 171 town centre blvd- for time and costs please call 905305- cumju- t feb 14 17 markham uttle theatre presents the sisters rosensweig by wendy wasserstein at 8 pm171 town centre blvd tickets 1900 seniors students 16 on thursdays call 4005305show registrations creative corner registration jan 11 from 9 10 30 a m at the centennial community church8176mccowan for classes jan48 to march 18 for tole painting cake decoration paddingtonbear exercise sewing a denim purse- call 4757695 or sandra mcgaw at 2945314 monday jan 8 the learning disabilities association of york region registration for the social skills program is held from 430830 p m first come first serve for more information call 905 884- 7933- i- for children mvf homeschool association offers fun fellow ship and instruction in age appropriate groups ages 5 to 15 registeryour childchildren for a full day interactive program registrations are being accepted until jan 8 2001 community newsletter also available call 905953-9604- yjan2thru arf breaks 930 am noon rat the latcham gallery children will learn new skills get creabve have fun with artist julia hanks sign up for one day or come to all four one day 15 for gallery members 18 for fjneral all four days 50 for gallery members 60 for general registration required call 905 640-8954- i mondays chess club is being offered mondays615- 745 pm for ages stx12 at the markham community library for further details please inquire at the childrens desk saturdays s chess club for ages 612 held saturdays january 13 march 3 from 93011 a m at the umonville library fee is 50 for eight weeks registration begins dec 6 at 930 in person for more info call 905 4772641 thursdays mandann language fun for ages 35 held thursdaysrjanuary 11 march 1 from 945- 10 30 a m fee is 28 foreight weeks registration begins dec 6 at 9 30 in per- son formore info call 905 4772641 every tuesday or wednesdays i preschoof storytime ages 35 on tuesdays from 10 a m to 10 30 a m or wednesdays from 130 pm to 2 pm atmarkham community library 6031 hwy 7 join us for a fun time of stones finger games mymes and more linicsgg vftjbrt j f- -sujr- urr uk l03cmiilhi vvbcdbnvneedsunteeistassist with y animal icare andjeebing helpeis ate also v needed for monthfy fundraising bingos held in tiipn4yi s- rr auioracau helpmateat 90584-3839- program for problem gamblers and their feim-r-j- v r rcis vji yk vl z addiction services for york region runs a rr wxri lies we offer assessment seminars and ongo- ing support groupsaftd can makepresenta- l tions to groups on demand all services are v freeand confidential call 9058417007 exc 322 or 18002632288 ext 322 or ext 328 for details for seniors miluken on the move older adults 55 meets every sunday l304pm and every wednesday llam2pm at the milliken mills community centre 7600 kennedy road for more info and membership fees please call jennifer at 905 2945111 culture room cost is 35 for 10 weekto reg- v istercall joan turner at 416 2252112 ext 126 r yortc region lesbiangayi bisexuafsuppoit group being 6fferedfor youth 26 years and under meets mefirstandtoira of canadian diabetes assoati6h needs vol spe ctai interest or bther activities avolunteer is alsoneededjo help with thefrecycled rental equipmehtprogram this consists j ofjnaking calls fromyour home call helpmate at 905- 8843839 vc j clubs euchre every wednesday from 730 p m at markham lawn bowling clubhouse 28 franklin st 12 games prizes 5050 draw tea and goodies come out and have a fun tame call frances at 2940672 for info r each month from 79 pm for more infor mation call the lesbian gay bisexual youth line at 1800268youthv y- i i xt at the baby place public health nurses offer parents support and information on top ics such as breastfeeding baby care infant nutrition and community resources no j appointment needed call 18003615653 pennatal bereavement services l mpbso is holding selfsupport group meetings for markham area families who have suffered a pregnancy loss or newbofhdeath x t the organization holds sessions every sec- unteers to hep in richmond hill office help with the newsletter speakat schools and man volunteer booths- call helpmate at 905-884- 3839 v v sv t the big sisters of york need volunteer board members bingohelpers student volunteers for special eventsrand big sisters to spend quality time with a little sister call helpmate at 905-884-3839- f v the juvenile diabetes foundation needs volunteers with good commuhicationskills and advanced ms word and excel to help in meetings wednesday jan 3 music mania holding its general meeting and sign up 730 p m at the stouffville united church lower audrtonum all former and new maniacs are encouraged to attend no expen- ence necessary free support group for xtra large women join likeminded women who are making pos itive physical and emotional life changes group meets every sunday from 7pm to 9 p m in markham call sandi 294 2786 for details i ectthe by calling pbsq at 9054721807sessions run from 730 pm to 9 p m and are free if you are a mother with a babyup to six months old come meet other moms for six postnatal classes offered by public health nurses at different locations throughout york s region for informationand how to register 15 call 905 895 8004 or 4-800-361- 5653- thursdays v c come join a group for young momtobe new moms and their children meetings held thursdays 3306 30pm at the milhkenmills community centre 7600 kennedy at jtennison contact cheryl neave at 905 4711620 volunteers the baycrest centre needs gentle patient and canng volunteersnto visit and provide comfort and socialization for palliative care patients and their families second languages are always an asset call helpmate at 1 800- 3632412 chats is iif need of transportation dnvers in markham and unionville meals on wheelsdn- vvers are neededjn umonville to every second week please contact leanne evans at ldb77452287 the stouffville spirit junior a hockey club needs volunteers for game nights thursdays at the recreatjoncomplex in stouffville call 6422123 t k 4- s t r book sale committee of the whitchurch- stouffville public library is looking for volun teers to work atthe book sale in early march 2001 if you are interested in helping please call vivienne richards at 6409119 or lleona van mans at 8873214 help an adult with a communication disor der learn basic computer skills such as e mail and keyboarding stouffville area call helpmate at 905 8843839 kind sensitive volunteefswith-goodcom- mumcation skills are needed tovisrt isolated seniors in their own homes the von needs your help if you live in markham call helpmate at 905 8843839 i i i with every ladder or long object r near power lines sthere is dangermetal ladders conduct- electricity so do 1 i xi i v f many other materials and obiectsralways look up and i j i never swing or position long objects near pverhead lines f tr n j v f j visitwwwhydroonecom t v connecting at v ryj jq thespeedoflife jim 4n 1 i