ta lvl economist suntribune education thursday dec 14 2000 17 j-v- assse 9 6 arrive ali vi please dont drink and drive this message brought to you as a community service of the economist suntribune m p1 st a is ik il 1 j i j xv i tftji 4 wmm campbeii from page 1 jjjjthe board has refusedjojssuejthe i fbjleacik rrtbfemjpadph3ffeffl ersiobciallyflef omelalf framed weareagcepimg orders prior to the show trtlweathelmerfersdft trlersiorftario 1 5seconaaryschoolreacherseederatiorufl i swas still tallying thevotes yesteraayaj it hoped to present the results amastci i nights aboard meetogtheteachers m hmrgersdn bjjl crothers said he j deal cbupledwith others i tacross ontanowill put pressureon ele- v rnmteryj3chers to setdetrieir disputed 4 qismissing ahaim the board is responsi- v5lf6rihelarofasetdemehe rcy fi arsreernenteishouldhave had an umonsfdifeerently got pj no details of aelflgh school teachers agreementhavebeenxreleased v v according toboardiofbcialsitdoesnot stnp away anypf the benefitsteachersy lnegotiatorshavetriedfoknearlyirive monthstojreach adealand were on salanes and workload rtrsf j featuring his newest release winter garden and many more christmas gift ideas per teacnerssovantehlifnits on adminis- trativeduties buttheboard will- t ing to entertain the idea a 52 west beaver creek road unit 6 richmond hill 905 7092284 at vjaghvwm it barbarabeattieworkswimher detector dog rookie and her colleagues auhe l- canadian food inspectionagency they help stop forbidden items fromentenng yganada that could ciamaae ourolants and animals or contaminate oiirfood- suddiv