lsizssims rtiiaraitbnris nwt vevvc y c ecoridmist sun stbiiffvillertfibune k new work values shift the newwork ethic what it means for business john b izzo pamwithers prentice hall canada 228 pages by brenda larson staff writer it used to be simple tou went n tetschopl you graduated you and you didnt let go of that job if you didnt have to you hung on as long as you could because it was secure and respectible thats what you did today this philosophy doesnt apply workers arent satisfied with simply having a job and drawing a paycheque theres more to it than that i thats what john izzo and pain withers are proposing in their tbook values shift the new work u ethic and what it means for business v izzo and withers believe there are six trends affecting how we do business six treridsworkersare adopting 1 first workers expect to be involved in a partnership rather vthahliria tbpd6wn cmakes sense jthey want to feel as though theyre just as important in tttheprocess as anyone else- fisecond workers expect there j will ke some kind of recognition of the necessity for a balance between work and life whether its mom who has to leave topick lip her baby from a daycare centre or dad whois tapped for hockey practice employers have totrecog- nize that time committed to fami lies doesnt necessarily have a neg ative affect on their production companies third workers expect7their employer to have a noble cause and to have workers share their noble causes witti their colleagues its great for anemplbyer to show support for a charity but its even more important to the employers to show support for a workers charity by allowing him time to pursue that community involvement fourth workers have an expec tation of personalgrowth and development training thafs what itsall about more and more employees in any type of employ- ment believe they dont have the tools necessary to do their jobs if they cant have the training they dont want to be part of the organi zation fifth workers have an expecta- tion of community at work they iwantto have conversations with the guy at the next desk the guy in the satellite office the guy at head office- they want to expand their horizons but they also want to know that if they heed helpwith a fstory or an editorial or layout then theyll get it at their office right away i sixth there has- to be trust workers have to feelthey can trust their bosses and vice versa trust of course best grows from mutual respect izzo and withers book focuses on these factors and explains vari- ous means of making them achievable for a workforce yjzzo tells tis to undertake- the difficult and sohietimesckalleng- rngselfassessmentating that is critical to future growth therels no way- toimproye performance or skjusiinlessmeres afair assess- merit of those skills todraw on so what else can an employer do- y be empathetic listen to employee concerns and problems try- to establish a consistent method for addressingthelprob- lems t j- provide the appropriate types and levels of- training so that employees are hot left behind the rest of the group involve employees in workflow whether its as simple as adding one more step to a process or determining the means for getting the job done because its critical to find out what the best processes are izzo and withers have provided worthwhile tips to improve the t workplace v flase do not adjust your television sjet employees in the regions a total of programming other than on the gupta said- the formers shaw flhoiltflfioearht commuhity channel 10 by roger varley about 960 each week anyone calling a shaw cable telephone number in when you do aswap with both customers and assets- ifs a staffwriter housands i- of television viewers in york region vhavejjeep switched to a xdifferent cable company and the tv screen didnt even flicker- n taanta gupta spokesperson begins at the end of january one about shaw cablecus- for z q p y customere vill notice tomefsin new t0 involved in theswap will a difference brunswicksweretfansferfed to oiff on their televr- gupta said rogers bills its cus- rbgersblltwhilevsiimtavniim- sionscreens tomere after seryicewhere shaw- m bfrdgerscusfdrhers in west- the change is pretty transpar- cable billed m advance em canadarmovedfo shaw in a t he said noting thatone of the transfer m technology will swap approved by the canadian l the few changes will be the take place over the next several radiotelevision commission in appearance of the rogers logo on months as rogerswill continue to october v j screens that once earned shaw goffer shaw highspeed internet the companies also swapped signals but there willbe no alter- services uhtilrpgers is reaay td j i i k offer the same systems j customers now will be able to take advantage rogers vip cable tttiisa package that offerelopercentdisv si said ai tteize atiohs in channel allocation or ike advantage of k shesaid there will be 1 no increase or decrease in cable rates other thanan eight increase that has already been approved for all cable companies by the crtg- gupta said all former shaw cable j customers now under the rogers umbrella will be receiving a- welcome kit explaining the changes sorhetime in the new year business information session the cpmmunity business access centre holds an information session for its business incubator program tonight at 7 pmat the yorkregipn headquarters buildingin newmarket the sessions proidde an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs about to embark on a new busines venture to pre call 8955844 referral group meets in newmarket s j a the newmarket chapter of business network international meets tuesdays at 7am at golden griddle restaurant on ifenge street there are nowmore than 16qq 7 bni chapters with more than 30000 members throughout theworld for more information call 8950898 fundraiser inttiornhill r vu standup comic derek edwards willperform at the 4th annuals fundraising luncheon of the york techriqlogyasspciation wednesday- atlepinthornhill v the gets under way at 1130 eurnrwitii a spentkuctipn edwards performs following lunch at 115 pm proceeds j5orri theevent will go tliej- york region united way and ability online tickets are 70ahd tiohs miist be confinried by torrior- rowspbnsdrs of theeverit are borden ladner gervais ujefbell canada datamirror corp lauhchworksiric and royal bank financial group for more information call 8414422 suites- damsrnty healthcare integrated health care 111 4797778 acupuncture chiropractic elecmtherspies tatloss gait posture analysis stress management freflexologytz synaptic 2w4 7 v therapeutlculstuifdm traditional chinese medicine j z nonsurgical facejlim k intermittent traction ns j v peinalitralnlngmm v w l s v t