ci i r ssa stouffville tribune saturday dec 2 2060 vv v v- v 1 g j vt n jfr4 5 vs a metnrtlandrnrnmiiniiviipwcrtanmr- ks k b w a metrolaiid community newspaper- 9heri6gerdmaikhamonvl3pjm3 publisher ian proudfoot- general manager alvin brouwer editor in chief brenda larson director of advertising debraweller- deputyedltor- classified manager dehorn kelly ann campbell- editor j jim mason production manager pam nichols distribution director barry goodyear v online publishing manager margaret fleming retail sales manager z stephen mathieu inside sales manager stacy allen business manager roblazurko office manager vivian oneil on dec 6 anniversary realize that both sexes are equally violent soon it will be dec 6 the anniversary of a day when marc lapine murdered 14 innocent women womens groups will use this oppor tunity to condemn allmeri as misogynist and violent people responsible for all the prob lems of the world creators of wars sexist pigs l i say to them stop it my heart is with you a blame marc lapine condemn all violences not only the ones against women realizethat both sexes areequally violent my condolences to the families of survivors s mcriaelabraham toronto palestinians must change tactics in order to achieve a peaceful solution have been served at the expense of a few dozen lives here and there how sad i am jewish not v sight of a palestinian childsuffering tor ments me too did it really happen the way mr luttwak- describes i cant say arid neither can ms hayani but to assert as ms hayani does that tiie killing is simply the result of israeli aggres- v sion because israelis are racist brutes demon- re israel should take the blame for its crimes against palestinians i houda hayani wrote on november 7 urg ing us 10 blame israel forjts crimes against palestinians here are some excerpts from ms- attitude that she claims is held by mr wilder hayahis letter canadian jewish leadersare mshayarucmsmeuseofcmdrenasself tantly a new attitude they have tostop trying to win arid instead try to settle after all this is the basis for any honest negotiation murraycass markham artsies arent the only creative stratesthesarne selfrighteous and bigoted v people j tgchigs are too referred to as socalled community leaders israel is said jo be conducting a murderous campaign against thpalestinians israelis are called racists whpvconsider palestinians less human than the restof us joseph wilder a jewish conuniffiity leader is called self-right- v ebus and bigoted for suggesting that palestinian leader yassaf afafatinsidiously- uses palestinian children defence the work of insane people heir logic is the act is insane therefore it did not happen sadly we liyein a world that is notfree frorri insaneacts j most israelis yearn for peace barak was j elected on apeace platform if arafat is unable to reach a peace agreerrient with barak there will likely be no peace when trie carrip david peace talks failed us president bmclinton placed theblarrie vmshayahi introduced herself as a peace lbvmglnaqlan clearly on arafats intransigence barak had wbiild expect from a peacejovirig canadian made concessions that many israelis were arafat knows very well how tomariipulateshbcked to learn of it seerhs that arafat is not thewest by playing on its cbiripassibn edward prepared or able to accept corripfomise- luttwak- a us securityanalystcbritends that arafat must learn that violence will not give the scripted scenario went like this wm what ke wants the only solution is nego- palestiniaris conduct mass stone tiation after oyer 30 years im amazed hehas- demonstrations palestinian police shoot at c y grasped this israeli soldiers notkribwirig where the shoot- palestinians have gained much over the mgis coming from israelisbldiers shoot into- years through negotiation iffocus is limited to u thecrbwdpalestimandvmarisaremjiireaarid what one doesnot have and the gains are getting the idea that techies do no ieftrbram- ciie children included phqtos videos are ignoredthen thereisno hope forthe truly thinking taken mer a fewnimutes of careful analysis peaceloving people world opinion is formed -f- the bad guys arid for me suffering to end palestinians need me victims are clearly identified political ends new leadership new tactics arid most impor- re good education includes both arts arid u science opinion by david teetzel the era- banner nov 16 i certainly agree with your opinion a good education requires a mix of both arts and sci- ericebut speaking from the techie side why is it artsies think they are the only creative people in the world i got the impression from your column you believe that creativity is the exclusive domain of the arts faculty i could notdisagree riiore the changes in inforrriatiori technology are themselves enabling some of the most incred ible advancements since the iridusttial revolu tion the creativity and irnaginatibn involved in the innovation of new technology and prod- ucts in software hardware telecbmmunic- tions and wireless is ariiazing creative thinking and creative problem- solving are certainly not taught only in music art dance and theatre classes where are you davtowoodburn newmarket letters policy t v- stouffviliethbunejcj j tymmesyourlettersau j jsubmissjonsmust be less than 400 wwdsandmiist includea idaytinietelephone number neandaddtessthev newspaper reserves the right to o- i publish orhbt publishand to j editfordariwandspace 1 vacsjvi s iii write letters to the editor j 9 hftaftrill markhainont l3p1m3 jstoufivjnejribuiie serving the commuhity 1888 iv g ffffjfi vt canadian clrculauons audit boaid member y ontario press council j- v rv i stouflvhie tribune published every tuesday thursday and saturday is one of the metroland printing publishing and distributing ltd group of newspapers which includes the ajaxpickering news advertiser alltston heraldcourier v barrie advance barrys bay this week bolton enterprise brampton guardian burlington shopping news burlington post city parent colllngwoodwasaga connection east york minor erin advocatecountry routes etoblcoke guardian ramborough post georgetown independent acton free press kingston this vfeek undsay this week midlandpenetanguishene mirror milton canadian champion mjton shopping news mississauga news newmarket- aurora georglna erabanner northumbenand news north york mirror oakville beaver oakville shopping news orlllla today oshawawhltbyclarfngtonport perry this week peterborough this week- richmond hillthomhinvaughan uberal scarborough mirror stouffville tribune todays seniors oxbridge tribune and city of vbrkguardian vf phone jk5 242200 x 9538 classified 18007433353 distribution 905294244 distjributioneconsunxom rttfrtttw skar aftavmbjsjim v s s i telephone 905 29422oo 416 7987624 fax 905 2941538 email newsroomwonsuricorru frank daggett its easier to whine than come tip with practical solutions v hey call it thesilly season the election circus with its mud- slinging namecalling arid con stant ballyhoo j j i have another name for it the vacu ous season the recent carripaigning by federal and municipal politicians remindedme how easy it is to whine and how difficult to suggest practical intelligent solu tions if s partly why i have a hard time cast ing my ballot how is any voter sup posed to make an informed decision based on a bland blend of whines jibes and motherhood statements wheres the beef anyone can complain- but few go beyond the obvious to a real analysis of the problerri and ultimately to potential answers two campaign issues got my goat the gst and free trade how simple to getrid of the gst like an old sock problein is you still have a foot to keep warm since the gst is not a new tax it would have to be replaced by yet anoth- ertax hmm what to do since practically every developed nation had a gststyle tax long before canadaand the previous mstwas crippling our manufacturing industry why not stick with the status quo i certainly havent heard too many other options and rescinding free trade thats a good one ever hear of the glob al economy seems its hereto stay fqlks and those who warit to put canada back behind the tariff barriers of yore had better pick tip a business newspaper or magazine quickly how would abolishing free trade equip us for todays economy or that of tomorrow indeed how can we best move forward what skills do we need what are our cbrnpetitive advantages in what areas are we lacking how can we kick butt on the interriatiorial scene forget the campaign rhetoric but dont let those elected representatives getaway remember when they arrived on your porch at dinnertime to hand you a glossy brochure arid engage you in chit chat while all your expensive heat went phhwwt out the open door heres your revenge y with the silly season over and the holiday season- iipori us take tirheto research the challenges facing this couritryanditecbmhiimitietake look at the issues askthe tioris toss around sorrie answers then instead of indulging in another whine or listening to those of bur politic iciaris makeyouvejectrepreserifative workforyoubyapproachghimorher practical iritelligeritand workable solutions to the issues that matter most m