3r i nt 7 t yw -in- jty smfdujiok sports ii7iuradfly mmi 30 2ooo 23 it ir- ermia isi a jjr l- jlkvlmpm is- vrv if youve wetted a line on somebody of water or ventured intothe woods marsh or fields on a day thats cold and damp- theres probably been an occa sion when youve picked up a case of the chills this canbe uncomforable situation to be in worse it can be a precursor to hypothermia this is a condition that occurs when your inner body temperature falls to a subnormal level through exposure to cool air or sudden contact with cold water it accelerates when donning wet clothing hypothermia can impair your capac ity to act in a rational manner in extreme cases it could result in death besides uncontrolled shivering slurred or slow speech memory lapses drowsiness gawkiness or exhaustion could be indicators of hypothermia to prevent this its important to know your skill level before attempting any outdoor endeavour it also helps to get plenty of rest before making any excursion most important though is to get a handle on the weather conditions dont take anyunncessary risks and above all6e prepared for unpleasant weather wear appropriate clothing that will keep you dry and warm this should 5- mikehayakawa include a hat and layers of clothing made of tightly woven fibres such as wool which can trap warm air against your body be sure to keep vulnerable areas such as your fingers toes ears and nose protected and covered a wet suit or survival suit is an asset for boaters if you begin to perspire remove extra layers of clothing in instances where you might be far removed frdnvscivilization for an extended period carry an emergency or survival kit this should include a container of water since an adult requires at least four quarts a day to prevent dehydra tion some high energy food to provide your body with strength to continue metabolizing and producing heat should also be included in treating hypothermia the first pri ority is to immediately move the victim to a sheltered area and make them as jems never rub the surfaceof the per warmas possibleif theres no sheltered sons body vchfcould cause further area within the immediate area con- damage if jthey are have frostbite- struct a bonfire a downfilled sleeping bagcould bei all wet dothirigshould beremoved used to place mevicto iriw ana heat intth jbnn of warm moist as the yictim recovers begservirig v towels heatedblariketsbr hot water warm beveragestglp raisethejcqre bottles canbe tothe victims temperature buwavbidthingtliatc body i- includes alcohol or caffeine yi do not warm the person too quickly if a victims condition appears- to by immersing them inarm water worsen seek immediate proper medical rapid rewarming can cause heart prob- 1 assistance be a big brother its kids stuff 9057274251 this message brought to you as a community service of economist suntribune business depot loblaws sears 1- trie bay the building box biway 1 personal edge zellers longos ar toys r us spotlight todays homes iga- markham 1 igauhionvilie michaels arts stcrafts canadian tire steeles holiday inn schell ace building centre home depot sobeys canadian tire stouffvillecariadian7 rvtirerhi o- canadian tire auroral s nwkv weston produce iga aurora town of aurora leisure guide i wmm important notice york regio m district sc h 0 0 l board public information meetings town of markham- v c elementary school attendance boundary review m t theyork region district school board will be hosting a public meeting open house to share information and gather input regarding proposed changes to the long term attendance boundaries for elementary schools serving the town ofmarkhany south of highway 407 east of middlefieldroad as ayesult jjf the proposed opening ofa newvchool on fonda road in september 200ir 1 public information meeting will be held tuesday december 5 2000 7r8 pm v 30 bowoodcresceht s- v vf0 v markham ontario v 9052945563 l i bill crothers bui hogarth l wwwyrdsbeduonca chair of the board director o education