y economist suntribune opinion thursday nov 16 2600 15 to vc tcf jt 1zr mo stjwrtyv a eight down threeto go- i did the math iltcover three more municipal elections and then ill throw ihthe towel 1 before i think of easy street ill congratulate those elected to whitchurchstouffville council including wayne emmerson r emmerson is hard working and he sincerely cares about whitchurchstouffville and ke knows this town like no other emmerson is quoted as saying his opponent jeanne major put on a good show hes right jeanne major was a very cred ible candidate shes articulate passionate and committed i hope jeanne continues to take an interest in municipal mat ters id especially like to thank defeated ward 5 councillor judy scala for sixyears of dedicated service judy has lots of energy she took a positive approach to the job and judy was always fair when i left the newsroom just before 1 am tuesday morn ing i noticed something i didnt like i was tired i cant be run- jiing out of steam ive goyihree elections to go ive covered umpteen municipal provincial and federal elections ive worked elections for community newspapers daily riewspa- pers television and radio v my maiden voyage into election coverage took place in 1974 1 worked 10 hours the takehome pay was 15 the sick part is id havedone it for nothing i never got tired in 1974 my first election assignment was a freelance job with cklb radio stationed at oshawa city hall i was equipped with a- head mike and power battery pack which connected to the radio stations newsroom across durham region there were eight freelance reporters in municipal offices doing exactly thesame thing with varying degrees of know how- the drill was on a rotation basis a radio commentator introduced each of us from our perspective municipality each would give a twominute update on who was winning who waslosing who was cheering and who was crying ten minutes later wed do it all over again it was a horrifying expe- rience i loved it i was queen of the fake no one knew i didnt know what i was doing the jingo went something like this commentator joan ransberry will give lis a report from oshawas city hall come injoan r joan ransberry yes bob its really heating up here the mayors oppo nent is walking a little funny his eyes are glassedover and theyre beat rehemustjhaye allergies the mayor looks like hes swallowed a canary wiml2590ybtesitwojjdbesaetosaythemayorsbeen rejected most of the races in the citys seven wards are too close to call although ward 3 councillor alice brown has cap tured 99 per cent of the vote shes been on council for 33 years i guess experience counts bob the council chambers are full theres a lot of booing and a lot of cheering the caw executive and the oshawa district labor council has just tumedup so has a guy with his pet monkey he comes every elec- tion its a tradition ill sign off bob id like to say hi to the monkey ll phi 2 isa fwm aacmayinovembe i please drbpin tb toromarkon saturday november 18 between ism3pm for ake fccpffeei v 6 wish mh fleischer all the best in his retirement toromarfurniture hwy 7 just west of hwy 48 inthelgaplaza 2942581 772055 1 zteyx every wednesday tsj fc i r showmiluonaire dont miss yoiir chance at obj 10000 money girab r boor your rissf christmas ipaltty nlhs 1 sunday nights karaoke dnight p fv- mmy ptrt 6545 hwy 7 i a a mm e of wootten way 2944925 35w rkfd n0vitf79 fri10 satssunios 4 buildings over 1 70 exhibitors join us i at i- cartadas original gpuritry furnishings country decorating accents antiques country clothes accessories count ry crafts and affordable v country christmas giftldeasl ieyerythingfr6ma toz to help decorate yout home and r cottage for your christmas country hearts desire atm machine- hourly doorprizes free parking free child care centre 2 older coat parcel check swxoulntvdgcoratinpdwfifb aamissi6v senior rv2chilcltaxincl- tflgfla on theshowis like favouritecountrydecorating magazine hascome to life