economist suntribune federaif election 2000 saturday nov h 2000 v 13 oak ridges candidates talk issues and records in public forum by joan ransberry y staff writer harsh criticism was levelled at an oak ridges allcandidates foriim held in stouffville thursday local progressive conservative candidates john oostrom and canadian alliance candidate bob callow had noth ing good to sajr about the liberals party- leader jean chretien or oak ridges incum bent brypn wilfert voters across canada go to the polls nov 2 about 50 members of the business community were breakfast guests at the foriim sponsored by the chambers of commerce of whitchurch- stouffville and richmond hill and local metrolahd newspa pers oostrom stressed that the progressive conservatives have ruled canada for a total- of 133 years im not giving up on them the former mpsadd oostrom was an mp representing willowdale in the mid 1980s he immigrated to canada from holland in 1952 oostrom is multilingual speaking english dutch french spanish and- german over the past decade the liberals have neglected to upgrade the countrys military both the alliance and the pc candidates charged were the laughingstock of the world said oostrom under trie liberals canadas armed forced havebeen reduced to rely on world war ii equipment ostrom said he then suggested the military be upgraded to enable canada to deliver a rapid response force when required canadians rally wilfert meanwhile stressed that history shows that when theres a battle cry canadians rally they rally quickly and they rally with conviction as well wilfert said canadas role astari international peacekeeper has earned us worldwide respect callow chastised the liberals for calling an election with 18 months still left in the term when parliament was devolved 20 bills died on the order paper said callow the legislation in question dealt with such matters as child pornography men stalk- ihg women and the young offenders act in calling an early election the liberals r put themselves ahead of the safety of women and children said callow during his closing remarks callow took the gloves off and charged the liberals with con- ceit arrogance and vanity as well callow said the liberals used fearmongering tactics to win ontario in the last election to top it off the canadian alliance candidate cautioned the audience to be especially weary of chretien be careful hes a cagey politician said callow despite the harsh remarks from his opponents wilfert said he was proud of the liberal record and proud of his service as an mr the grit pointed out that last year the liberals paid down the national debt by 123 billion the largest in canadian history as well wilfert defended the liberals handling of health care nothing is more important than health carevthis is why the liberals will invest more than 212 billion in health care over the next five years wilfert said the candidates also cited transportation as a critical feder al issue the pickering airport should be built as soon as possi ble callow saidwhile oostrom suggested a rail system could link the pickering airport to torontos union station wilfert pointed out that a few years ago the federal govern ment committed billions of dol lars in the tripartnership infra structure program which involved the municipal provin cial and federal levels of govern ment most of the money has gone to roads and sewers walmart notice the irwin leapfrog leappad interactive book v shown on page 1of our november 11th vtoyland flyer will be sold at a i rollback price of 7488 ieachi we apologize for any inconvenience this may have cadsed rare keghqmismcama oi noon woo one t bereaved families of ontario x founded 197 infer the auspices of the hosptt or sick htai hsmafttezvaitotyjt tewed petspeciafcfchtteara a grid and bere the devefcrment of ofrotfngprogrammes and it die superman and training of setfteip group leaderi f y ttecrrtperatmbettyanlprofessi hastened guarantee that the best support is prowled i qrtf qfiqroo4 ilhbtnbimisitai the group of three plus message to our sponsors without die generous support of bur sponsors our art exhibition- would not have been possible so with heartfelt thanks we would like to acknowledge our sponsors and donors of our door prizes hempen jewellers clintar groundskeeping services village animal clinic towne optical burgess chemicals canadian brush strokes derrick patricia parsons refnax rouge river markvillejcarpets royal investments services svengali hair studio pets are peopletoo david youngs contracting wiseman electric ltd main street interiors barker roofing siding ltd dr d stirke luttrell insurance ltd the meat shoppe wenex technologies david laws assoc ltd tt deli frameville donor hempen jewellers northland art company towne optical carol shannon skiloft door prize arriethyst 14k gold necklace gold and pearl earrings framed picture sun glasses and case garden gift basket family day pass the california kiss corp gift certificate 2 car washes any enquires please call905472 4302 won by j pam richards carol southwood aliieryu v mmascherin- ll nlargaret wade richard page sandra woodroy- r w local canadian tire gears up for giving on friday oct 27 2000 canadian tire employees used pedal power to kick off the canadian lire foundation for families annual family tree program which- raises money for families iri need in markham and across canada employees from every canadian tire location across canada pedalled for families in need pictured here is doug fleming canadian tire associate dealer on 8675 mccowan rd in markham thejfaniuytree program is a national fundraising initiative of the canadian lire foundation for farmuesvduring the holiday season 500 will be donated from the sale of every 4 l2foot or larger artificial tree will be donated to the foundation in support of local charities an additional 500 will be donated for purchases on the canadian tire card or options mastercardcard last year the program raised morethkn 700000 for families in need across canada