ah v r economist sunlstouffville tribune tiursdaynov 9 2000 31 lr mi f 1 v 1 fa handyman- kitchens bathrooms ceramic tiles finished basements rubbish re moval interior painting and moving storage nannies y3 jheinhe-outr- nannies jivi- hemtveout r j ivw- oat 2t- i i handyman serv- short notice negotiable ices jnr 905472- rates ken 416658 9430 moving tnkk2jnenv- livein nanny 3ch housesapartments dren 6 51 non smok- home morl condos- small large er english speaking- i month old babv local- c longdistance legal referencesun- jbrimley i high glen nanny housekeeper fonwlle- 9059462562 4166973024 5307 markham guild of village crafts 30th annual beccs anccjbozvs christmas xwftsace fit nov1 0trf6 pm to 9 pm sat nov 1 1th 9 am to 4 pm at the markham centennial arena the penalty box lounge jon the 2nd floor 8600mccowan road markham for more inf6fcall9052947421 s vaa country christmas craft show sale friday nov lotli 4pm8 pm saturday nov 11th 10am3pm at cedargrove community centre 7667 14th ave markham lake hwy 7 east to reesor rd drive south approxl mile to 14th ave turn east watch for signs christmas craft sale sat nov 11 sunnov 12 9 am to 3 pm 50garnish green markham ne 7 48 off pincham folk art wreaths swags showmen candles and more gingerbread bazaar lunch sat nov 11 10am2pm grace anglican church 19 parkway ave marfcham balqng crafts preserves cotkctabtes nearly new quilt raffle pet corner sewing knitting surprise packages christmas craft sale r sat nov 11th 10am3pm tw sun nov 12th llam2pm h v kings kastle daycare s v 9899 hwy48 is just south of major mackenzie santas snowmen ceramics much more community craft fair at the thbimnill community centre 7755 bayview ave at john st sunday nov 12th 104pm free admission i f corporate sponsor come out to he cmos bub and flu out a ballot awiiffi w mmerethb ficcl fttt tatsnctlw coopdsr cobbqs value 1500 mmmm e asses sphenon workforce architects thecbbl key ttifhding ttietjsititjpb- while you re atthe career fair fill out aballottowina 500 3ift certificate from upper canada mall newmarket exhibitors contact your york region careers sales representative to book your booth 9058532527 op 1 8007433353 i f brought toyou by the erabanner theliberal the economist sun stouffville tribune the king tribune ments pmenfffkltommisf8fsuitandmbm landscaping landscaping fcal jaclcjean wrycraft of unionvilie are pleased to announce the engagement their daughtertfgefe lee to bradley warren son of john catherine warren of ticbering ann and terry boyle of markham are pleased to welcome into their family chris- tine ann bom november 3rd 2000 at mark- hamstouffville hospital weighing 8 lbs 4 oz proud parents are rob andsue logan of stouffville a sister for sarah elizabeth and a second grandchild for claudette and andre turpin of sudbury toninger renee andralph are pleased to announce the arrival of their new baby girl autumn nicole 8 lbs 10 oz on sunday no vember 5th 2000 proud grandparents are ralph anddianne gibson and rudy and evatoninger quality professional tree caie tree shrub and hedge pruning large and small removals stump removal cabling and bracing fertilizing and spraying certified arborist l- l markham pzc property services i v 1 1 1 tr 4724842 free written estimate windows doors m painting decorating j windows window cleaning service industrial commercial residential pacer 416 3795453 bill lanninc res 9054714744 s s painting decqrating 4oic afjlass interior exterior s a top quality guaranteed i tjlfea fully insured free estimates 9054716538 home improvements hya personals personals personals daycarewanted daycare wanted personal prayer to the holy-spirit- holy spirit thou make me see everything and show me the way to reach myjdealyou who give the divino gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and whoare in all instances of my life with me i in this short dialogue want tothank you for everything and confirm once more that lneverwantto be separated from you no matter how great the material desire may be- 1 want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory amen- person must pray this 3 con secutive dayslwithout stating ones wish af ter the 3rd day your wish will be granted no matter how difficult it may be promise to publish this as soon as your favor has been granted ttu pb i jourmqther of j perpetuarhelp mmnmmcnm attention stayathome moms urgentlyseeking providers northf hwy 7 call now paid statutory holidaysand child t sick days some equipment supplied rsuppoiltrainingworkshops r materials craft supplies w r r v ihmel please call tusfs 4799671 ceramic tile from 079 sq ft wall and floor- installation available unique hom improvements and decorating 3833 midland rve scarborough at mcnkoll 4163216316 franchise information available snowplowing hometown handyman services hfctrical plumb wg dryvwil vpahting uwncuttwg ofences wwtfjh7jng decks v i smowshoveumfi trash removal cbiamcs 13 years experience j call victor lindsay 9056404560 or 416096937 j j m ls snowplowing propertyseryices residential commercial season nov 1 2000 april 15 2001 starting at 15000 double cell 4163994802 pgr 4163723294 ifpt