it fl- nt iw i- 7 j v biinhto -i- l economist suntribune 91 unl ay thursday nov 92000 sfe 7l jt- v move to vi bruce stapley local minorhockey officials see merit in a canadian hockey association initiative to limit the number of games rep level andhouse league teams can play during a season but they suggest the proposal would require changesinmethinkingof coachesplayersand parents as well asanalteratiqn of tfieleting oritari6rep level hockeyscheduleand playoff- iormat v si vr xr theplan was initially jntroducedat last yeavsoperuchoeysuxn opmg adjfe and agehuinejove of the game in young players jt was endqrsedby die ontario jbelieves in theimportance of practice although hockeytederatiori jast mbntltat a follow up he contends the ohf proposal of two practices meetmgtdjhe second annual summit heldin for every gamermight be too stringent he august of this year j j points the finger at coaches who enter their- e ohf recently recommended the imple- teams in 10 of more tournaments a season meritationof a formula mat would see me ratio these coaches are too obsessed toocom- of practicestb games fixed at two to one inpetitive fewjsrof practicesr irv v cartwright agrees that such coaches are tak- anlygariighpresident of the ring the furi out of the game vvhitchiuchstouffvulev minor- hockeyf tthese coaches are focused only oh winning asvociatiorifeelstfteicha initiative is well andputtine their players on the ice for 80 mtenuoneclr v f games or more thats as many gamesas the in agmieja player wagei ohjaejcefofpfbsplayandtheyd6nlhavetog6tohoou mayfisjojuteslg mcmnnon whose wsmha rep teams have arejjtitetforthefuuhdur won two omha titles as well as a lakeshore jheldwsmharep teams played a 26- division novice crown averaged two league gamesfchedule lasseaspri with 34 practices games and one practice a week with rep teams butrepteamsals6play in various tquma- he raached his teams would play on average rnerits the season in addition to five tournaments ayear what an bea drawn out ontario minor hockey- i would have preferred to have one more a r i tc i1j1 i practice and one less gamea week smckinnon now copresident of the stouffville spirit junior a team agrees the crunch comes at playoff time in the omha playoffs a bestoffive series sometimes has to be over in one week so you could be playing five games as well as a prac- tice that can burn out a player n f he said teams that go all the way in the play offs end up playing the equivalent of another v association playoff schedule also practice time is sometimes used for games that have to be rescheduled due to such things as holidays cartwright suggests spreading out the rep leagueschedule and having fewer rounds of playoffs might allow for a more appropriate gamestdpractices ratio he said- several wsmha teams had to finish their regular schedule justbefofeghristrhas last season former wsmha rep coach bob mcbcinnon whole season in terms of the number of games playecl v their schooling can fail when they play that much hockey theyre travelling to places like leamington for an 8 pm game and their not getting home untttrmdnighl jjmhassard a former wsmha house league r feels the cha initiative is good i have- no probleiriwith that he said from a development standpoint im a big advocate- of practice- time most of the wsmha executiyerfeel the same way even thdughthekids want to play games hassard acknowledged that like the rep pro gram- house leaguepractices are sometimes sacrificed for make tip gapes he said practices lackxtfielustrfamesfor many coaches players and tparents softie coaches try to schedule exfiiljitioh games for practice ses- sions 3 xv in theplder house league levels some of the players wilf skjprrwcticesrbut if you give up ipracnes you give up thechance to develop the kidsfiirther- -v- hassard saldhiswife sharon a former pf 6- fessional skating instructor who has assisted as a coach witha novice- clippers team is adamant about young players getting in prac tice timewfiich includes time spent working on their skating skills x themiribfhovicetep teams that have arranged extra practice time have all improved significantly as this season progressed- hassardsaid an omhabacked practice iprogram adopted by the wsmhain recent years was positive m that it enabled large num- bers of players to practice specific skills at vari- ous stations set up across the arena but parents and players became -disen- chanted when as many as three teams were sent out to practice at once due to a shortage of available ice time r bantam gi save 1 oalies is from page 25 one goal two assists shawn burns one goal kevin cinnamon and spiros tsiopoulis each had two assists tyler mcmaster- andrew mckay fraser smith brad patterson and dylan harrison each had one assist daniel oierkas another bantam call up shared goaltending duties with mcmanus as regular goaltenders scott davis and lucas hunter found themselves oh the injury list entering the tournament canadian tire players of the game brian pearl s1key yasamura offensive player of the game wide receiver bnah pearl made a big contribution to the marktiam district high school marauders offence in fridays 247 lossto the newmarket high school raders the 17yearold grade 12 hauled in two pass es and made several good downfield blocks to assist in the marauders running game defensive player of the game safety mikey yasarnura was- a busy player for the markham district high school marauders defence in fndas 247 loss to the newmarket high school raiders the 16yearsold grade 11 student was credit ed with making seven tackles included in those were a couple of big stops to thwart the raiders running game 1 1 cwre n tour community career choice serving torh region through the erobanner the liberal the economist sun the tribune fumi m lit careers- jln careers careers if f v5 preplahnihg sales representatives winning salespeople for a winning team r these frontline positions require individuals who are experienced in relationship 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