economist sunjstquffville tribune thursday nov 2 2000 23 hjz v y sales 3 w christmas craft m bake sale g saturday november 4th at rouge valley mennonite church 7452 reesor road south of hwy7 north of steeles 9am2pm tea room homemade soup lunch christmas craft sale the 4th annual sat nov 4th 10am3pin marfeham district hs 89 church st formerly field at william armstrong ps christmas open house v satnovember 4th llam4pm smx november 5th lpm4pm 165 fincham ave hwy 48 16th j come see our fine selection of christmas gifts decorations wrap cards y ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss lighting sale sat sun builders renovators and public fluorescentat distributors cost oak arid coloured base moulded acrylic arid lead lenses kitchenrhallbath and rec room jit supply 11 cardico dr unit 3 gormley s 9058875200 kaufman solid wood dmingroom table w2 leaves 2 armchairs 4 sidechairs r 1200 905947 v after 5pm lumber plywood trim doors- clearance sell off 186 old ken- nedy rd markham 7am- 5pm mf 9054774000 moving sale- furni ture bedroom suite ta- bles chairs etc ex cellent i condition 9052949793 or 4163186386 snowplow- 8 west- em- 2 years old 3000 or best offer push leaf blower 200 or best of fer 9054710823 v firewood markham firewood 9052946655 mccowan firewood 12 and 16 hardwood delivered pickedup call for pricing 905- 4723724 r n pets supplies auction sale sunday november 5 at 1030 am large sale held or isabell and norman metcalfe of north york and bracebndge at the ballantrae community centre 1 km east of hwy 48 on aurora rd consisting of mechanics and body shop tools antiques antique clocks good qty antique and collector glass and china furniture appliances collectibles and household antique walnut sideboard outstanding ant pb rocker ant secreta ry desk duncan phyte dining chairs new ash dining table and chairs kitchen buffet swivel rockers lamps tables chairs dressers etc good furniture ref projects included kitchen stove refrigerator chest freezer apt size dish washer beautiful antique ogee wall and black slate mantle clocks sessions long drop school clock late vict picture clock lovely collectibles beaver jar old salt crock stamp albums elc mechanic and body shop tools large snapon tool boxes as new air and hand tools torches pushpull body jack etc note- large sale approx 400 lots preview 9 am details wwwclarksonauctionscom clarkson auctions 9056406411 tat nov 4 10 am auction for estate of the late jean mary mann of stouffville of antiques collectables furniture household vanhaven arena 722 davis dr uxbridge 24 km east of 404 visit v website theauctionadvertisercomgaryhill of phone for faxed list gary hillauctions800- fis4t647 or 8529538 v boarding puppies- lhasapoos shipoos peekapoos shelties jackrussells lab crosses shots open house sunday 125pm 905478- 4464 jtjtfl cars for sale 93chev cavalier rs standard 2 door load ed excellent condition certifiable asking 4600 negotiable 905- 5136155 m cars wanted buyerssellers t- beware i is your auto recycler licenced markham- 4 linden lea street wootten way north saturday november 4th 9am- 2pm gigantic moving sale r t v markham 26 foun dry cres off raymer- ville sat- nov 4th 8am3pm books com puter software furni ture etc richmond hill-con- tent estate sale 157 shaftsbury ave yonge elgin mills sat november 4th 9am1pm 1 domestic help j wanted cleaning lady 4 hours per week or 8 hours every 2 weeks references- stouffville 905640888 housekeeper need- ed 34 hours daily cooking laundry other household chores some babysitting non- smoker 9054797248 rsz deaths jamesrvwiiiantthomas peacefully- cassedaway octoberv31st 2000 at xbridge cottage hospital bill will be great- ty missed by his sons tom jesse emie and their families survived by sister edith and brother ken bill will be cremated and a memorial service will be held saturday november 4th 2000 300 pm at stouffville united church church street stouffville- ontario in lieu of flowers donations fto- stouffville unitedchurch would be greatly appreciated by the family i j3 handyman babysitting kitchens bathrooms ceramic tiles finished basements rubbish re moval interior painting and handyman serv ices jnr 905472- 9430 babysitter needed for 5 and 1 year old 14th ave markham road 9052940103 after 6pm domestic help available eurocleaners service- residential commercial industrial bonded insured pro fessional trustworthy 4167562108 european cleaning lady available referen- t ces please call 4162445133 after 6pm v freidas cleaning services- includes dust ing vacuuming kitch ens bathrooms base boards window- ledges mopping extra services available 905470- 7975 moving storage moving taick2 men houses f apartments condos small large local longdistance x short notice negotiable rafes ken 416-658- 5307 gardening suppfes landscaping castleton tree farms since 1 968- farm grown cedar hedging all sizes de livered planted guar anteed- x 1-800-361- 5499- it daycare available nannies liveinliveout live out nanny for 2 children 4 and 2 part time or full time light household duties start imediately 905294- 4233 livein nanny 3 chil dren 6 5 1 non smok- er english speaking legal references un- ipnville 9059462562 loving caregiver- for 2 school age children part fulltime light household duties imt mediate day 905-201- 8570 or evenings -905- 4717117 j need a nanny house keeper free sponsor ship of filipma nannies available locals availa- hie wanted millenium caregivers 905727 3884 isskristtij f ki ur volunteers markham theater needs volunteers sometimes we need daytime help other times we might need representation at local festivities activities are varied and can be struc tured to suit your per sonal schedule please call the theater 9054157537 x5600 for more information private collingwood ski club- seeks volun teers to assist in race crew program on week ends in exchange for free ski privileges mini mum 5 day commitment required training pro vided- call steve 9058331745 affordable babysit ting 6 months loving experienced mom non- smoker lunch snacks references receipts brimley steeles 9054791738 daycare wanted after school sitter- required near coledale ps student welcome 9059479753 let our expert classified sales representativeshelp you place winning ads to attract the best people for yourjobopenings ball today andget great advice and prompt courteous u service our classified jines are open from 8am until 6pm monday throughtriday 1 8007433353 markham economist sun stouffvifletribune f business iprofessional directory p bftkfeconomisfiun an landscaping landscaping home improvements best rates- garbage removal cleanups etc call harold 905832- 3336 or cell phone 4168233435 carpet hardwood ceramics installation repairs sales serv ice reasonable rates work guaranteed call khushru 4166777555 garage doors fall tuneup special 95 quality professional tree care tree shrub and hedge pruning large and small removals stump removal cabling and bracing fertilizing and spraying certified arbonst markham property services mpq tree division 4724842 free written estimate windows doors h painting decorating j ust windows window cleaning service industrial commercial residential page 416 3795453 bill lanning res 9054714744 s s painting decorating interior exterior tbpqualityguaranteed fully insured free estimates 9054716538 home improvements 49 expires dec 2 12000 wc also do repairs install door openers 4163360073 ceramictile from079 sq ft uioll and floor installation available uniqitc hom improvcmcnts and d6corating 3833 midland ave scarborough unit 25 v- at menicoll 41 6321 631 6 franchise information available interior exterior residential commercial v general repairs free estimate 905- 2019490 4167006652 snowplowing pool repair service vy s renovations han dyman basements baths kitchens and general repairs 10 years experience rea sonable rates michael 9058872378 l s snowplowing property services residential commercial seasonnov 1 2000 april 15 2001 starting at 15000 double driveway i vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbb pool closing betterwinterizihgjvv k better value one low price i u gelan lord 51 36828 k occooccccccc cr- tti uiie i 1 li it