30 economist suntribune ifathzrday ocl2if20od c v t i v- 7i wwwmmmiatnhopscom pffcs in effctatoday october 14 until m 9275 markham rd 4261 hwy 7 hvvy 48 1 6th vvest of main st jri garden basket plaza uhionville sas47l26i8 905474- 1 8 i 5812 main st stpuffvhie beside houston ford 9056429334 unionvslle 2zw duncan wilde of manchester united and the premier soccer academy presents the unionlleilllen indoor sbgcmskiils 2000 program tthis- newly- designed- development program will feature soccerobics age and skill- related practices and progressions together with goal- scoring shoqtoutsand small sided games- soccer skills 2000 is prepared and- presented by qualified instructors to improve your game in an enjoyable way when november 3rd 2000 for 10 weeks where at the milliken mills soccer dome times group 1 from 630 800 pm j- s v born 1990 arid younger j i- group 2 from 800930 pm v- v -v- born before i 1990 vl r t cost ii5bb a- full schedule will jbe forwarded to each player with registration confirmation further information available from kevin speakman at 477kick5425i 7 7 for further information- on the premier soccer academy please- visit thevebsitewwwpremiersocceracademyconf g causes for groups reach far beyond their congregations to help a remarkable new study con firms what many of us have long suspected houses of worship are at the frontlines of social service provision in this province the study shows that on aver age each religious congregation surveyed contributed a mini mum of about 145000 a year toward social services in its respective community but the survey shows some thing else too the recipients of congregations largesse and energies are four times more likely to be unaffiliated with them than affiliated in other words the benevolence over whelmingly favours secular pro grams over religious ones described as the first of its kind in canada by its coauthor york university environmental j studies professor femida handy the study surveyed 46 religious congregations in toronto kingston and london ont rep- resenting the major faith groups it focused on the range of non religious services they offer in their communities among those were coun- selling for families senior citi zens programs programs for ron cslllag youth arid the poor as well as educatioriacprogfarhs and arts arid cultural programs just because buildings disappear doesnt mean people and their values will more than 75 percent of the congregations dispensed food clothing and internatiorial relief i hate to sound like the guy who sees the glass as halfempty but if 75 per cent of religious congre gations are doing this what are the other 25 per cent doing more than half offered soup kitchens services for the horhe- less shelters for men women and children likely under the out of tke cold program and hospital visitation- although all the congrega tions helped finance programs and devoted staff time to such cdrrimunity services their major contributions were volunteer hours donated arid the provision of space r the study rriirrorsl a 1998 study by volunteer canada and the canadian- centre for philanthropy that sfiowed church rriembers are the largest firiaricial supporters of npn-reli- gioiis charities and that they pr6 vide such charities -with- the majority of volunteer services the 32per cent of canadiaris who are religiously active pro vide 50 per ceritjofajf the hours volunteered and 65 per cent of all charifabledonatipns the earlier study found a summary of the later study was recently presented to rriem bers of parliament and senators by church groups lobbying for federal help in paying for poten tially crippling residential school- lawsuits many churches fear if the lawsuits force them tosell off buildings their charitable work would suffer j im with gordon floyd vice president qf the canadian centre for philanthropy who says that just because buildings disappear doesnt iriean people and their values will h thornhill resident ron csillag wntes about religious and spirituality issues he can be reached at csillaghomecom m cs hegion distiict 1cn001 1010 richmond hill adult community learning centre the worlds most popular afterschool learning program sskumon math reading centres in uxbridge and stouffville call instructor lynda troyer at 905473211 2 adult day school i get high school credits in only 9 weeks register now advanced general level courses businesscomputer courses english as a second language h call in advance for appointment home nursing personal support workers distance education internet credits 1 1 160 yone street just north of elgin mills call 9058842046 kmsunimmo hire a clown or character lookalike magic music games facepainting birthday gift prizes and stickers fancy loot bags available blue ribbon award winnercity parent call anytime 905 4715331 unionwle unionvillemilliken soccer club the notice of the annual general meeting when thursday oct 26 2000 place warden house time 730 pm v 1 v v iiu l ftwhii ifvly j t