22 ecommistsunsiouffinlle tribune saturday october 21 2000 i i v x- -a- with gas prices rising and a cold winter expected ahead fireplace sales are heating up some people want to enjoy the smell and ambience created by a wood burning stove others enjoy the maintenancefree aspect of a gas- burning unit there is a whole range of new and exciting fireplace designs on the market whether its atraditional wood burning stove or an energy gas fireplace the styles and colours are amazing- while wood burning stoves continue to sell well a majority of the fireplaces sold these days are gas burning units some estimates suggest that gas fireplaces account for about 70 per cent of the total market and there are several reasons why certainly gas is easier to use and jt requires less maintenance and upkeep than wood burning stoves gas fireplaces are quick and easy to install and they turn qri with the flick of a switch gas fireplaces are available today in sophisticated styles with features that includebay windows fans enamel coatings remote thermostat control bifold doors brass trim and castiron coristructioa and trims modern technologies have produced effects that are so authentic one has to look ait ir c b m ws y 1 b 2m z m ve 5 factory direct prices ip fr yiiali0lmtieriffirtiiture is an important part of our business up to l2maiiprices manufactured on premises twice to see if the fireplaces are real x two types of gas fireplaces there are two basic types of gasjlreplaces manufactured today inserts and directvent modelsshoppers will find a wide selection of units available of various physical dimensions and btu capacitfesr is important that homeowners select a modefwhich is applicable primarily for heat aesthetics or acombination of bouva qualified j conractor will ensure thatoutf choirieis appropriate and meets all gascodes f tjr 1- insert models are installed in an existing jwbod burning fireplacemost inserts will take combustion air from the rbontan a small metal liner is dropped idownthe existing rhasoriary- chimney to expel tfieflue gases manufacturers have addressed the pbtentioh problem of negative pressures within the homewhen roomfairis used for combustionby bringinginfresh air from outside via asecqnd metal liner through the chimney i- x ljsi direct vent models are installed against a blank wall usually an outside wall and are available as free standing stoves or as units that require further finishing such as surrounds and mantels jto complete the installation neither of these types uses an existing chimney depending onthe application either a top or rear vent model will bechosen which uses a special double walled pipe the inner pipe isused to expel fluegases and the exteriorpipe brings in fresh- air for combustion homeowners cansupply thesurroundthernselvesbr can choose a premariufactured one in a variety of finishes a gas fireplace can be installed in any room in the home its common to have mbrethan 6nefireplaceinahome theyre even showing up in kitchens bathrooms and in walls beside stairways v s- i v electric fireplaces have also benefited from advanced technploigiessome units are strictly decofatiewhile others have fans and heaters sufficient enough to takelbte chill off on a cbldnight theseiinits are also available in numberof styles and are very popular in apartments and condominiums and other applications where natural gas and propane are riot an option v consumers are looking for comfort and convenience and many are including a gas fireplace as part of a renovation preplaning is essential toensure thaohe fireplace installation can be accommodated withifr code requirements often piping- etc is done during construction with the installation following at a laterdate as with any type of gas appliance the installation of a fireplace must be done by a licenced contractor many local companies offer showrooms with operating equipment andinhonie consultations for their clients convenience with a wide range ofproducts available interested hbmeowneres aresure to find soriiethirig within theirbudget i ir- wood stoves still popular if people whoown wood stoves are buying gas stoves the opposite also holds truethere is a revitalized market for wood stoves today says mike fiztpatrick a associate with ballantrae stone and stoves a lot of people enjoy the smell of wood and enjoy the option of lighting a fireplace on the weekend lo s wood stoves havealso becorne much moreefficient than older models- and the designs have become more sophisticated wood stoves today burn cleaner are easier to start arid borne with reduced clearances says fitzpetrick j if you do own a wood burning fireplace you friay want to have it cleaned for the winter heavy soot and creosote will accumulate in the chimney that could if left unchecked ignite a fire chimneys should be checked with a flashlight for anydebns or blockages such as birds nests- r y h jj