mm rn yn t ojfivv vi by kathleen griffin t v y vf fl i anivery praud of my work vary a longtime markham resident ji kij already a member of chatelaine maga- pj gj ethnocultural hentage zmes who whoof caradian women and i am also very proud to be i has been inducted mtotnemowhs n jrm seniors hali fame v canadian m mayor d cousens and council rosetogiverosalinabustamante70a- w rosalinabuswante standing ovation as she received her honoured markham senior award tuesday mghto during the markham seniors 2000 awards invaluable c6ntnbutipnjp multicultur 6fraerelctionsin markham staff photossteve somerville marion damudejs applauded at the markham senior awards ceremony tuesday at the civic centre she launched a lunchjproraniforlseniors in the community g detectors v vis f stjn i i i with coupon i t-j- expires november 16 2000 one coupon per unit all units are vv csaul p x listed using advanced testing hardaare rfcdnunlkretesdd bustamante holds a mastevsmeee selection committee member tilley ticuhasspe 1- murrav unteenng as a hentage language teacher this multiawarded canadian has a not only been recognized within edua7 m lfeon race relations and tional circles butlikewise by provincial j 19 ieoa awa h and municipaligoveftnhents tor her jution to the promotion c w v mf rape relations markham t afmyery proudof y wbrkt very proud of my ethnocultural heritage and i am also very proud tobe canadian bustamarite said 7 tliree seniors were given the tovyns meritorious award tuesdayjaswelffor their work inthe community a marion pamude 84 was close to tears as she accepted hers frqm tion committee member raj setki who told cowcushkwas known m seniprs cifclesmdtlierhen v j daniude who launched me lunch- out program for seniors more than 20 years ago and volunteeredher time to read to a blind woman jjvery day for five years said she lives by a philosophy she calls help hugs and humour empa- thy and effortlove arid laughter praise andprayeirr t a dorothy gilbert76 began the meals j wheels program iriil971iafter lem ing no such program existeddydrk regionshelran4tuntilcfiatso6kit overinl988 v m 1 jim wicks 60 a 20year membfibf the lions club followed in thefooteps of his pafentshoalways told hirnifo give back he told council fj he drives abuses for sports teams i seniors- trips and participation hoijse residents aswellasiworking at the james wicks pauste while markham hamper club speech at me 2000di seniors senforsitreceiying certificatesof i x im ii appreciation include joe felhn awards on tuesy y member was otfeoftnesjionoured oofetsavita5pateftkamil markham residents r and eric schbfieldt fftl fcrr 5s 5762 hwy 7 1 block weft of markham rd hardwan y ij5f i svc 1 cjehihfvaautm oot the ienwi pill ojj the unilta keea it clean fpl ii ps i atuiimii wet 10 uecm old iluum leteplaced ir -i-i- w v ihm v i j w- ftsflhr e-ssss- 222000t sallow5pmysmflodnv4pm ricidiom green sports centre sv m30qelxjin york begions largest alrfefric country craft show featurin the best selection of canadianhandihade country treasures folk art woodworking primitive folk jewellery clothing bearst dolls stained glass florals saritas country classics y vrr h6medecor arid gifts galore k- 100 xnrie widithisd f5 adyoapayf srtd win door prizes free parking gift bag v i reentry passes country tea rooni- ao j vjs t 9054345531 wviftsfe i a