iiw r ebohomisrsuii ivstdiiffville tribliiie i 7r7 v 1- usted g j out with some friends i knew i shouldnt drink i knew i had todrive home v but sittingin the bar with the girls shooting the breeze about spouses kids and work i guzzle back a few now that idiotic choice has come back to hauntme the long arm of the law has caught up with me well not really before the rumours start lets make itclearjhis isnt a realarrest therearejno real cliarges my sheet is clean iq- this is a trumpedup scenario to seejxihat happens when somebody does run afoul of the law i glancing into my rearview mir- rorduringthe drive home- 1 spot through bloodshot eyesthe flashing red light of a police car pulling over to the side of the road my heart is thumping anil my mind is racing as i try to concoct some- story thatll get me off the hook const stephan pleskina buying a word of it v he can tell by the way i fumble for my licence and slur my words that im intoxicated a breath sample at the side of die road confirms his suspicions he reads me my rights im- told to empty my pockets and asked if im carrying any weapons handcuffed patted down- in case i lied about the weapons and slipped into the back seat of die cruiser im driven to 1 district- headquarters in newmarket pleskina parks the car and im led tathe back door of the station from this point on video cameras will watch almost every move i make while inside the building once inside the door pleskina directs me to an elevator that will take usupstairs but this is no ordinary elevator im forced to stand in a small metal arid glass cage for the ride up outside the elevator is a bench where i sit with others who have been arrested until i get paraded before the staff sergeant in charge of the station my jewelry shoelaces and paper money are taken from me although i can keep die change glancing up i see a yellow strip running around the walls at eye level which officers can push to summon help in an emergency pleskina tells the staff sergeant about the offence im alleged to have committed because im sub dued pleskina doesnt have to warn him that i pose a danger to myself or anyone else at this point im asked if i want an oncall legal aid lawyer to take my case if i take this route ill get a 1800 number often- people want to contact their own solicitors youd be surprised how many people have their lawyers phone number their lawyers cell phone number the whole nine yards on them when pleskina says im led to the telephoneroom the phone itself is brought in and taken out for every call this room where i make my constitutionally guaranteed call for legal representation is die only place during my journey through the police station where video cam eras arent mounted on the ceiling after my arresting officer explains the charges i face to jny lawyer im freeto converse with my solicitor without interference arid without handcuffs which are removed for the conversation but slapped back orf again before i leave the telephone room the staff sergeant then asks pleskinaif ive been properly searched i am led away to a private room where a female officer searches me more properly to double check im not carrying any weapons a more invasive and humiliating strip search isnt carried out unless offi- const stephan pleskina york region officer took lisa queen through the arrest process cershave good reason to believe i someone is carrying a weapon ox contrabandit just doesnthappeh unless its justified pleskina insists because i have been brought in on an impaired driving charge i attempt to walk along j white iirie painted on the floor i fail i then enter a room across the seejailpagel9 this chinese chippendale bedroom suite includes mens chest ladies dresser mirror 2 night tables queen headboard was 899500 visit our showroom antiqjjes refinished beyond compare 158 main street 905 4749677 sale price plus delivery and taxes