m 22 semnomist simtribune pages saturday sept 16 2606 j x c s- i h you are invited tdaftend a public meeting s to be held by die development services note regarding zoning committee of the town of markham to bylaw amendment consider an application by tender if a person or public body that files an holdings ltd to amend bylaw 10881 appeal of a decision of the town of as amended and bylaw 30487 as markham in respect of the proposed amended date time place tuesday september 19 2000 700 pm council chamber anthony roman centre 101 town centre boulevard markham ontario l3r 9w3 zoning bylaw does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the town of markham before the proposed zoning by law is adopted the ontario municipal board may dismiss- all or part of the appeal additional information additional information is available from background lj the subject land is municipallyjcnown as teema kanji of the towns planning j 5 old 14th avenue and has approximately department by calling 905 4777000 916 ha2263racresthe property is ext 4480 quoting file number za 00- f located at the southwest corner of- old 241533 14th avenue and markham road as shown below the lands are currently written submissions may be mailed or i zoned select industrial and automotive personally delivered to the clerks commercial mac underbylaw 108- department at the address noted above by 81asamendedrahd rural residential not later than 430 pm september 19 two rr2 and rural residential four 2000 v rr4 under bylaw 30487 as amended- v x dated september 16 2000 proposal the owner would like to rezone the maryfrances turner property to permit the construction of a commissioner of development services 23000 m 247578 ft commercial bill odonnell development this development will chairman development feature a 6900 m canadian tire store services committee with an accessory garden centre auto service centre and gas bar also proposed tor this commercial development is a 5128 m store a 4651 m retail store and three smaller retail stores ranging in size from 1858 m to 9432 m there are six restaurants 28624 m proposed four of which will be located at the main entrance of the jtjr plaza on markham road nva purpose and effect of the r u proposed amendment the purpose and effect of the proposed amendment is to rezone the subject lands business corridor under bylaw 108- as amended to permit a garden centre auto centre and an accessory gas bar subject lands uu ol excellence go for your personal goal goodlife fitness supports canadas national rowing team canadas national rowing team members train at goodlife fitness join now support canadas rowers and yourself 1 from page 20 therapists offers individual group and relation ship therapy based on deep emotional process ing atthe practice she established 14 years ago rshe describes emotional health as having a strong sense of self being open whole and aware of your feelings all of which can be achieved witliout therapy verhotional fitness is to be able to feel the whole range of your emotions and to be able to- process troublesome feelings said berger who has conducted seminars across the country and facilitated workshops focusing on personal and interpersonal development we can access our own natural healing power by labelling our feel ings writing them down without being in ther- apy our life is like d tapestry everything that happens today hasthreads back to the past and along the threads we experience knots of held feelings the majority of clients entering deep emo- tional processing therapy are those who cannot fully understand their feelingsr ouriife is like a tapestry everything that happens today has threads back to the past and along the threads we experience knots of held feelings said berger who was introduced to deep emotional processing therapy by a psychi atrist helping her confront feelings surrounding the tragic loss of her brother 10 years earlier when traumatic experiences occur explained berger people who are not allowed fc feel completely carry those feelings with them into adulthood and experience pain from their past by people who trigger the memory of the trauma thats when they dont understand them selves and start to have panic attacks cry or get- angry and they dont know why said berger- who is speakihg at the newmarket public library sept 28 and will host a show on rogers cable in october to discuss her bopk- they dont understand themselves because what theyre feeling is too big for the present sit uation if there is a main message in the book berger said it would be one of responsibility people knowthey have to take responsibili ty for their actions now they have to know to take responsibility for their feelings said berger emotional fitness can be achieved byrecog- nizing- your- overreactions andunder-reac- tions before reading emotional fitness womens centre of york region counsellor daphne tacon was unsure of the correlation between feeling and being emotionally healthy i knew there was a connection but i didnt know how to process my feelings and not be controlled by them saidtacon once bergers client vrhe book was so effective for tacon that she made emotional fitness required reading mate rial for the women attending the centre the book is so helpful straightforward and easy to understand the feedback i get from the women is that it really resonates with them and theycan identifywith the case studies she said thebook helps usunderstand that we cant allow the past to dictate our present and we can do that by being able to feel feelings we werent able to feel in the past leukemia research fund canada leukemia knows no boundaries it can affect anyone regardless of age sex or race it infiltrates the body through white cells in the blood it is considered a form of cancer and attacks the various blood forming tissues of the body such as the spleen bone marrow and lymph nodes 11 io finch we w ste222 toronto ontario m3j 2t2 tel 416 661- cure 2873 fax 4166613840 this message brought to you as a community service of the economisttribune sbmfi r tow what if teaming disabilities ae not permanent and add is treatable without drugs dr ajien turner dcwill be presenting a free lectureon thursday sepf21 2000 from 730to900 pm at thestbuffville health centre dntumers methods havebeen featured on dini petty the national news and canada am 1 limited seating must reserve your seat 905 6404440 orwwwdrturnerorg po box 1559 6219 main street stouffville ontario l4a 8a4 tel 905 6404440 websrtewww drturnerorg ii 1 f t c do you have a runny nose we are conducting a researchstudy for people who have a runny nosealorig with nasal- congestion a cough or a sore throat you rhayvbe eligible to participate in tni3studyto evaluatean vv jnvestigafiorfallprarantiyiralmedicatiori formore information please calj amanda carrerai rn 905 4718938 zujestcunicai trials r a y- v- izx iaywwquesttrialscom k