nv j jmp jx 1 3f jvboaud at its monthly meeting last night n tra stunned ini just devastated ttjr- 7 that almost 14000 in investments and about the missing funds love said cash are missing from the tyburn associ- qrbni her bowmanviue home tuesday 231000 when life insurance policies aawscoffers f association- president mark grice were cashed ui and the moneywas not lmfe mforixied yoik re police -dedintdiio- comment until after the mvtedaccorgtofce jpfcoaffmeeefc -tta- bi c l theriussinwneyhaslefoheasso- vwthdefraudmgchentsomtmiuion datio come u 79yearoldmanlost100000 and fe f quth m to he hasbrcfr mutated with potential a66 the ahndal quarter horsb corigress in victims ri r when their money not used i to columdusj ohio me st wee were hoping to meet with them invest wth canada me and industrial 0ctohk association members in the next vxt 1c j the congress is one of the largest month or so he said yxlm y ed horseshowsin north america theres not enough hours ih the day documente it is the job of the youth adviser to forme kenaid tiie money was never received competition blow who remains in custody by the companies according to love w appearsin court oct 10 valerie love is the quarter horse i associations office manager and a 11 j member of tke board of directors 1 x her 19yearbld daughter tammy is president of thetyoutiiwingr according to love her daughter noticed discrepancies iwiuvthe youth groups books during the i summer tammy tried to alert2bfficialsbut v love claims hercomplaints werent fol- lowed up for several weeks j ctafnmy was scheduled to inform the missi o3sthe economisttribune j x j t tse a as jis s malns j mabkham farmers market mkham rdbflbimqnjf 2fights norfiiof hvvy 7 satiirdaw september 16 j icgys chili cooking gontest judging at 11 iffi sampling to follow 1st pme ddnatbylseasoii to taste 2nd prize donated by sainfire substance entertainment provided by bnandmaiialmjsaensbauer wkbtve appeared oii ity tv for information orjtb register call -i- 905 47224s2 av a gome aiid be part of the fun box grove jplan should be dumped environmentalist v i r residents should lobbylojcal-politi- cians to throw out the town of markhamsiproposalfor boxgrove -i- and notbehampered by hairsplitting v 6r details envuonnientalist glenn de baeremaeker told ameetingtuesday vmarkham mayor donxousens and j councillor bill 6donnell saya flyer attacking the development plan which- k wjbstnutedbytwpenxarpnrnental gfquplastweekisfuuofmaccuracies it was almost totally incorrect ppbnnellcomplainedvesterday v among other things 5 flyer dropped at thousands of homes last week says the ibox grove secondary plan areaisin the formernduffin rouge 1 agricultural preserve v i y i l ithe preserve the province declared tqtprptect topgrade farmland f ih markham and pickering is actually further east ibut opponents of the planwhich would allow 2600 new homes and some v employment lands see this j urban i expansion as athreat to the areas agn- cultural heritage j and an ihfringemeht ohiieighbquhngrpugeparltr j pe5baefemaeker president of save therpugevaueysystemyevenmauytbldj 40 popleataemarkharn civic centre tiiatlthe governmentowned area v afpurklb6xgfove was meant since the 1970s to be a bufferagainst urban expansion vipo v hetilrged his audience telephone- town councillors and tell them toydte against the plan ifs agricultural land or z urban sprawl de baeremaeker argued cpusehs didnt denyike plan might be uijtfouble all that it awaits he said is a provincial zoning ordeifj allowing me toronto catholic cemetery board to swapjts approved cemetery at 14th h aveuue andth lmefora nevy location atsteelesavenue and reesor road inside the former preserve2 delgrfbaeremaekermaintained si markham is simply in competition withi h othermuniapabtiestosee which f growjhetastestfandmanycouncillors sunplyupport a moref growththey all 100 imported italian leather sofas loveseats ghairs absolutely no vinyl k 5hv sat sept 16 sun sept 17 96 pm come early for best selection vvcili3i value models tt sale scottv compare at 1 899 victoria igomipare at 2099 sale 999 taylor 6mpareat2299 sale 1099 march break 2001 special cruise presentation vm vatssis noon to 400 pm sept 16 rv at the veterans hall unionville corner of main and fred varley i i xclusive to uniglobe stephanieicompare at 2499 sale 1 1 99 i wow occasional tables starting at s1 000 lv1 especial sale location vm v v v- v t- v c3 co z v v j t st0uffv1llerd stouffviie counby mattel i ikli s i 11