j e- g4qhfosbnflh ztaft ours -irr- something hitthe window i lookedup from my computer and remind council that contrary to popular belief theyre the debate apparently when canada marched oft towar in screerla man was standing ort thestieet directly in front of neither strippers nor hookers rather the girls are exotic 1914 arid 1939 our soldiers sailors and airmen were fighting my workplace heddr6pped his pants turned around and- dancers theystressmatgyratingonastegeoratableiswhat for the freedom of all including the constitutional rights of pressed his naked bottom upagairist the windowhis bud they do best and besides its how they feed their babies dies were laughing i was not impressed 1 v the strip club owner meanwhile will talk about entre- i was done however both the front and the back door preneurship paying taxesproviding employmentand if t were locked at the whitby that doesnt sway the politicianstheclub owner will put based newspaper i often democracy on the table act went directly back to the of course somewhere along the way the clubbwner and- workplace to write the council the strippers will bring the veterans of both world wars into strippers incidentally canada also wehtto war for peoples rights to own guris and to smoke tobacco 1 id like to see a pfovincewide ban of all strip joints such establishments are degrading to both women and men as well strip joints are ofteri linked to prostitution drug addu 3 tion and biker gangs lefs get rid of them once and for all j news t vu joahrahsberry- i liked working alone late t at night the only catch was the hexvdbbr neighbour working beside a strip joint hadjts drawbacks the strip- rpefsclidnt bother me but the clientele did c it was obvious the late night peelers were associated withoutlawbikersbikersdojj odd things ftessingnaked bottoms oh the windows of news- l papers was nuriorin comparison to other antics jv ap a strip joint does not agood neighbour make just ask the people in richmond hill newmarket wd markhamiit does f i nttake long for the community including dovvntowh biisif ness ownerstbget fed uplstqufreauroraahd kirigare- j privileged because they dont have thehassles linkedtostrip dubs- jv 5yjjp r- since the flavour of the stripjoint spills but on to the street commercial business owners their staff and their cus- tomers are to foul languagefist fights men urinating on the street broken liquor and beer bottles and discarded needles and other drug paraphernalia and most agreed a strip joint stuck smack in the middle of the down- area hurtsthe enure town- i the problemusually finds its way to localcouncil where the public isrernirided thatthemunicipality doesnt have the legislative power toshut a stnpjoiht down u local governments canhowever restrict new strip joints ito operating in industrial park areas but a nonconforming use bylaw gives existmgstrip joinj owners the legal right to stayopen k v of courserwe hearfrom the other side girlswno normally wear nothing more than nail polish will put on some clothes estatejmher slitoetdmmoitoes r picklbsg gukes peaches 1 r sy at farm market -v- pick youroww fallraspberbjes nckyol own tomatoes lightsupply fpick yolirown good supply f startina saturday sept 2nd r r ik