5 f- r v- new area code means dialing 10 digits for every 1 phone caunciyear by daryl- lynn carlson staff writer yir some people are slightly daunted by its stationery theprospect of having to remember a howard barmash a thorhhiu retail 10digit phone number goods importer suggested more people my v husband was saying wow i will use their speed dial option to spared have enough trouble remembering themselves from finger fatigue j j seven numbers now ill have to remem- he also suggested many businesses ber 10said manueladibartolomeo are turning to communicating onthe part owner of the canadian cresting internet usingwebsites and t email another proposed change to the company in concord which also does which dont require t customers to legions area code rings so familiar local much of its business by phone remember a phone number w businesses arent dialing disaster yet butdibartolomebsaidshesriot par- 1 t any change hobodylikesvit instead many figure the burgeoning ticularly concerned about adding 905 barmash said jf jvtfv j c population north of torpnto is so good on to all telephone calls because her but after a while people vvill just get for business its well worth the hassle of business has included the code on alfof used to it w j dialing the area code every time they u 1- vv makeacall t 1 the canadian radio and v telecommunications commission this week announced it is set to require peo ple in the 905 region to dial 10 digits 1 both the area code and telephone num- ber to make local calls and a second area code will be intrb- educed next summer v it was only seven years ago that jhe region was designated part of trie new 905 code breaking away from 416 v it will be just another one of these- inconveniences commented sam pollafi owner of amandalinas bridal boutique inc in woodbridge which gar- ners much of its business by pjione but were all creatures ofhabit we like- things the way they are but when they do change we all bounce back like 1 a rubber band pollari said pollan notedthe change will address growth in the area which contributes to the regions economic prosperity c existing businesses and residences will simply have to dial 10 digits to call locally beginning next june t matters could get confusing when the second area code is mtro- duced cause it will be assigned tpall new subscribers jather than by geoj graphical region v that means businesses or residences next door to each other could have dif- fereritareacodesi v l the codecs which hasnt been s selected lscalledan 6verlaybecause it s will mix with the 905 region crtcfeffi- cials believe it will have less of an impact than the alternative which would be to divide the region again and change the the 4 annual herb fair a high summer thrill sunday august 20th 1000 am 500pm tv personality marilyn edmisondriedger of- 1 1 the gardeners journalvvill speak on yi herbs in the home and garden a vist35herbalai1svndors jcmaguidnerbwak see al sorts of dernonstrations jiy some goumet herbol foods ui stecbefotehancl dtrichterspreenhouses r hwy7 just east of goodwood ctob 9055406677 for rriotelnfo 1 code of half of the existing 905ers jjtfie compelled to assign a new area code because its sup- plyofftmillibngbsphone numbers j- available is quickly depleting due to j fax machines internet access pagers and phones u v l j t t- rgeneral cosmetic dentistry r- m for the jvhole family ortlontics fof children adults jaw joint tmjtreatment- v305it757600 r vj 18 prowh steel drive n i4ih avenue 5- j ri l issselectr insurance fuingvltf s fc v t t