economlit unfrtibuije0lwqn tffsdaf july 27 2000 8 7- man means enough is enough too many are pay- ing a high price so a few can have their particu lar breed of fun while jts anongoing prob lem there is a solution power boats and snowmobiles should be banned from small lakes including musselmans lake and since dodging dirt bikes when you go for an evening walk is a challenge they should go too during the summer months peace and quiet is all but lost at musselmans lake power boats are roaring up and down the lake destroying any hope of quiet for the vast majority of residents raceways if we turn our attention away from the lake and go for a walk around the village we run the risk of getting run over by a dirt bike during the summer- and fall dirt bikers use the streets in musselmans lake as raceways the droning noise of snow- k mobiles on musselmans lake severely hampers our ability to enjoy our winters as soon as trie water freezes over musselmans lake turns intoa drag strip for joan ransberry snowmobiles the great majority of the snowmobilers arenon residents while many give no thought to trespassing withtheir machines its not uncommonto look out the window and see a snowmo- bilepr two roaring around your front lawn incidentally when a property owner has the audacity to try to talk to a snowmobile operator he or she gets a verbal surprise ive been told to fc more than once yes i could report the trespassing incidents to the police- but reality tells me the police would not welcome a call jrom some woman complaining that a snowmobiles is driving over her peony bush the police are quick to tell residents theyre busy with serious crimethey simply have no time or interest in nuisance calls- the situation is such that yearround musselmans lake residents are being held hostage in their own village j j when- i bought my little house on musselmans lake close to jwo years ago it appeared to offer what i needed and wanted living in a peace- ful and quiet village among decent people- hands off i did not expect power boats jet skis and snowmobiles to come with the package instead i anticipatedskatefs cross country skiers and snow- shoers canoes sailboats row- boats and paddle boats apparently power boats and jet skis on small lakesis a touchy issue ive beentoldhands off youll start abloodywar since im antiwar i dont battle with anyone that doesnt mean ill be bullied if the majority of residents liv ing on small lakes wanrpower boats arid snowmobiles banned then so be it in my world the majority rules comes industry is knocking on stouffviues door 0i i in the pasttwo weeks three compa nies approached municipatofficials for permission to build cannington group a construction company waritsto build a 15081- square foot threestorey industrial building at 4 fortecbn dr an application from peran tunneling ltd was approved to build a 5000 squarefobt pffice workshop at 15 cafdico dfin gorrnleyv afterpuncil approved both applica- tionsit gavetlienocl to an application to doublethesize of novapharm thepharmaceutical company will measure 70000 square feet o o x o iu palmer bros quality heating air conditioning installation 4707563 safety its vital for more information contact the canadian blood services in your community or call 18006682866 the canadian blood services this message brought to you as a community service of the economist suntnbune golf lessons liroup 9486 mccowan road s- learn to swing with simple thoughts the natural move- golf academy 1 gordon grossman cpga instructor j i lf6r information phone 4165183695 fit july 28th 600 pm- 1100 pip gremsavingsohall spring summer fashions j join us for a pop m- fj 60s people toneed people living with diabetes have a need for education on how to manage the disease advocacy when they require someone to speak but for them and research to improve- thelr quality of life and find a cure when canadians need an ally in the fight against- diabetes they turn to the canadian diabetes association your donation of reuseable clothing helps support the associations efforts use the drop box dropoff locations in your community its a convenient new way to donate clothing anytime what you no longer wear can help people with diabetes drop box cobection program lb find a drojhrff kcatjon our yon cal 1888634773 el canadian diabetes association i association canaoienne ou diabete j i