cvw -rt- j3bmwf akfions fafilli lost 4 found landsuping ijjb nannies jsisiw fvemweout aajggaal jstjysyrv irr s auction sale sunday july 1620001200 noon j 1 georgina country auctions zr location lower level of gebrgina antique mall 26w2 hwy 48 1 12 mi east of sutton-preyiew- 10am day of sale anffoueft oak victoria sideboardwiih nice curving large mirror side shelves and columns painted vanity with swing mir rors great potential 7 drawer step back walnut dresser as found 4 matching press back chairs 2carie seat maple chairs telephone table newly upholstered settee glass china so piece set of early mason hand painted stoneware bible pattern dishes including platter covereddish bowls plates cupsand saucers- 8 pieces of wedgewood assortment of flow blue plates large selection of cups and saucersf royal doulton plate gaffer art glass milk glass poole cup and saucer crown ducal cup and plate set noritake matching salt pepper dish josef original figurine- crown devon and susie cooper plates contemporary- cottage furniture 6 piece couch set washer and dryer book case card table dresser office desk computer deskf- art 3 oils by kronlachner etching by ernst neuwmann 1946 early pastels signed lmk pipes cad meerschaum pipe in case sms viking head pipe in case as found assortment of other pipes pipe holders humidors miscellaneous 1965 mattel barbie with variety 7of barbie cloihes and other clothes webley tempest air pistol old pedal car parts dolls nail keg old books old magazines doll house oil cans assorted furni ture box lots plus more items arriving visa mastercard interact cheq with id lunch counter georgina country auctions don rintoul 90572298009057226921 dave beasley auctioneer 9057276585 n articles for sale deaths deaths tv vcr mobile stor age unit- black oak 125 nordic track like new 400 marble din ing table 36 x 72 400- admiral electric range almond 75 fridge almond 65 9054725073 1 pets supplies j boarding puppies- cock-a- 1 poos yellow labs bi- chons chihuahua- poos jack russells cairen terriers- assort- ed crosses 99 open house sunday 12- 5pm- 9054784464 slstfj cars for sale 95 eaglevision esi- fully equipped 145k e- tested certified 6800 9054726356 anthony sas reidkibble edythemary nee sargent in her 86th year at lakeview manor- beaver- ton survived by son robert and his wife barbara of woodville ont and son donald and his wife barbara of blakehurst austral- liaand grandchildren mark tracy martin stewart and derek and four great-grandchil- dren kody christopher kendall and michael and brother bruce and sister margaret cre- mated in lindsay at the request of the de ceased there will be no funeral sas michael papa peacefully at mark- hamstouffville hospital on saturday july 8th 2000 in his 83rd year husband of the late ann sas dear father of rita and her husband rick walsh and marie preijs lov ing grandfather of haileyalyssa debbie dennise and greatgrandfather of keir teryn jared and david brother of the late friends will be received at the 9058296561 80 pontiac parisi- enne 2 door new brake line running or der 500 905471- 6857 rtn cars wanted dixongarland funeral home 166 main street north hwy 48 markham on tues day 24 and79 pwil service in the chapel on wednesday at 11 am internment york cemetery aa auto cars- trucks we pay 50- 10000 cash on spot any condition- year 24hr 7days 416200 82919056860605 ii vans 4wheel drive jl card of thanks ii card of thanks 95 transport van- 7 passenger certified etested 1 28k excel- lent condition 118009054722253 83 gmc- good condi- tidn newly painted great price call for de tails 9059408861 s domestic jietp a wanted i would like to express my sincere thanks to the staff and customers of the bank of mon treal main street markham for their good wishes and the wonderful send off onmy re tirement fthe memories- wouldbe long remembered- jean sauer hill coming events qijlj coming events l cleaning lady want- ed- s every other friday 9am-3pm- 10 hour honest and reliable markham 905471 2222 domestic help available j- eurocleaners servicer residential commerciauindustrial bonded insured pro- fessional trustworthy 4167 h dating services v youcan remember summer 2000 as- the summer cyou met mr rightf misty river intro- ductionsi ontarios tra- ditlonalrnatchmakerrakj 5196584 202 s- 416777-6302rs- fifth annual aft iii tfie 2000 one of ontarios largest i fine art shows and sale gveri20 qneanbit julyl5l6 1000am to 500 pjbit 5 adults 3 childfeii r newjlqcahonrjir- markham museum hwy48nprthol 16th ave art inthe park hotlme lostraylonghaie u rrewod rereerat jrden supphes trartoeson front feet js- carlton mckay 9 905477-8671- cxx v ing 905472724 reliable x energetic gvein out nanny for 3 children starting au- gust m 4th references caudariene 905513 1971 v lost himalayan white cat blue eyes- named chelsea main street unionville call 9054793152 re ward n tutoring tax financial duectoryv home v improvements best rates- garbage removal cleanups etc call harold 905832- 3336 or cell phone 4168233435 specialized tutoring according to education al needs grades 18 please call 905-477- 6119 jl daycare available reliable daycare moving storage moving truck2 men houses apartments condos small large local longdistance short notice negotiable rates ken 416658- 5307 jj carpets flooring carpet hardwood ceramics installation repairs sales serv ice reasonable rates work guaranteed call khushru 4166777555 gardening suppfes slandscaping castleton tree farms since j968- farm grown cedar hedging all sizes de livered planted guar anteed 1-800-361- 5499 for- 1 year plus near coppard glen public school 9054713669 caregiver i- s in need of a fulltime babysitter through the week for an 8 monthold boy starting september 25th call lisa 9056423123 need a nanny house keeper free sponsor ship of filipina nannies available local caregiv ers also available want ed millenium caregiv ers 9057273884 n mothers helper access money take advantage of owning an rrsp lira lif- a pension fund from a former employer free consultation for youkfuture projects 18886571062 mothers helper over age 13 for sum mer 3 days week flex ible 9th line 7 9054717004 seeking fun caring responsible person for 2 yearold 7 monthold my home mornings flexible 905472- 8649 psychotherapy faith centre for stress anxiety 12 week small group treatment program for individuals with anxiety panic disorders- danny seto mdiv psychotherapist 9057807962 email centrestressanxietyhomecom for more information on the health t directory contact kate stover at 18007433353 york region business wednesday september 27th 2000 930 am to 430 pm sheraton parkway toronto north ime corner of hwy 7 leslie richmond hill guest speaker paul r shears tone i president of success 150 group inc keynote speaker for peak performers international i- wwwsl50com o j tt ijc make a change mark september 27th on you r calendar and visit us for plenty of job careerand business opportunities l datg subjectto change fill out a ballot and win an ipc b3 computer iks wm pift certlficat wmmm vsfmmmw iyi exhibitors i book today to secure your spot gall roslscapin booking anpi sponsorship opportunities k 65859 i the eraibalrthe liberil economist sunatobune the king tribune j t i j i ii