economist suntribune saturday july 8 20oo s a metioand community newspaper 9 heritage rd markham ontl3p lm3 publisher ian proudfoot general manager alvin brouwer editor in chief brenda larson director of advertising debra welter deputy editor debora kelly editor julie caspersen production director cherikay distribution director barry goodyear online publishing manager brian kirlik classified manager ann campbell retail sales manager stephen mathieu inside sales manager stacy allen business manager margaret flem ing office manager vivian oneil betters most emergency room patients arent really emergency cases re most patients forced to wait letters june 29 r dipietro hit the nail on the head in his let ter v t the majority of patients presenting to the emergency room do not have a serious illness they must wait longer to see a doctor because he is the only doctor on duty and is busy deal- ingwith moreurgent cases on a priority basis i have worked as an er physician for seven years and can assure you that people having heart attacks or serious injuries are seen with in minutes many people come in with minor com- plaints and chronic ailments and they are seen and treated as well but the more patients who walk in the longer the waiting time for each individual- the triage nurse sees everyone almost immediately on arrival and can assess whether apatierit needs to see a doctor right away or can afford towait until other more urgent peo ple are treated first if you find yourself waiting a longtime ask yourself whether a visit to your family doctor or walkin clinic would be more appropriate the er functions very efficiently for emer gencies michael damus md markham article about day off was unfair toyprkregiqrisemployees rer article in the june 29 markhdm economist sunlstouffville tribune vets livid region will close offices by lisa queen queen did npt accurately report york regions feasonsfor closing its doors for a hoi- idayon june30 while remaihingtopen for busmess remembrance day nov 11 i feel the story is unfair because it failed to explain in detail the circumstances that led to the scheduling of the holiday this year and diminished the regions efforts to observe the holiday nov 11 first of all regional council with the sup port of regional staff and its i representatives reasoned our customers would not be served nor remembrance day properly observed by closing our doors for a holiday which this year lands on a saturday secondly granting regional employees a day off in the summer in lieu ofremembrahce day does riot warrant the assumption v that york region and its employees dp not respect the memory of those for whom this holiday was created in the first place although york region remains open as do most municipal services and businesses on nov 11 we host a solemn and moving remembrance day service for employees and citizens alike in the great hall of the regional administration building in newmarket i am proud that canadian war veterans attend this service alongside elected officials and local cit izens 11th hour onthe 11th day of the 11th month is truly ah important moment in york region if queen had made apoint to attend this servicei anvsufe that the views expressed by the newspaper would have been different resultingin amore balanced report orithis mostimpqrtanf observance t alan wells york region chief administrative officer banning books isnt the answer 7 re mom of suffocated children supports book ban july 41 this is a response tothe person who asked that the popular childrens bookarthur goes to school be banned that person is on the wrong track n although it does portray an incident that is similar to a recent tragedy this does not call for it being taken off the market v what can prevent more of these calamities from happening knowledgeifwe ban books with abandon what books will be left on the shelves none- that any children will enjoy people must educate their children against all of these things ybu might find one day that your child approaches you with books saying look this is wrong they arent wearing life jackets or something to that effect we want youth to be aware and open to what is right and wrong we should provoke thought instead of promoting the existence of feebleminded robots who cannot cogitate arid are fed information without reason behind it censorship should not be applied to liter- ary works we cannot keep paving a sheltered path for children because who says it cant- happen to them when theyre 14 15 16 or over if they are educated early on they can become aware of dangers censorship happened in the middle ages books being burned because people were get ting high off information we cant let that hap- pen again l everyone has the right to learn and the ulti- mate responsibility of parents guardians and even teachers is to teach society should wake up and open its eyes n children are capable of absorbing informa- tion at a ydungage so take advantage of that chris chien 14 markham letters policy stouflvuie tribune welcomes your letters all submissions must be less than 400 words and must include a daytime telephone number name and address the newspaper reserves the right to publish or not publish and to edit forclarity and space- write letters to the editor 9 heritage rd markham onti3plm3 email lttteri9econiuncom stoufrvffletribune serving the community since 1888 ee3 canadian circulations audit board member npe ontario press coundl stouffvilletnbune published every tuesday thursday and saturday is one of the metroland printing publishing and- distnbuting ud group of newspapers which includes the ajaxpictering news advertiser alliston heraldcourier barrie advance barrs bay this vveek bolton enterprise brampton guardian burlington shopping news burlington post city parent collingwoodwasaga connection eastvbrk mirror erin advocatecountry routes etobicoke guardian flamborough post georgetown independentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week midlandpenetanguishene mirror milton canadian champion milton shopping news mississauga news newmartet- aurora georgina era banner northumberland news north york mirror oakville beaver oakville shopping news onllia today oshawawhitbyclaringtoriport perry this week peterborough this week richmond hillthornhidvaughan liberal scarborough mirror stouffvilletnbune todays seniors uxbndge tnbune and city of york guardian i phone 95 2942200 fax 905 2941538 1 classified 18007433353 distribution 9052948244 telephone 905 2942200 416 7987624 j faf905294t538 email nevfiroorrieconsuncorn frank daggett tory mp with his unitetheright idea is so off the island the tory tribe has spoken and jim jones is officially off the island in the continuing saga weve come to know as the crusade to unite the right in canada the markham mp has only served to further weaken the alreadywounded right wing if political faux pas were an olympic event jones would score a perfect 10 lets face it his brief career in federal politics is likely all but over in fact- jones might not even have made it to parliament hill if it were not for the blunder of jag bhaduria who was bounced frorri the liberal party after it was learned he had lied on his resume after enduring years of being represent- ed by a man without a party markham voters turned to jones and the tories its not that joness announcement- that he wanted to run for boththe alliance and the tories was necessarily a bad idea more than likely he sincerely wanted to prevent vote splitting among his fellow rightwingers but the mps effort to prevent the rights worst nightmare from happening a split vote allowing the liberals to walk through the middle may be just the continuation of a long series of problems for both rightwing parties other highprofile rightwingers have already flown and continueto fly the coop last week tory senator gerry st germain crossed the floor to the alliance and the exodus may continue now the tories have only 17 seats throughout canadaj absolutely none in ontario and their leader joe clark con- tinues without a seat if you think about it the dwindling nurhbers of pcs and their precarious juxtaposition with the new alliance pro vides an almost eerie resemblance to the latest tv ratingsbuster survivor perhaps thecbc could air its own program reviver which could feature the whole crewof rightwing castaways bickering and duking it out on some remote island maybe newfoundland in a quest for that great prize federal supremacy maybe it could even create a s ratings challenge for such fine cbc pro- grams as anne of green gables or other melodramatic lucy maud montgomery spinoffs in case theres not enough cod to be had the tory and alliance tribes could dine on a menu featuring humble pie crow eggonface and sour grapes and with jones already on his way home its anyones guess who riiay be the next one to get the boot in the end and despite all best inten tions no one can serve two masters you end up hating one and loving the other jones didnteohsider that concept but hopefully for theitown sakes the restof canadas right wing will clue in to that simple truth r u gm