t5v economist sunlstouffville tribune saturday july 8 2000 r t5 fs io v 5 lffls-f- 1 1 3 lessons 3 to tatib all ages to adult toddler gym 8 months to 6 years jfrv v nt registernow summer programs j sfcafrirff 1 an oym j 2 to 3 years j y-r- jr rffj c v the facilities ptograms individualized fedc at kidsfirst make it a unique childrens where i every child develops to his or her f v v sdysmartssa ellis of kidsflrstftt increases tnelr abllrltdofelrfthe watertah ltflssfflsmmsmima environment for them to participate in kldsflretjffers dfmctusxssf be comfortable in water programs begin with tiny totsand mdvejhrough the redcrbssaadquesfcsystem at age thirteen youngsters can move on to royal ufesgving society bronzejeveclasses whether yourfamhyspends mesummejmontjrsojjbfeesup north or remains in the city swimming is an essentidlskillwojihg people arexpdsed towdteirf social situations all tne time at camp at friends j homes dndjeveriat birthday pdrtieschildren who arent able to swlm are at a disadvantage and can be 1 emrfrasseby their inability tcfcoper y j morlmportantjs tfiefsdfetyjfdctor rwantmy children to be water safe to undersfdndandrespectfhei water not fear itjsays marissa a mqthirherself i want them to know how to handle themselves in a dangerous situation t jri t i inadditlon years classes kidsfirst also offers a craftand swimmingfor childrenage three up or craft and gym program for two tpj three year olds children in this program do the physicdf activity then ehjoya snack anddrlnk before j tackling a craft j 1 a new company kidsfirst has completely renovatdithe pool and premises at 385 john street unit 10 in thomhill the pool is kept at 90 degrees for the comfort of ail participants and classes always have a ratio of j three to one the pool is always fully supervised children naturally love to show off tfielr achievements yours could be saying watch me swim right across without stoppihglttere nothing like the confidence 2 built from accomplishing a new task j iw u tin t h i v istr a 5 m j c pc house friday july 7th 14th 930630 and saturday july 8th 15th 930400 t r j h- 1- t ij- v f 1 m t