y jk r3 33- i -v- from page 22 tr 4whyhe left the big coursein the first vmoajuito fells minlngqmpany the thfelatth1ngninputis place vi v i w c- fifth holv lr f mdoofjglowirearkcouliand onthemitun nnnsvtwt vq particulareyeopenefon the two levels again cbine into play at york region his riot one buvtwbliudu mwte tfa gotferspvvvenuesrt hideespecially when your 15veafbld chp grande a par test that hyes up reward of a holemone for hitting the richmond hill andvaugharit t j its name v v v right ciip- i y r they feature black light psychedelic breastfe health f every- womans- rights everyones toonsibility it could save your life n nn o i ho ntf ii easily uie longest hole on the course cialiyon a course mat oners a little a j- i u i- j kegionjnews uroup reporters went ru j-r- i c ilmnfnr owkjui ta p o more angular m the traditional sense of looking tor on an informal tour of a handful of york region facuities m 1 v 11 v i checked but sorhecoilrses in thei nevertheless itchalengmg play newmarket area and foundtheres wim its northern minmg camp theme icomplete with a crashed bush plane nothing quite like the expenenceof a to intefestinghbjsuch scaleddown version of one of those t 5 7 s target courses like they havein as the jwoievel jaunt through the arizona l x at the phoenix hill golf centres- r i grand canyon putters adventure courseybud swear yoii were out in the desert battling strategically placed rock formations the craggy kind that offer noclue where thericochets may lead v or just a few kilometres away its cardinal golf clubs northern- adventure set in an abandoned mining camprj r- r v playing the clever subtle dips and dives at phoenix hill on holes mamed j buzzards gulch rattlers run and- coyote curve makes a fella wonder housings helpjcentre 416410151 this nwssag braughi to you as a oofrattnryswvmot y trmmaiuiam econonisvstouflvbe tribute s wiy r fdmify tpfiarmricistsr exclusive provider of apothecae home r v v medicifflon management services 4711234 8811616 377 church st markham 8200 bayview ave thornhill next to markham stouffville hospital r 1 blk s of hwy 7 0pew7jays a week free delivery service v 1- 1 l i si r i i4s- v v- breast j health everxj womans i right v i everyones psponsibim i canadian soart sooeiy i ducanchj- h v fokeiresponsibilit orygurjjwn breast healmmcomejzi moreoknowlmge ableandlesstearful about breast cancerv were herrtooner supports with trained breasb heliiutspeakersand hmelyinformabonri calluswerethe canaaiana cancer society we want to help you leam more aboiitpositive bremhvafth for moreo- information contact your local icanadian cancer society office it could save eww srtwbui fmni your jaimly ih a loiii and helpful i daman roithyuur family null alouu and ill 1 know this is a touchy subject yourldmih ith u imms and helpful duiiiotr tuukfbur jafwl ilfid lax mgdnd helpful i decision- ioitch yovtr tfimik louch i our jcmnly s viza loving and helptul decision touch yow family mirk a un me and helpful decision touch yourfumily touch youi jamily vi loving arid vlielpjid decision toucliyow family with a loing and helpful decision funeral arrangements f- especially your ownshe fact is someone will i rave to make these decisions although you can v- l planning as a loving wayof sparing your family i a responsibility in their time of sorrow tuucli yourlanuhyuha loving and helpful decision gve s acallsand we 11 explaihyour options for j v tf r v idhdpfuldeeisinu ioifchouitcinulhujmonngan our jtfmdv writ a lo iwimd hdpiuldei kwuliitci notice of public information centre yorkdurham trunk sewer system master plan update the regional municipality of york lias retained earth tech canada inc and macviro consultants to undertake an update of the yorkdurham trunk sewer system ydss master plam v f s c ju 199 the regional municipality ofybrk completedthe master planstusly forlhe yprkj dumam trunksewer system map below identifies therriunicipalities in yorkegiqn through which the ydss extends orjs planned the master plan study identified and teviewed sewage servicing alternatives necessary tomeetcurrent sanitary sewage servicing needs and future growth as identified in theregipnalofficial plan rop several prionty arid strategic projects to be implemented during rj j in the master plan rifjr f i aslgwdhnbuiy a j existing pumping station d proposed pumping station 4 it a proposed sewer v r crek wastewater treatment plants approximately five years have passed since the master initiatedwastewater demands on the ydss have continued to grow in proportion to trie number of residents arid employees serviced by the systemyork region continues toexperience one of the highest growth jates in the greater toronto area local sewer systemsjn markham vaughana irichmpnd hill aurora and newmajketwylon thexydsstoconveyandftfeat sanitary wastewater extensions to the corifimuhities stpuffvillekingcifv holland landing and queerisville are imminent thefydss master plan needs to be updateatoenfuretirnely decisionmaking for this important infrastructure fa some changed or new information to be considered in the update includes j as the updateis being carried outin accordance wjththejrequirementsofjhe class jenvjonventaassessmerit fojmunkipahwaferandwastewat information centre pic will be neld as followsto display the detailed work programalroi 9052942030 4 v v r york region headquarters v- v 17256 yongestireet 4r newmarket on l3x6z1 no formal presentation will be made spypu are welcometo drop inapy tirneduring the hours indicated representatives fronftjferegipnearthtech jconsultaritswill on handjoanwerqueitipnsldeaherrappirig descriptions of il master plan infrastructure will bvavailable fof review ssljlc l comments received at thepicwiu be considered in subsequent steps of the update manager engineeringwater macviro consultants earth tech canada inc wastewater bralichiixballstotearkwayyigreen belt drive tfie reaoiial municidalirvofyorksuite65ff1a vh lnon mill ostario 1 1 raxi90sjo30927ft5 yv s emailnimubrarnaniarnregionyorkoncai v 7jo