bbbg mfmiiitfiiint 1 7 v vfftfairfyfaiv- c cjyvisgsfc wvay 3 jart4a2ra5l i v by roy green v a ts y ir-v- j r like to play characters with more sublety- iaff writer s j anccdepth v jilana stewart is about to play the col- legerrlfriendof tommfon srdroula t fromtke sunand just mksed by the v- j wlyjwpt sy v i whatever roles she jpysr stewart slimmtdfmarpsafulspatsri- j brother who isjust doing his thebolddthtbeauum a sister whois n iz inni married and living in newmarket and out in bc when i left theyojti6ned 200pebpienar- wucja atrr a cn v r ti anotner sister rowed it down to 50 then just two of us to arld- other pertoltf maybejhawrpnghaircoloursaid support whatever i do stewart on the pkone from her home in houywood v so im soil working a regular shift at m an italian restaurant in burbank its a long way from classes at aurora v highland dr gw williams secondary c 5 school v i jgg stewart whose farhilyisnllhves in aurora moved tqjjs angeles two years i ago because jthere are so many more t acting bpporturuties c istewart says she caught the acting t bug a long time ago arid one of her first j roleswas as lady macbethat a williams l production of macbeth v iiiiso jho message brought ijyoif as a coranajy seivica of r -v- t fltigkets favailkble thanniialrwine testings 1 armarkhammuseum s25each sponsored liyf steelcase cm 294 4576 sceepsno 1 12 ton air conditioner 1 38o 2 ton air conditioner moue from rooivi to room v x r v conditionep i salesman we service what we sell we guarantee what we sell call us 9057788281 800b373063 1 v they auditioned 200 people narrowed it down to 50 then just rwo of ws ad they picked fie other person maybe jl had j the wrohghair colour r 1 went to aurora high then switched- to jayiismsahd graduated frorirthere and medhlylthing iwassenous about- wast acting so ji began workingas an 1 actjessiivtoronto t xr 1 j 3stewartheafdatlotaof good things- abdutttthe american academy of 3 i pfamanc arts injpasatlenaand spent two years there refining her skills r since thenshesbeen- steadily lricreasingher acting workload appear- j v arig on i party bf fiveflasftfprward pacific blue arid most recently 3rd roclc i from the sun t k4icharactenactressjfainhe i casting directors have f aovi a5 the leading lady type 5 f a in myrfifstepispdeniplayedall t vmattommyrutertnowthathesgqingji v to college im going to be hisnew girl- friend i really enjoy working with that cast i- c j 4 ibut because joseph v r v tkeactor whqis playjngtomnryjs goingm to colleeein real life the producers wontv i vbeusingsthctommy character t girlfrierid all thavoften saysstewartw i so im still going toauditionsfor alii- 1 t srtsofpavtsandials6hweapartinanij industrial video beginning soon its not si that biga deal but you leanvsomething i pjstewart says she misses- a j chwce- for ckaracferfoles even thought srieaoesntfitthe stereo- ki- in-fhouywpodyou- havetp know whowareryoucantkidyoursethat vburea character actressjeau thecask ing airettors have youlloashe lead- ms ladv tvbe muchasi likethatf id-