j v rt j j f- aiwaqw swysa4eiy c ec6nomisi suhjtribimesahtrdayjiihe 172000 y 1 svs gflgs k st1o1ffivmet ndunei i 9hoterdsmarklwm 1m3 v publisher ian proudfoot- general managen aivin brbuwer editor in chief brenda larson director of advertising defcra wfefer deputy editor i debora kelly v editor ie caspersen production qlrector icherikay v distribution director barry goodyear online publishing manager brtankirhk classified manager c ann campbell retail sales manager stephen mathieu inside sales manager stacey allen business manager margaret fleming office manager vivianoneil f telephone t grjr- email newsroomeconsunxbih a i letters- i t 1 councillors should adopt sober behaviour while doing business i i re taxpayers foot booze bill for newmarket r councillors june 10 i councillorspiane springstein and dean 5 burtoirshoul3 becommended for theirposi rl tfonon the towns underwriting of alcqho i j consumed at lunch or dirinerjmeetingav j j iri aday of tight budgets surely this should v x not be an accepted practice- since manyhave y strong personal feelings about the role of alcb- i holinoursociety t h humehiuk suggests that drinking alcohol i during business meetings is an accepted prac- f rice in the corporate world today aridthere- r r fore it is virtually necessary to thenegotiating idpgsshouldn t be left locked in fpeifbtwsisnonsensa parson hothumid days im unawafeothef business background vvith tfiehbthumid weather fast- an opehleitefto mpps julia munro i but m my experience the majority of business appfoachingi would like to take this opportu- durhamyork and frank kleesyodk ridges people still abstainfrom the consumption of nty to remindpepple of the dangerspf leaving tpvoluriteer to do of ones own accord do alcoholif businessistobeconductedover their in die car while shopping or nin- onbnesowninitiative own free ning errands u c c r will take upon oneself takeresponsibility iwweeks ago i spotted a young poodle in- c the dr- jm denisqri secondary school- a stifling car vrithbnly one window cracked council unanimously wants you and your gov- open v erriment f kriow how disappointed we are v s t v i went into the store and asked the manag wimmanyaspectsofbill74ttheeducation behaviojwe accountability act 2000 particularly the arbi- 1 -v-m- v tinmiritn tthp rar nwnor iiiat hannpnph tn hp inthp trarv naririnatinn fnr tfiarhfirs in ro-insttuc- provinces legislation is demeaning to teachers r x lunch or diruiervthis is my experience but by i no meansstajridard businesspractice j s hopefully council members will reconsider t this and jook fbrevenr opportunity to econb- fc mizewhileat the same time model the sober r j sifi- j- i james boehmer- th s owner just happened to be inthfe trary participation for teachers in co sroufpwlth j tional activities rscolded twav very upset andssne- 1 duringbur childrens educational experi- n ence the parent members of our council hkve many hours jui schools in classrooms randsupportmgrteachersrwe have schoormilieu on a firsfhand basis ii b day after day we do this because we want to it is called volunteerisrh if such behaviour were love my neighbourhood hatejthe pestir any length of time r cides it seems that everyone hashired a com- he should stay with you or be tied up out v spray qiiestiohableprociucts on theirreiritr shade with waterpri hand in hot to be mandated itwould cease to be voluntary- grass s j f w window ortwb cracked opened is and we wouldstbp there would be rip sense 1 j i thejawhmaylopknicebut have the nsks not enough as the cas interior becomes of joy sj to peoplewdanimals been considered s r unbearably uncomfortable in a very short we also observe teachers that happens t pet owners speiid hundreds of dollars hav- time v when one spends a lot of time in schools we v 1 ing their petsvaccinated against disease arid ithese unthinking pet owners should try watch them asthey too volunteer their time f then let them outside to breatheand romp in 4 sitting in their cars on a hot day with the win- arid share their own sense of community with iithe poisonland what about children- dd i dowsclpsed oreven opened acrack for that our cmdenmefutureof ontanoxthey give i i wantriiyfamily exposed to known carcino matterjd see how long they can last their time willingly selflessly we watch them- genslnolx v sr is tbtisbuse and i wm not hesitate to call teach pur youth by example i jiilevslakejaproactiw approach continue uieoritario humane society if x happen to teachers are professionals and your jegisla- i topublisharticles mat educate the publico vpbt somepoor animal trapped ina hotsti- v tion profeioriiiuyemeanmgcnrg- keeprerriiridirig everyoneof the dangers of fling cafihis summer f k a ues for iife gbod citizehship cahnotbe nancy murden chairpersondenison council letters policy a- 5 stoudviuethbune t welcomes your lettersau j submissions must be lessjhan 400wordsand must include a 1 iaytime telephone number j name and address the j newspaper reserves the right to publish or not publish and to editforclarityandspace wnte utters to the editor 9 heritage rd markham0ntuplm3 fstottlme tribune serving the community since 1888 ctnadlandrculitiora audit board member ontario press cound j i 1 1 1 1 1 stoufmbe tribune published every tuesday thursday and saturday is one of the metroland printing publishing and distnbuung ltd group of newspapers which includes the ajatpctenng news advertiser allston heraldcourier j barrie advance bams bay this week bolton enteipnse brampton guardian burlington shopping news burlington post city patent collingwoodwasaga connection east vbrk minor erin advocatecountry routes etobicoker guardian flamborough post georgetown independentacton free press kingston this viteek undsay this week midlandpenetanguishene mirror milton canadian champion milton shopping news mssssauga news newmarket- j aurora geoigina erabanner northumberland news north vbrk mirror oakvibe beaver oakvtoe shopping news orillia today oshawawhitbyclaringtnport perry l this week peterborough this week- richmond hillthomhillvaughan liberal scarborough mirror stouffviiletnbune todays seniors uxbridgetnbune and city of trork guardian i i j phone 95 2542200 fax 9 294138 classified 18007433353 distribution 905m48244 i t 1 i- i- t j ii 1 vi 4 1 v t t 1 ouji iji iuckvahderlihde a official plans arent ifatrulesr tkyre v rmdetdbebfo1cen ikerules municipal official plansare made to be twisted bentcorrupted 7- and eventually broken official plans are those grandiose- visions of how a municipality is sup posed to look 10 15 20years from now but in the end reality rarely bears v resemblance to the carefully thought- out rules laid down by urban planners and politicians theyre almost always broken orr in the polite language of the planning bureaucracy amended t loqk at york regions officials plan after more than20 years of parochial j stalling by the regions nine municipali ties the jegionfinally adoptedits owrij opthat was in 1994 since then there have been a dozen amendments some of them no doubt made sense as logical evolutions of theplanrtheyrnay have actuallyberiefitedyorkregibnresidents but most ofthem were approved for developers developerswhpcalton local politicians again and again to allow 7 1 more and more singlefamily housing their argument isalways economic -r- its whatmeiriarket demands what i the people demandarid if the develop ers dont get their waytheyrun torthe ontario municipal board to tattle on the few municipal politicians who dare to -v- stick tptheirofficial plans c its muchlike the crying hild who demandsa candy frbm dad before din rier when thevpaferif stands firm the childgdes to grandpa who slips a sucker- therule hasbeeribrqkeri i respect for the rulemaker rias been compromised and thist is why we see chouses sprawling across ourregibhrieatirig up more prime farmlarid clogging our road network and taxing our water irithe longrun it doesnt work theres a computer gamecalled simcity that can show you thal you plan a city thet way ontarios j are planned on simcity youre in for trouble but theres 5 an advantage to a virtual city as thv mayor of- sirncity you what goes nottiiedevelopersortiie s j4 of course reallife urban- planners c knowiwhat works thats why thereon- cept- of the queerisviuemini was embraced so warmly by york regions planners based brithenodal planning concept its seen as brie of the solutions tourbahsprawl j sp after a lengthy omb hearing the first step to aselfcontained town 30000 was 1 taken i r but there arejalready cracks in the planj lastmorith j east 1 council allbwecj thedevelpperto tjrans- fer mdustrymeyforpueenswue fur- 5 ther south to sharon l vbutyiocari blame egs politicians they were ordydbmg whats been done so many times before amending a plan that was meant to be amended 1 4 i iv v