emnoniist suniibimegklae tuesday june 13 2600 1 by usa queen 4 j aftertfie attack said thevictim wast v staff writer j severely irijun tv3l vyork region pouce are appealing to hewas pretty soi hetcouldrft sk presidents to help them find four thugs down to be interviewed and had to 1 8 l invne eyeafter a brutal attack last etcnbreatoghurleveryghe month did hurt nothing he did didnt hurt it in a vicious assault thatmirrore tne was just a matter of degree he has ata5cip savage beating of newmarket teen marks and bruises au over 7ff jonathan warhback ayear ago the vie- hor con jessed y tirh was knocked to the grounded ttack 1s to come rthrmspi re v spctttyjy j uecoimtrysfylfddnuyshbptatyonge and kennedy streets may at 2 am as he walked tooughmvfoyer carry irigcotfeforjriimselfand c law one mangrabbed him and mother 1 j pimchedhlmmthefacet s s lafter the victim fell tothe ground the v men kicked him inthe head and all over his body two more accomplicest who approached the victim from behind joined in xi s s the fatherinlaw didnt witness the i attaclc according to detcorist- doug ft c hornwhotsaid the beatinglasteci afioutv x hsolsecdndsfx a v v had been drinking at lt jersey joes restaurant across thvstreet- w e victim decidedtojgrabacouple of l coffees jjeforehdjng-homebutswas- not accompaniedtcthe doughnut shbp bywsalthctinlaw 1 raj employevjof trie doughnujtsnop tcontacted police aftera customer alert- r r ed ker to the beatinghorn sai3 s v w hesaid there doesntappearto be a j riu- cru u tuo i f r ri 3 9 w vrifuesday sheridan- nurseries v white rose lonsmans markham dodge chrysler- -v- scotia mcleod christina caney j v cashway visw no one can deliver results like we do to book your flyer distribution call 4 w i selected areas only economist sun 905 2948244 stouffville ttibune x- been all but ruled put because mejvictimg andthe two attackershe sawwere alfsj whitejiandpolice dont tiiink the mah t had any contactwiththethugs before i the beating p t it smacks of some sort of retaliation t if so t were certainly not speculating- why horn said k v the victim is not known to police 3 hes no bad guy at all he seemsto me to y fbe a nice guy just trying tbgothrough j life thom who spoke to the man a day sheridivi w heating air conditioning v sale onnow r cosmetic dentistry c for the whole family finciuding hyvtp v oftkodontics for children adults a 1 j 9054757600 r v it also has a fantastic profit sharing program 1 i want to mvesfin the stfongesttnd fastest growing- new bonds simply by phoriing usat 18004333596 ec9nomy in the country why not consider ontario if you have 1997 fixedrate bonds you can extend your savings bonds when you buy ontano savings bonds t benefits by exchanging them for 2000 call vfe at- v backed 100 per cent by the province of ontano investment flexibility there are three investment alternatives to meetyour needs convenient now you can order your ihhi for news about higher interest rates on your 98 99 stepup bonds visit wwwofinaoncaosb or call 1888212bond for information stepupbond t fiveyear term redeemable every six months sevenyearterm rate reset every six months v threeyear term redeemable at maturity t i- r k and redeemablewery six months j y shtwiil- v 1- 0 a