t vj o 5jru i r3ij xv v y- crxwj wjehoiiisysflaiibwhj peop io iooo 3 i c h ildre nis- n eed s4p iisp mp co yees- agai nstonean oth er svsk w- 2- by pam chiotti special to the erabanner fc jbnt look nqwfjbut that childless coworker of r 1 yours- the one c 4 you thought was j yourfriehd is j silently rraguig- c because youve got first dibtison v prime vacation time t- t lj jif ymrdidhtrspend march w bfeakwithtyour childfenwel jiecksyoud nevjer see them aridyoii jhinkits corri tpletely fair tb leave wbfk early fe- because yoursevenyearold mtzsg rs orthodontal appoint rneht l r- you ieservespecial privi leges special treatment after all yourepfocreating 5 sakes i r bending n ovefbaclavardsfor frantic stressedout parents leav var ing behind a tirail of over- f vwprkedr teethgnashing j childlessworkers to pick x up the slack r s z j apparently so says elinor ekrkettt author t of the new book baby v bqonijhowyfatmly- j friendly america crieaisthe childless c childless wkkeomngemtsil s- v sss v ii j tv considered sitimvi5 special privileges treatment i w r ca working parents is v irnngcohtrdyersy v arbundpffice water s coolers although t wenever feallyrknow the true extent j ranis r pfpeppteshiddeikthoughts v thervisko room m the lon whovequested her real bmess world for special privileges name not be usedvis an intensive g k r hatprontohospital h days are sick days whatever swp the feasonsays donstischlinger f ordinatorfor j if my son phoned me upcrying that he needed me i d be out of here inaflashrand would not expect to besf v v i eprimandedifii wanted t5ne pffto jltwouldecffeteri- ego shopping rhahdediif- tkarsortof thing hap j jwdlthatisnot psbed weekly 3ashlinger says umt l a legrtimatet everyone can take time6ffithelt reason i question boils down to how or if you wouldnt jike wahttopaybackthattime7- bemg taken richmond hiuoresidehc jom advantage of frorrimef recently td6ka day off from receptiveto her sales and marketing support job workers situa- a investors group on cochrane tionstlschlinger drive because her son jesse 10 a mother of required dental surgeryhevfemploy two boys er avrum liederman a certified r admits to taking financial plannerrsuggestedshe iiot time off occasion- come to work that day t c ally to look after j he knows tofteh stay latesays t the needs of her frommer t children jv its aquestion of mutual respfct if i leave early j frommer says its unlikely liederman then i have to make will her pay meantime up the tune and you frommer arranged to have the f can be sure that til grandparents babysit the next day be at my desk at 6 since jesse will likely miss two days of am the next day- schdof just to prove darlene montgomery a con- burketts position mbuung editors forr markhams wron tischlinger raymond aaron group wcpnttact pointslto a time when worker who has been helping hefsis- she had to officiate at a out of babysitting jams for two meetings to deal years t conflicting vacation my sister rehes on me as her sons caregiver since she cant take time off childless workers work c already paid 2000 he loving aunt and a mom herself fl ssplf myson phoned sme up crying that jieeeded mejd rbefoutof nerein a bwpttffbe reprimanded but i fwould expectto effetetrimataea if happened weekly all the tirfie iworkers with children whine thatthey shfuldntwdrk- jthristmasr mothers day as if those holidays were special only to them not very likely y lost the money they dont file that in com- the other worker yant- passion department- she admits t v ed the same week march wevelrilver thoughtabouttrus break to spend time with it hasnt been part of our cul- her children the loss of money took ture to think about it y t l pnonty the childlesswoman won su one of montgomerys xoworkersr r ull 1v i likft inwnrk arniinh nrnhlfims r jx itui vf j expect special privileges 100 per- v psfentuely feasible mat stssing that 80 percent 6 uuuiumcuu 8 more l v company consists of selfemployed ly says workers with children can be a stress from missing wbrkv com i working parents with respect to vacai m honjcst vv kr w 3ltaiirrlis5jiji j v r vsy w workerswi w elsewhere ff v r offtake priority ovef ifhbre mvolentlel sl d9 lf k depends oa trie circumstances treasons v 1 hsffissssss i v jttsf t gpvto c ifsomeone leaves becausetheir child y if someone samey wjv off to enjoy along weekend i would depends on yburframe of refer- ayoaregionresidentforlsyears iatisfine i r ask myselfhow often they have made ence v vbsttfvchildlesswbrker triat request mthi baby bboni how famly- o ents get special treatment cconsitent- me complaining that the if they ask for fridayspff regular frkndlyamerlcacheatsthechildless- ikrw1rjvavitvr tr jtvtilsl tffls 4rvk rpf itr tno onmuariifaiill no nf ijk yny rx ortrtlioi- tcrlvt ftcql qaqflq if ijeayeeafjy then haveto makeup tthe jtime t and you can s surethatinibeat myjeskat6aim rz rthenextday v rtmysistefjelielbn smme asher sons a i v- caregiver sinceshe cant take time off ivftjawtfnu ifework mciifiiiaftitiia n i i