to i theifate of youth incarceration in i anadajswice that of thenttedltates jccmscutors 4 j i r v -v-i- national crime prevention council 4sivtfiniliilhavlnoti11vhf- nv- 2 v 9 ouifdf 10 adults hawljn g0 v- j i it costs 100000 ayear to lock crin caulftblald havj v x up a young offender i i w 7wfa been punishable in the court 0 law ivens canada- uwm 1 ccnctto crime r reporting survey- 1 ice sptem be our last resear can make a difference we belieyeina strengthbased or assetbuilding approachqf comiminitvaction comrilenient effective boliririp and helri rediice crimka strenpthhased anrirhach asks what dovwiiim r f v m j j c flqgg r v v stronger goitimunities can reduce grime the community and the people in it have a responsibilitythat cannot be shifted to v s a v r 1 1 1 i b r r c h chance of becoming responsible we have to provide the vkt 4sa a itr i ie opportunity and responsibility thatisas committed to committed to using its a lvrs rnonsiui 3 j ti f- i some ktos are our kids for more information call v4 york region neighbourhood services inc m iwiwa r xjitri krone jpwjtaamtj yearsans s flti researckihas showritkat positive i r t 1 i ircommumly action can reduce 5 m j tiai ytniailico ilwlsmiiisv r m i- i v an initiative of york region neighbourhood services inc v jt vbnse yloience b funded by y- t v kiawalu61 ihii human resources d6veiopiwntves t fvifcoirlo o- 11 develo can ressourceshumalnes canada ot1 oi o ta ijjititlv jill