v v 18 1 v t r ra r y9u5f jjsyn ssifianojbisf sunjstouffvilletnbunesaturdayjune32000 vtswafafeal w n mondayitifriilay 800 am to 66opnri 1 80743353 cx 3i 1 j7 j7jlsljlijj i r ftj v g jty v ti3igfei i- v is rv ffi vwsk- a5swivaqs- jv sfe- iis vj gistfsy jtegesa yichg jiw vs 3- r- j york region 5- your community career choice serving york region through the erabanner the liberal the economist sun thetrtbune f 23- s v iv v m i v lij2scisft 3j jif tur l j s careers careers careers k come grow wftk us- earn 14 hour lus r r r full- tjiwe positions 1 l alliedjnternationalcredit is leading debt x collection arid accounts receivable management- company ve are j looking for career mirtded entrepreneurial spinted individuals to join our dynamic gvbwihgcdmpariy v withpperationsacross cahada usa we offergreat icareer opportunities and potential earnings- wehave immeciiate s openings tdjbin ourteamiri our pollection trace affd telersalesdepartrnentsfandrjuhior systemsdperatbnasan employerofchoice we offer comretitive salanesgreat i incentive prpprahis berfef its an excellent working environment paidl training v much more j aic will be holding career fair j r xl 4 mdh june 5th 7 pm bring your resume 3 businessreferences fcg to the career fair l careers v careers v rwtoaj s technical help- eh technical help- i i f 1 u i i s 3 j i- if- v community provides community care placement txv n information and referral services for people of i s a ages through a visible single point of access i faccess we are a not for profit organization centre ft working in partnershipwth clients and their aihvti r ymiliescommumty agencies schools and v j hospitals enabling children adults and seniors rtl ja healthcare and personal support vjsijw f it sew p tfjpm ave independently v vyve have officesjnljhe york regiorj hospitals v at choppers urug mori we know that success comes jrom continually meeting and olen exceeding customer expectations in support of this commitment we require the following professionals s saweare seeking tfialwillprovide themwith i gosmelic departments bur several years of supervisory expenencehave included planning i for sales growth staff managementleadership and responsibility for financial performance s cakdidates must have a professional designation in cosmetology post secondary business training would beah asset f v qualified applicants are invited to send their resume no later than june 9 2000 quoting file cmcf to 7ldjjecfuite 243 consumekrdwiiowdaleonj 4w8 oremol i v mdprecruifershoppersdrugmartca we thank all applicants however only those to be selected for v an interview will be contacted s w drug mart 11 ly l r 2025hr national company with jots of work forremodellefs i j carpenters plumbers electricians t handy men mfft7pt neeclstobs vehicles four positionsopen cairmonday 92prh mr woods- f s s l rcm v x j h careers iu fl r r we are seeking adynamic individual to join our education public relationsand communication teanfii responsibilities include researching developing and implementing educational jnitiatrvesandopportuniues including online fraining strategies wdeigningcoordinatingevaluahng wd pfoviding orientation programs and ongoing professional development for staff and representirigthe at speaking engagernentswith public and community agencies r j r qualified applicants have a baccalaureate degree or diploma in a health related discipline with an adult education certificate degree orlformal training in adult learning concepts and training avnananfto m tho hoolm au catrr cm inn unnunanna rr haam ji 1 ii v ij applicatons including office 2000 and internet and theability to work independently and in a team environment experience in i community health care is an asset- v s i case managers we have openings for casual case managers in all geographic areas you must belavailabie to work 2shiftsper week including avaiabiity for evenings weekends and statutory hohdays you 3wi0 focused careassessment jarid seryiceplanv be responsible for evaluatingresources arid- j of services irta fiscallyjrespdnsible- v manner for promoting awareness of our services and acting as ian entry point to inhome health and support systems tr qualifications inclgdesuccessful completion of a baccalaureate in baccalaureate with health related curnculum nursing with relevant certificateprpgrams 8v c equivalenttccac expenehcet valid registraton with the appropnate regulated health profession good computer skills a ja i- v v- 7 supportstaff- we have openings for casuafsupport staff in all geographic i areas you must be available to work 2 shifts per week including availability for evenings weekends and statutoryjiolidaysyou twhavra business and commerce diploma or equivalent j a previouofficeexpenence is essential and good computerskills including windows andmsoffice these l gusnessjeittlie our centre 4855 i4 f avenues u jfc 1 markham ontario m ikennedy road and mccowan v 90s 9489622 7 v jttintp jsm between wjfi 07v flv vteoowwi 7w program lfoodd by hunan re8oucei wvoloppementdes i- fpnnonl v devepmertcaradaxtns8ajr 1 1 careers j 0 if momenta inc canada fulltime seniorweb developer software engineer3 ears-expen- encerrequiredonecommvbr cc javaractivex htmlr asp sql r andup benefits bonus administrative clerk also needed experience required- on bookkeeping a must 25 and up please fax resume to a 9054158551 attention hr r 1 a a j yrg r ii frji c t j- -y- f r l ty-jll-f- st lvj t 1 s v w x 7 i i c be a customer ijc m4 service representativer tf0r global matrix 4 tjs f a jworkywith the best weaiea rapidly growing markham based application services provide specializing in thedesign and delivery oi busines information systems for travel agenaesin north j amenca wehavecareeroppprtunitiesfor customer service representatives j reporting c the manager of customer seniceyou willbepart of fthe teamrespohsible for supporting all global matrix clients you will support and service our clients by s r using your understanding of global matrix andyour supenor r- problem solving ability to provide proactive answers to our clients x u creatng concise- accurate communication of those concerns for distnbution global matrix i having a successful track record irtthe retail travel industry v- jl j t at shoppers drug mart we know that success comes romcontinually meeting j- and oftenexceedirig customer expectations in support of this commitment we require the following professional liij 1 fi 1 front store managers we are seeking enthusiastic individuals to joinour training program upon successful completion you will assume responsibility or managing one of our stores candidates must have a post secondary education preferably a university degree in business along with excellent organizational interpersonal and time mariagementjabilities jybur three years of retail rnanagement j experience has included planning for sales growth leading staff and assuming responsibility or financiol performance y s opportunities are available throughout ontario we offer an excellent training tndprecruitershoppersdrugmarko we thank all applicants howevei only those to be selected for an interview will be contacted d si shoppers x drug mart i ft- -ii- v v i i v jfj fvy t 5 7550 birchmount road markham ontario l3r 6c6- ntiwteattention jan buchanan pp fax 9054795420 errailibuchananglobalrnatrixcorn shqw serviges coordinator an opportunity exists with nimlok canada ltd an international 1 manufacturer itradeshow exhibit systems fof a show services coordinator c primary responsibilities include l-a- completion and submission of orders for allied show- services s 10- h f v preparationandmairitenance of schedules for exhibit wntals w r f vl- ongoing liaison with nimlok divisionsdistributors 1 and suppliers the successful candidate must be well organized be abletoj j i written qualified persons are invited to submit resumes in confidence to nimlok canada ltd 315 esna park driver markham l3r- j fax