r srr- rr r- 77- -rrr- ii onfassignmentjgrro64 ie 1 i r i 1 -xvg- v fetrjtif xztszfls bernice collins carries her chihuahuas koko and oscar i the regional municipality ofyork x road improvements w the council of the regional municipality of york proposes to pass a wlawauthorizingi l construction of markhimbypass town of markham a of the markham bypass from highway 467 to highway 48 yr 68 town of markham to a basic width of 36bmetres with additional widenings at cuts fills watercourse crossings surface water drainage facilities and 1 intersections to provide a basicyour lane road with leftturn and rightturn lanes af intersections bthe construction of a temporaryconnection from jhe intersection of the existing majkham by pass northerly to the proposed markham bypass to a basic width of 3sojtietres with additional wideningsat cutsfillswatercourse crossings surface water drainage facilities and intersections to provide a basic two lane road with leftturn and rightturn lanes at intersections- c the widening and reconstruction of majormackenzie drive east yr 25 from highway 48 yr68 to ninth line yr 69 including the elimination of the jog of ninth lmeyr 69 to abasic width of 360 metres with additional widenings j at cuts fills watercourse crossings surface waterirainage facilities and intersections to provide a basic four lane road sv wlt leftturnand right lanes at intersections d thcwidening and reconstruction of i6thavenue cr 73 from the existing markham bypass to the tenth concession road to a basic width lof 360 jnetres with additional widenings at cuts fills watercourse crossings surface water 1 drainage facilities and intersectionsrtoprqvidea basic two 1 j lane road with leftturn and rightturn lanes at intersections te fhemstallatmn control signals and associated v ijliuminalionatjlhemtetsectionsqy markham 1 bypass witff highway 7 ninth line vr 69major mackenzie drive easf cvr highway 48 yr 68xnd the installation jof temporary traffic control signals and associated illumination at the intersection of the and v illumination atthe intersectionof the proposed markham by- pass with 16th avenue yr 73 f feltriecarryingout of all related works and undertakings in connection with the above and i v r- t fo the acquisition of the necessary ands interestin lands hv for the works described abovef r pursuant to section 300 of the municipal act the transportation and works committee of the regional council will at its meetjng tqbethektat 900 arnvontthe28th day of june20ooin committee roomaat the regional administrative building located at 17250 yqnge street newmarket hear any person who claims that hisher lands will be prejudicially affected by thef by- law and who applies to be heard anyone wishing tobe heard is jequested to adyise of the regional clerk attention elma stevenson telephone 8951231 or 73 vooiext 1303 if any party entitled to be heard does not attend at the hearing the cpmmittee proceed in hisher absence and heshe will not i be entitled to any further notice inthe proceedings nhe proposedbylaw and plans showingtheiprpposed works rnkvtieinspected at theoffice of pauuankowskidirectordesign ariti construcjioftjbranc depafeluocatevatthe relgionaradministratiyebuildingat walteiorbiieraises ssss jjnm ii the walk began at brother andre catholic high school is 1 i the regional municipality ofyork roadtmprovements r 1 denisjkelly regional clerk t 17250 yongestreet- newmarket onl3y 6ziv 1 fr rt iiail the council of the regional municipauty of york proposes to pass a bylaw authorizing widening andreconstruaion of elgfn mills road east towns of markham and richmond hill v j a the widening and reconstruction of elgin mills roadeast yr 49 from bayview avenue yr 34 tctmarkland road intfie towns of richmond hill and markham to a basic width of 360 metreswita additional widenings at cuts fills water course crossings and intersections to provide ja basic four lane road with a continuous centre leftturn lane from bayview avenue yr 34 to the proposed highway 404 west ramp intersection a basic four lane road from the propsed highway 404 u west ramp intersection to markland road a new interchange with highway 404 and leftturn and rightturn lanes at intersections b 1 the reconstruction of elgin mills roadeast yr 49 from markland road to jwopdbine avenue yr8 to improve the existing two road and constructionofmmor t improvements to the intersection of elgin mills road east- yr 49 and woodbine avenue yr 8 cthe adjustments to existing traffic control signals and associated illumination jto accommodate the proposed revisionsto theroad layout at the intersection ofelgin mills east yr49 with leslie street yr 12 and woodbine avenue yr 8 d the provision of an undeground conduit system and illuminationjatthe intersections of elgin niiws road east yr49 the- proposed highway 404 ramps and markland road e the carrying out qfall related works and undertakings in connection with trie above and f the acquisitjon necessary v lands and interest in lands for the works described abovei r j pursuant tq section l300 themunicipah act the transportationand works of the regionaicouncij will at its meeting tobe kedat on theuth day of june 2000 in c6mmittee a acthe regional administrative buildmglfocated at 17250 yonge street newmarket hear any person who claims that hisher lands will be prejudicially affwtedby thebylaw and yvfib applies to be heardfanyone wishing jto be headls requetecjcf advise the office of theegipyaldelkaheh telephone ehtitjedjo tje heard does not attend at the hearing the committee may proceed jn hisher absenceand heshe wjl hot beentitled any furthernptice in the proceedings a jhe proposed bylaw and plans showing the proposed works may be jnspected auhe dfficeof paul jankowskif pfrector design andconstructiobranchat the transportatipnand 1 works bepartmenflocated at the regionaf administrative building at 17250 yonge street teleprione 895- i20tfor764 v f dated atnewmarket this 27 day of may 2000 den is kelly i v 7 t regional clerk 5- 17250 yonge street newmarkef bn ly 62i more mm by steve watson j i v correspondents 7 early estimates indicate more than44000 was raised to helpprevent ydiith suicide during thethird anniial for life walk for hope walkathoh k s r t more than 450 people of all ages from various partsof 1 oriteriq walked the tourkilometre route that wound its way through the residential streetssouth of brother andre catholic highschooi z v i- tliewalkathonwasdrganizedbythechouinardandmaher families of markham to increase community awarenessof the problem of suicide and to raise funds for its prevention tlie proceeds will assist the canadian mental health association york region with its youth wellness program the program offers inclass suicide prevention and wellness workshops at no charge to all schools in york region i- 1 the workshops target students from grade 6 tp12arid teach them to address issues such as selfesteemf teasing and t bullying depression and variety of other mental healthconj cems trie workshops encourage students to develop coping s skills and explain how to get help for themselves or a friend- 5 during the 19992000 school year nearly 9000 students were -abletobenefitfrohiworkshops- i book workshops by calling 8987466 or 7988500 ext45 ol j y v 1 0 is 1 tu rl if 4 notice of public consultation centre n6 class environmental assessment for major mackenzie drivecyirs i woodbine avenue yr8 to highway 48 the regional municipality of york is presently undertaking astudyto determine the transportation improvements requiredr mackenzie drive from woodbine avenue to highway 48 in thetown of markham the study is being undertaken in accordanceywiththe requirement of the class environmentarassessrhent fbrmufiicipal road projected 4 si the first two public consultation centres wejejhddtonmayand december 71999 to obtain public input intoevaluifiofioalternativei solutions andjesigns and identificatiojoftpfeterred road input received following these meetings liasbeencohsidered inthe stuciy howevefprior to finalizing the selection of the preferred road- design additional transportation requirements were5broughf forward s by the town of markham as aresult of increased deveujpjrient activity in thestudyvcbrridor- the implementation topthe- proposed developmentsadjapenf to major mackenzie drivehas beenadvanced resulting in theieecl for additional intersectionsand left lane along major mackenzie drive sbonerthan wai initiauyenvisaged jn the study therefdrea new design option has been prepared incorporating these additional requirements r l v l- v ik a third public consultation centre willbe held to present the new alternative roacldesign for public review and comment thepublic consultation centre pccjfwill be held as follows wednesday may 31 2000 630pm 900 pm t r 4 town of markham anthonyroman centremunidpal offices i 1 i hllilfjyi canada room 1 sijljji xoi 101 town centre boulevardtown of markham highway 7 warden avenue l v1 design materials will be on display for public viewing representatives date timer location please note that there is an opportunityat any time during the study for public iriputtlnpurreceived willecorisidered infinalizing the selection of the preferred road design z upon completionof the study an environmental stuciy report esr documenting the project will be filed in the public record for a thirty- calendar day period for publicreview and comment the public wfube notified of the esr filing at the appropriate time through a similar newspaper notice 1 r j v r i i- please address any comments or questions you might have on the projecttov 1 vrs t alladinerrnanpeng dino basso peng s- consultant project l prpjeclmanager j r j- roads and highways group transportation and works department north york ontario newmarket ontario l3y6zi tel 416 4908887ext 243 jek 905 7646345 ext 5090 faxi4i6 fa 1905 8364590 k email adinermahleaca r email dinobassoregionybrkonca 1 1