ssssee3sssssssssssssss s3 am tourbanusesj4a w y itwiu be upjo tihe publicmto lobby politicians and officialstb 0 put municipal goyerrperrtsinyork wererft planning to qiiash 7 development pritnetpaktjridges moraine until hundreds oh residents rose up in angry protest tv ryork ron istii eedgecitits ithe frontier its ontarios t frontier this placecaneithef go smart growth of it can go business as usual he said s i theystick to the lines on the map or they continue to let theudi the urban institute a-developers- lobby group plan yorkllegioh diane bladekwillett manager of pohcydevelopment for by usa queen wvvhilethe system was unacceptable in the pasfrdimonte c 5 v- a 1i by lisa queen ai amhilaha ciictwiivno nnvnohi in fha nas i li mnnto f sj5 i j vrsaidithasbeotmrmoresriatln complainingyorkregionis saddled with the worst ambufcat helpointed out york took over ambulanceieryices from provmcially operated rcorhmuriicatibn centres iriibarne di monte is hdpmg to cohvmce queens jtp use york oshawaandmississauga t as a test case before it detenmmes whether other regjons can dispatchers ronveachcentredoa tcor each otkerrrieahing the closest ambulance i sentto the scene k having a business case i hope they will go while di monte said no patient in york hasdied asji result wait for the whole province he said uuuw awuyiiiwiwbw ui punoyueveiopinem t of me g dispaschirig system he admitted thervhave di monte said he could have a temporary dispatchventre x mepublichealmde y upar running in abolitsk months agrees everyonemust take responsibility for protecting th enwdrupent yl 0 r47 v she said the study which will be distributed toschoplsand 4 libraries and posted on the regions website has alistof rec- p ommendatioris for gbverhfnehtsancl residents to improve the environment y i ajv j iv t howeversfie also pointed out theh report three yeafin the making has spawned regional initiatives such as a greening of the best deals regions aimed at protecting the oak ridges moraine 5 while therreport recognizes york is nch in environmental features it concludes many are atrisk because of growth and jiegle t v a j i h v aithe report found 5 v v almost13qpokecteres 32000 acres of land was turned mto rhousear schoolsrroads andjparks for development between 198r 4997 tfiatsabput the samesize as 90 paramount canadas wonderland parks f xlbetweenigyeand 1996sthe amount offarmland decreased 22 perpent from 99000 hectares to 77500 this rep- resented aloss of three hectares 7 4cres j- b compared to the average ontano resident york residents j everyday is- 4 5 abetween 1986 and 1996 the population ofjyorkincreased s 75 per ceritthe number of vehicle tnps per day jumped 79 per v rcent but thejjseof public transit increased only40 percent the jthe regibn which playsvvital role in supplyiriggfoundwater n iisthreatenedby v js -iv- jwateriirf3lakes rivers- streams andjin underground s acjuifers is at nskfrompollutantsjind overconsumptionthe lowjerpart of the hqllandriverjfor example has some of the sftg6estpnosph6rus and cfilorophylplevels arid thepoorest water quality ever measured in ontano wfii the story school repairstalce back seat to costly mould ti removal in the economist suntribune may 20 the figures forthe public and catholic school boards were transposed i thy3 f a address mould problems and received 15171650 from the provincethe york region public board spent 1 1749843 and n received 3180573fromthe province v f jtweregrettheerrprr- rr compaq vmv520 15 monitor r cblourt miiiiiiiwg pj towiurresario 779 computer amd k62 533 m mhzprocessor ounprice j76549 is4m6ram t price cut 2549 20 0gbs i rebate j 9500 a hard drive price j a 428745388909 rebate 385087 t canon v bjc2ooosp l colour printer- 385087 v printer if fllase from 63mo lemu taxes extra amdh s aomowl ytfarjtrv7 canon- r 5 bjc3000 colour printer colourprinter v j 720 p t 360 dpi r j- prints up to 9 ppm jplack 4 ppm col prints up to 5 pprn black uses usb or ieee parallel interfaces ml ppmcolour 385087 f f vour price 11963 sj our price 22996 mailin rebate 2000 w mailin rebate 3000 rjc2000sp pricej aflr1 rebated priced aftr rebate tjpj388413xcoupon 9490300000000000 gettwo 30gb tcartridgeslriiiwhenlfou purchwe the b onstream digital drivemluelllzp9ii our ivlarkham copy centre now offers 24hour service for all your business needs 29401 now opehmulbndmlwreff