dismct secondsylsch leforbiultfngwt vthe osxmbmp v kp-ifav7- cdnneufrariidintra6kiwithta perrrntll5uehtcb teacher leroy along wito the schools former u mstaedhonounngdconneuandjuuaifranklin j s cdnnell ktheonii whoseentkusfas1ni3rg rwrv r 1wutii we rhought it wasfmng bee asked julians dent went to meforcreglon boarajbf edurafionift wffi ff pkys ed head at sdss for six years in the nm hunoedsdflettersfsuppowfromhlsfeuowsrissst tv jc a requwtfot financial she said it was his dedicati jof 125000 toward whatwodibecome a joint effort mvoto cms tav ingthe board and the town of whltchurchstouffviue from day one it was simhauve and fouowthrough that she said it was his dedication that saw the track through to 4 i r r 4 s ii til v v n y t- c l r stouffviue district secondary school ball carrier heather c taylor squeeze by two alexander mackenzie seotndaryscnool tacklers inruesdays yraagirls rugby t district secondary t spartans prevailed 143 and concluded its regular jeason undefeatedamy mcelroy scored twice andmandy meritary schools and club field teams s varihenbervadded two converts r a 7 fiv r -v- fnendsanliflimdy b a j f ji5 gay s ffeyfal fame at the northeast corner of the faculty is a good way to f acknowledgethe efforts of jhetwqindividuals f yhi de a perrrianerif waveo reniember tnem t the track is currentlyusd by trie high school various ele- yf staff ph0t0sj0erd w1tteveen f j- r a- a tight squeeze 4i f j- f gjgajj wanted uni0nvlillejet seiiefetcca6rfesf v assistanf si- 20002001 season send applicaticihresumeiby juneloth to unioiivilletminor hockey association r- tpo box 64510 unionville ontario l3r0m9 v ts iiuiiuiuisaiuj wcu ukiyi uisuauj- t barriers bighurt routed whitbys krs r j it was the smpersbeshng dot com plumbingl87 in the mefedfihalv ppriandonmeiensseatthelsdi j29m e division champi- theldhittnenanollierbamentryr v peterborolighs quaker oats entry hung ssuccessfulraiderstourhey witrt3200 tajl defeatbn gravy ftrainja scarboroughseaglebeaversports10 rv innn70 ivtnnair ovifiva kir tjo f-t- lor t cfviifrnllttvvitnra rrv 2 znf t- ka actarc titniiirifirol i 0 sjs i inpnze money shared by the top plac- fi stouffvilleuxbridge mix v t v in the maste f- j j rfru l septemhen 27th 2000 93d am to 430 pm a sheiatonpaawayliiiilpnorlh ne copnep oihwy 7 teste rjchfnond ml latesubiectt6change rkniutjyppfcr fjlem prdmbte your organizations training progpams to ydun target auinience market m corapanyusaness i ppnoiiehntrwick jirer a 5vc masters divisionfinal jv- t lis yopif region 200000 households in york region book tod ay to secure your spot can rose sc api w ki ybnr region newspaper group yjgjtsfs lor booking and y x sponsorship opportunities sl fi 8888 18007433353 t c 4 1 t