jj w- ct t 4 w- ci a lessderma nentodtion fft us picture area w 7 once had afillow in his 20s sumrrier when people shed their cloth- iji ing t w tarn who wanted a pink vaf eighty per cent of her clients are v s i women with the most popular desighs a f f feno te fliw bgtfediuonauy feme 05utterfji hopefully hestill like rabbits flowers hearteetcj i vtfe j r r- l i fov trteir hodvv artworwhile olser hmjgk ny- aa i -f- s t women prefer their ankle upper back orvs shops on steeles 404 s for their s f t women prefer iheir ankle upper back ow halo body axt uses only organic veg- breast c- etarjlebasedinkwhichy supposed to pe or usuajly wstrdimesi v last longer than synthetic mk but what choose something that is a reflection of pfotfeburham happens if you get toed of your tattoo themselves their childrenrtheir zodi- rfil- rjst 2 her experience about 30 a sign or something they couect ffl xbf cent of people vrantrtheirjtattops younger fpedple in general jthoose b9 f v removed mn these cases she recom destgns spbfitaiieously tmi wsf mends an artistic cover7urof the ongi- once had fellow jhhisoswkotojteniessage rial hesignwhich is actuajlyless painful wante a pinkenergizeribuhny orfhts my dless expensive th31aserremoval ahn hbpefuuythvb still lerabbitsp awhenyouhavga attoo removed w when he reaches 40 fegssskkn- v laser she explainsrit penetratesthe t a 1 11 s isloh breaking flieinkmtc particles fhat t f typepf removal will leave a scar vi if youre unsure about whether or not to let your forearm become home toa i totem pole you may wish to cohsider henna art i temporary tattoo of sortsjr jhenria is a dye that comes straight from v atubeand lsmoreor less pastedon toj markham main street 1j l i weddlng partiesor groups of friends mitejestedridomgomething different r maflefromthe indian heriria plahtuie3 pasty dye is mixed with teas and oils v 8mt6h2pm4 5 b entertain5ed vproducefruitjdairy fras far asbodypiercing isconcemed ltsitruethat some of us become squea- mish atthesight or the merethought farmers market meats flowersmusicartisans bv- ldrn6reu -f- 1000 otnjnontoxtc lawn p garden cara j i 1 jttvbea partiof trie community at- y jfefife mfemawstrtwhx v jfnd robinsbn streei you need tow at least 18 years 4 tongue piercing is on the upswing for j according to juniper h j3bu either do it to have something to playwith myour mouth or forj erotic j r purposesa she tells her clients sthat y employers may not be entirely receptive 0 totonguejewej7t o icwe sellrspecial fleshcoloured retainers so the wearer can be discreet 1 friday aaay26itothursdayjunelf 2000f all salesare finalt no exchanges returns or price adjustments 7af5the alreadyiediced pnceson v t wi pcjo ap jl f- i rzm8ri we wis to draw your attention to the following in our y current 2000 annual catalogue pflqb 9 k tcm 1 quantum xr spinning combos copy reads xr red aiwff and 6 6us tf j padiesoldsepaateywj pdfttitfmvnifhoff irkimon control svifs thspfodwdoesnolaatifebnie w 11 -ivu- v af f now girls yijw mevwim purses i was 5 vthenji fand prics too low to mention sflksw zgreat rieal on sftfa53l ovftafltcs 2581477205 si- girls 3 perj i l ppck the reduced prices on fragrances gihfsunrisetjrbpicalioasii 1 i rllchildrenst j nevadm tn vj r is overalls 1a99 nowllw h ist arrival camping blanket prices shown aresears priceswereservethengnt to limit quantities personaljshopping only no dealers please f w vl i t bl w v 14 v m j j isytt iv tryw i j pointsvrhey caftacld opfd free sears merchandise or werrtravelcall 1 8002653675 j j i 3 if sens w u i v monday- fnday 10 am 9 pm saturday 9300111 600 pm f sunday 12 noon 500pnv oftiirt 1 catalogue shopping s 3 a sis r- copyright 2000 sears canada incv r j vvesxmregrefanjnconvanfenco 1 3p