50 cents including gst 28 pages thursday may 25 2000 vision toreach us 905 2942200 i- si ibecomelmnortr 1by usa queen hslaff writer 4 if the road to hell is paved witht igood intentions york region j greenspaces may be dobmed ah environmentalist warns r j- john mackenzie treasurers- ahcfreseaicher with 1 mentaljagrbup public spaces rriendwatchestyearoldchrisrpagani sliprbeneathcakerscu gogsjicy waters grill ii olid m j t iyi jiuuuviiic w jcss16 wadsworth 16 andu 47 the elements spelled whentheirjcanoecarjisized saturdaymofriing wadsworth survived wasswallowed up by- v f 4 r n waterstafter awavetopplectthem fnenawasm senbusftrouble he- was pretty darksaid wadsworth vs p overboard vf i made his wayjo pagani took the v knowing that his life was in it was so black all we could see lifejacketoffandgaveittohim the own hands wadsworth set his m was a light coming from a docked pair then contemplated taking their sights on a light from and pushed see police page 9 w j i bjutv implementing tnose strategies is another matter alto- irgetherv 4 4 york- region lsdevelopingnn jjafeyetyijunsustainable manner- right now right now york region n hastofdo some very rsenous- thinking or itwiuibecome la northsaid v mackenzie whose j- group has been pressuring the jegonbsavetstenvironment v ffomtirban sprawl juk ff itwillbea sea a asphalts v stretcningfrom the shoresqf t alrnnfann tnfkf chnrpc nf gt mackenzie is fespondingito ork first- stateofrtheenviron jrment report released lastweek a f iz hraftof vthiedocument was x unveiled a year ago i mitstgreatthatthey hayealj bnrthe ground are they going to31 1 ruralahd agncuituralmandsput sec voice page 5 zk f ff a jmev r o i bt i ithelittle dealership with a big t i k 5336ffighway7awtomconti ps h294140 j toll free 18008922209 wwwnbrthpointeckevoldscom rnorder to serve our cotnmunity kbetiertk salhoufsm l y- jservicehoursi monwiur7 ampm 5 v v spected lies to gm vehicles up to one ton chassis zfjtm inspection brake exhaust lightbulbs trahsmission oil coolant and tiresmt 1 1 a l 4 t ba