aprovincial courtrulingis expected today on 3 tic kjf whether the city of torbntojan rejoina pivotal srvs is ill toargue thease on its- hearing on development of the oak ridges i wn dfe baeremaeker said andtorbnto is the mdraihe in richmond hill r only potential party with ths financial resources to ajudgeheardlarglmiemfridayoriemer oago66brysstj- tfiecity shouldbe a party at the ontario municipal in a prehearing last monththe board refused opponents of several housing developments pro- the town clid not oppose the citys bid to par- j posed for richmond hiuvremaining rural area it j ticipate but has iiot endorsed it vrt alsowill delay the hearings scheduled start date of richmond hill councillor brerlda hogg how- may29 v j s ever jhinks it should toronfohasmemonejrtp glenn de baejemaekerpresidenf of save the k balance but the detjateand thats why we need t rouge valley system said lawyers fordevelopers them there t palmer ro s j quality heating j g sairconditionirig 5 installation 4707563 s i t fbreastvc health ivomanss right feveryones responsibility canadian isoodt cancer canahbme society i du cancer n 1 fake- respond- bility fdnsyour owji brast healthrkecome morerkitowli edgeabtend essrf earful aboutzbreast cancer t v t iir i welrehereto offer support v with trained tfreasthealth speakersand timely w information k cauuswefre tbefxanadiah weiwafeohglp youtlearmmore aboutpositive bjeast behaviours i dueto excessive- inventory friday 9am530pm saturday 9am530pm uproducttprefentationmay 2000 legacy ruriwaik raises 88430 r crothers chair founder of the boardfgina rosenm president foundationf jim aclean president ceo op msh and dr bob gall chjef of staff i jom wembersqf tht 2000 legacy 5km runwalk in tshirtsjtpcelebrate trie representation of 88430 raised for the hospital foundation v- wmhcqiieis vsormorev information contact yourlocal canadian cancer rsociewoffice itcolsave tv- canuiinnimolskf j built by knowing q thing or two about renovations garden b u i l d a l l yjm prices in effect t sun may 28th- 8651 mccowan roacl 905 2945200 hours mon fri 7am 9pm sat 8am 6pm sun sani 5jpms save 1 ave st a f 35 l le domaine fleuri y fa cedar picket 597691 0524967- reg 697 0524967 7 reg 797 t 2gal v wide variety v pfeplours 8 104 reg 1288 1046135 save 2 i v ll b sc k tt bfl i- jlf- v bst tmini roses 1 gal j- fit 833 ss f 115880 reg 1033 v