ftti 8 bfc niimm will iiiii in i jvspouse facechargel ajheftjndmud over vthqpontiacvtlriverost control on the it j5do0i in atwbyear schemethatiiivolved ygmovddelthefcar hitthejlitchfand electronicrmoneytransfers j from the became aubomeflipping at least four times wcarsliwt fired last november i the rnanwas charged with dangerous ri according tqlkeix when the salvation dpraunjraingfioduyharmathishome army had- some cashflow problems last later that morning vr- j year ttfechurchhiianmdependentcon- r jvia fv jmv v i isultant 1- credit card fraud fill shadeomaticd r operations ihe foundwhat the problem was the sv t fjwne iouncuwnat me prodiemwas ine s c t salvation arnty then brought inmeirinter- j- police aresearching for suspects who iq vldliurteamfromhalifkerr rang up more than 1 1000 on two credit kir 4 u kerr said it didnt talcetheauditors long to f cards stolen from a markham couple v ra fraud w ijfj kjtm x- t- i really have bee records j1sftlndow fashions- f r ltsteuffinot ontanol4h 1qs rfcsv s v vt iff ireauyhavebeerfiristructedhottomalffi- sold merchandise to the suspects reo j indicateja yjr vi k l- 1 5 holt renfrew store was also astop for kevinvansteendeiaar30ofcarmihgtdh thvtevesv-r- c r v n- fahd his 24yearold common-lawjwife- j v s jchristinalinkface charges of theftand fraud f fraud charges laid v over 5000 6xyva ivv 1 v i i aformerbookkeeperatamarkhamcom- dangerous driving charges pany lsched with fraud after more than i 6000 was stolen over the past two months policesay booksweredoctored to hide lf l- v a 21yearold zephyr manrlucky to be alive faces charges after a single car crash in the theftthe irregulanties were discovered 1 georginamay6 rfrcaffer the company changed ownership 1 themananda21yearoldpassengerleft richmond hill man faces a party about 3 am with friends the group 14tcountsf fraud and 12 counts of theft dividing into three separate cars under 5000 fi w v- v jwvrf i f hx m we r lovercastlah fabrics cnvasnlorifsfrebhrsilk even seraers on denim jalu are new and y f factorvsealedcartonsandhavear fiveyear f guarantee with thefnew white vspeedy lock ypu i v have easyioperationyeasy maintenance high- j lite t mystery the beginning mfe life goes lri and wit h xhttt comes greatjoy and happiness but kalso sorroiv rjlfexpndjhe night as the sun rises and i regular price 74900 price vviththisad 398 liji dont miss this v v- fabrics rtbe birds sing htbejoutyiey to infinity i- ilfvfey- k 4nti igejnentsia fcv mmii i8spib